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Better buy: Outrun 2 or Otogi 2?


I'm gonna pick one these up tommorow and need some advice. Which of these two games is the best value? Keep in my mind my interpretation of value includes the possibility that one game will price drop faster making it less expensive to pick up later. Thanks.


works for Gamestop (lol)
I think both games are gonna drop in price quickly so it probably doesn't matter which game you choose :p


If I had to choose between the two, I'd got for Otogi 2. It's all awesome and action and sending enemies through walls and statues and shit. Though as others have said, they're both likely to plummet quickly.


Surely both will be cheap soon enough but I want to know which one you would choose, hypothetically, so humor me ;)


If you play Outrun as an arcade game and not as a mission based game then it's a no brainer. Arcade games have infinite replay value. Otogi is great but it's great once.


I'd say both are must-own Xbox games, but if you have to choose...

What are you in the mood for? I was literally just playing Otogi 2 before I typed this, and it's amazing. So much better than the first one, and I loved the original.


Outrun 2.

While Otogi 2 is a great game, I would say wait until it is in the bargin bin. Sadly, another great Sega game on the XBox is going to be overlooked by most gamers.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
Why compare a racing game to an action game anyways? Would you rather drive, or kill shit? Make up your own dumbass mind.

Musashi Wins!

Soul4ger said:
I'd say both are must-own Xbox games, but if you have to choose...

What are you in the mood for? I was literally just playing Otogi 2 before I typed this, and it's amazing. So much better than the first one, and I loved the original.

IAWThisWiseMan. I play both every chance I get. They are both top tier and Sega's best in quite some time as far as I'm concerned.


You can't go wrong no matter which one you choose. I picked both of them up the other day and so far they are both enjoyable titles. Otogi 2 blows the first one out of the water. That title song is stuck in my damn head now, I find myself humming it here at work.


Otogi 2 really does improve on the first one, and not just in the 'more of the same but different' kinda way. There IS that element, but the additional characters and the power-up mechanics add quite a bit of depth, I think.

And of course, it's goddamn fricking gorgeous to watch.

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
MrAngryFace said:
Outrun 2 is stupid, wtf are you guys on. Is this more of those 'in your college for dumbass cred' things im not so used to?

I wonder the exact same thing about Rallisport 2.

Outrun 2 is ok, have had it for a couple weeks. I really dig the 101 challenges quite a bit, and some of the routes are STUNNING(That Holland area with the flower gardens, :guffah! COLOR OVERLOAD!!)

It really does suck that this port doesn't feature the SP alterations, particularly can't stand the lack of competitive bumping and rubbing especially in the online arena(touching anything can be disastrous unless you get bumped ala 1986).

I actually can see myself trading it in for Otogi 2 sometime, assuming the local Gamestop ever gets a copy in.


I think I gave Outrun 2 a half a point more, but that's probably my personal irrational bias speaking. Outrun 2 is really a love-hate proposition, either it'll hook you or you'll detest it MAF-style. Otogi 2 I'd say has a broader potential appeal, even if I personally didn't quite have as much fun with it.



MrAngryFace said:
If you press the l-trigger in Otogi2 you can drift!

If you could blow shit up with a Ferrari 360 in Otogi 2, I wonder if I would have given it a higher score?

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