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Sounds like what I was expecting it to be... a switch over to the mobile port.

Also, 1680x1050 max resolution? What sort of crazy nonsense is this? I could force downsampling in the previous version of the game and use a widescreen hack.


This is also a gentle reminder that Steam gives way too much power to developers to do this sort of shit.
Probably does generally enable more good than bad (you don't get stuff like updated Director's Cuts for free on XBL or PSN, or at least it's much less frequent) though yeah, this shows the darker side of it. Makes me glad I grabbed the PSN Classic though!

Card Boy

Max Payne 3 aside all Rockstar games on PC have some fucken problem. You literally need a crack or mod for all their Steam games outside MP3.


Max Payne 3 aside all Rockstar games on PC have some fucken problem. You literally need a crack or mod for all their Steam games outside MP3.

Yep. Every GTA game needs a mod or a fix (San Andreas funnily enough being the biggest offender), L.A. Noire and Bully need one for 60fps, Manhunt 1 and 2 need one for controllers, etc etc


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
I don't understand why copies already sold would need to be patched to remove the songs.

That's what I don't get. Wouldn't the license stipulations let the previous owners continue to have the licensed songs?


I've been holding out for GTA V on the PC but I've just tried my saves and the take me right back to the start.

I can deal with DRM to a degree and other shady practices but making my saves and time invested useless without a warning or apology? Can't get behind that I'm afraid I'm voting with my wallet on this one.
They have not invented a word to adequately describe what has happened here.

I will hug my first print retail copy tonight. Hot coffee and all.


That's what I don't get. Wouldn't the license stipulations let the previous owners continue to have the licensed songs?
It's always like this with these kinds of patches. We lost Michael Jackson in PvZ, LBP's launch patch removed the vocals in the song that caused a minor uproar (if you even got the version that had it), etc. It would be nice if they just put out a new version we were entitled to that'd also be the one that got future updates though, akin to Batman Arkham Asylum/Arkham City.

Really? I can't enable any resolution higher? And the Anti Aliasing option doesn't even work, there's no way to enable that for me. Also the framerate limiter seems to lock the framerate at 26FPS? It shoots up to over 140FPS unlocked.


Removing the songs from existing owners is a collateral effect of how Steam's update system works: it synchronizes the files to the latest version, and the latest version cannot contain the tracks anymore.

Rockstar could probably have removed the previous version from sale and put the updated version as a different title, but since previous owners can re-download the games indefinitely that probably counts as redistribution in the music licensing contracts.


I've been holding out for GTA V on the PC but I've just tried my saves and the take me right back to the start.

I can deal with DRM to a degree and other shady practices but making my saves and time invested useless without a warning or apology? Can't get behind that I'm afraid I'm voting with my wallet on this one.

Really? I can't enable any resolution higher? And the Anti Aliasing option doesn't even work, there's no way to enable that for me. Also the framerate limiter seems to lock the framerate at 26FPS? It shoots up to over 140FPS unlocked.

Download the patch I linked earlier. It fixes this, but you also need an ASI Loader, which the link also mentions.


A downgrade update? How can they get away with this? The game was purchased with said content they can't just remove it. I'm not bothered by this because I own the retail version but still its so weird. I'm sure mods will fix this up easily.
Over here: http://www.rockstarnexus.com/articl...ated-on-Steam-removes-songs-and-reverts-fixes

There's a patch that corrects some of the issues.
The cookie monster known as Silent has updated his excellent SilentPatch to work with the new update. It fixes a number of issues that have been discovered thus far, such as:

* Aspect ratios are now correct and not squashed, like they used to be
* 1.0/1.01 save games will not be rejected now
* 1.0/3.0 settings file will not be rejected now
* 10ms frame delay has been removed. As a result, game now locks properly on 30 FPS instead of 25 FPS
* Mouse should not lock up randomly when exiting the menu on newer systems anymore
* 16:9 and 5:4 resolutions are now selectable


I guess there is some bullshit in the Steam or Rockstar EULA. But they are not legally binding.

I don' know. can you pull songs from the soundtrack of an old DVD? this seems incredibly shaky to me.
Between this and the additional DRM for GTA5, I don't know why anyone would give R* the benefit of the doubt with regards to the PC version of GTA5.


It is actually due to the fact that shit that didn't exist back when the basics of copyright law became precedent that we're in many of the situations we are today. People look at digital distribution and try to apply shit that made sense before computers existed to it.

Pop music is especially notorious for this. In games most of the time it's publishers bending over than it is the labels, because otherwise it'd be "fuck you, no, don't put our music in your game".

To answer your question, it was most likely (and I could be wrong, so don't quote me on this) a timed contract that said something along the lines of "You're allowed to use these pieces of music, that we own the publishing rights for, on your game _____ which will be manufactured on a timed basis from ____ year to ____ year" which makes sense for retail prints, but obviously doesn't take into account digital distribution at all which wasn't even a thing back then. Then they take that round peg and jam it into a square hole.

Rockstar's hands are very likely tied, here.
If what you say is true you can understand Rockstar making the change for any future purchases, but updating the game for players who already bought it years ago? Sorry, that's fucking terrible and should be illegal.
I think this absolutely sucks, and don't understand why Rockstar couldn't have just removed the Original San Andreas from the store, and just added San Andreas HD or whatever the fuck this version is apparently called. Because then they wouldn't HAVE TO update the game that was bought before all these licensing changes while not breaking the terms of the licensing regarding new purchases, right? (My knowledge of this is very spotty, I ask anyone to clarify if it is genuinely illegal to keep hosting the "outdated" versions of the game due to the expired contracts, despite the possibility to just no longer sell that version of the game).

On the bright side (for me at least): I was bought a Physical copy of San Andreas on PC like 2 years ago, as sort-of a troll present, guess it'll come in handy regarding all this.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Removing the songs from existing owners is a collateral effect of how Steam's update system works: it synchronizes the files to the latest version, and the latest version cannot contain the tracks anymore.

Rockstar could probably have removed the previous version from sale and put the updated version as a different title, but since previous owners can re-download the games indefinitely that probably counts as redistribution in the music licensing contracts.

The way Steam works is that games are added to packages, which contain various data depots, the latter of which are what patches are applied to, not the app itself. What R* could have done here is spun off the updated selection of music into a new depot and added it to new subs, which is exactly what it did with Vice City:

Well, in this case, not entirely. What R* did with Vice City was make new packages for the game that included the modified data, which allowed those who'd bought the game earlier to retain the original music, but for whatever reason this same courtesy wasn't considered here and instead everybody loses the tracks regardless of when the game was purchased.

R* updating the game as a whole isn't the result of a legal obligation; it's just the easiest way to go about things. Existing owners of the game being hit with the modified music is, put simply, a veritable case of "lazy devs".

Edit: Offered a slightly deeper explanation.


Can't we just roll back the version to an earlier one? I remember having to do that on the Steam version of GTA IV for ENB.

You can - and is recommended for mod support - but the music being removed stays removed, I believe.

I had to roll back on Vice City to use mods and I had the Steam version - that didn't introduce the missing music.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
This is one of the rare instances when I hope someone sues over this.

The precedent of removing content is complete bullshit. This was never implied when I bought the game. I'm sure it's buried somewhere in the EULA, but this kind of thing should be explained on the box.

Maybe a good suing would force companies to clearly label any content that will expire. They already have to make it explicitly clear that online services may be discontinued.


Someone on Steam was just pointed out that the system requirements on the store page say 'Software installations required including DirectX and Sony DADC SecuROM."

I don't remember this title ever having SecuROM or even notice it now...


Taking away content you PAID for? Well that's certainly a scummy thing to do. Might be enough to convince me NOT to purchase GTA V now. After all, who knows what ELSE they will decided to take away as they apparently see fit. This kind of crap shouldn't even be legal but I'm sure they nicely tucked away a clause in the lengthy EULA covering their asses. Shitty and immoral as per usual.


Awful. They cut corners both on the relicensing / legal aspect of this, and on the technical QA / dev work. Rockstar really treated their customers poorly here.
Awful. They cut corners both on the relicensing / legal aspect of this, and on the technical QA / dev work. Rockstar really treated their customers poorly here.

Rockstar treats their back catalog on Steam abysmally. I can't get Manhunt or Max Payne to work without fan patches (and I am sure the rest of their PS2 era stuff other than GTA is busted as well).

Remember this?
(actually most of their PS2 era games used fan cracks IIRC, they changed a bunch of their executables around then)
That's definitely a new addition:

But it could just be correcting an oversight/a clarification seeing as the page has always mentioned installations yet previously the only example given was DirectX.

How can i see if it has securom? what folder to look in?
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