Gaga's confirmed for the super bowl! Joanne saved
Made an OT thread just for fun and some1 already did it. The Hype truly is real huh?
Gaga's confirmed for the super bowl! Joanne saved
Queen Wendy Williams said Miley is a carnival act.
Thats not a place for an indie artistGaga's confirmed for the super bowl! Joanne saved
Made an OT thread just for fun and some1 already did it. The Hype truly is real huh?
Hopefully This time no one will fell to the hypeGaga to serve no man's sky overhype tii at superbowl!!
They should get Adele to do it.Mau ®;218577386 said:I ain't even mad she's doing it. I can't really see anybody else being offered that slot (besides Rihanna, who has rejected it 2-3 times now). Maybe Drake or Kanye?
I think that says a lot about music nowadays that we've run our of big acts to headline the SB.
Adele said no though, she was the first option and Adele can totally entertain, as proof just see her Glastonbury showThey should get Adele to do it.
The biggest pop star in the world by a mile.
Audience may be put to sleep tho cus of just ballads
I just saw Fifth Harmony in a PetSmart ad
but dem vocals are more like 3rd grade spring concert in the middle of a strep outbreakSolange going all in for that blackness. Makes Beyoncè's effort look like a high school science fair project.
I just saw Fifth Harmony in a PetSmart ad
but dem vocals are more like 3rd grade spring concert in the middle of a strep outbreak
I just saw Fifth Harmony in a PetSmart ad
let me send this to Trump so he builds the wall higher. Poor Ally
I mean what is the track that everyone skips on Lemonade?To be fair, I'd rather have that then Beyòncé over singing like Love on Top, or, more recently, that track everyone skips on Lemonade.
Love on Top is amazing tho...?To be fair, I'd rather have that then Beyòncé over singing like Love on Top, or, more recently, that track everyone skips on Lemonade.
Love on Top is amazing tho...?
Love on Top is amazing tho...?
& it's actually a pretty simple song? There's no over singing.
A pop podcast that I listen to just did an episode on Lady Gaga and it was really interesting.
The podcast is always really good, it selects songs, themes or artists and breaks them down both into the music theory behind them as well as a general discussion. It's called Switched on Pop.
The episode in the first half discusses perfect illusion and makes me think the song is a lot more clever than initial appearancebut still shit.
The second half is about Gaga's career overall and the fame/monster theme she has throughout all her music.
The fact she gained and lost relevancy after twerking on Robin Thicke's unthick cock and she has the nerve to say Mariah's shtick is "look at me". Bitch you made a video with cocaine addicts stepping on your head
how is tr*mp anyway? he's been looking pretty sick recently. he couldn't stop sniffing when hillary clinton was destroying his career.
Topping her on looking like a fucking dumbass? Sure is, sis. I guess you just like to identify with garbage lmaoHe's topping your fav just like the Fifth Hews are on billboard.
Topping her on looking like a fucking dumbass? Sure is, sis. I guess you just like to identify with garbage lmao
Hi Popgaf, long time lurker. I recently went through a breakup and was left a mess. I did some soul searching afterwards and I found faith in my Lordess and Savior, Solange and her bop Losing You. After letting Solange into my heart and soul, I went through a spiritual journey and listened to her latest album A Seat at the Table in its entirety and I'm still shaking from its poignant message about the sad reality of our society.
But hot damn is that album on fire!
P.S Beyonce hew?
Listen to 21 by Adele and Jagged Little Pill by Alanis MorriseteHi Popgaf, long time lurker. I recently went through a breakup and was left a mess. I did some soul searching afterwards and I found faith in my Lordess and Savior, Solange and her bop Losing You. After letting Solange into my heart and soul, I went through a spiritual journey and listened to her latest album A Seat at the Table in its entirety and I'm still shaking from its poignant message about the sad reality of our society.
But hot damn is that album on fire!
P.S Beyonce hew?
Hi Popgaf, long time lurker. I recently went through a breakup and was left a mess. I did some soul searching afterwards and I found faith in my Lordess and Savior, Solange and her bop Losing You. After letting Solange into my heart and soul, I went through a spiritual journey and listened to her latest album A Seat at the Table in its entirety and I'm still shaking from its poignant message about the sad reality of our society.
But hot damn is that album on fire!
P.S Beyonce hew?
I'll check her and Bon Iver's new releases after my evening coffee.