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BGR Rumor: Apple to phase out iPad Mini / JPN blog: Apple to phase in mini iPad Pro


I love my iPad Mini 4. Cannot understand why they would stop that model size. Make an iPad Pro version for sure, they seem to be wanting to gravitate everyone on to ever more expensive products, which is a shame. But please don't scrap this form factor. It's brilliant.

I don't care if I could get a phone with a huge screen, it's still not at that pitch perfect size the iPad mini is at. The larger iPads are too cumbersome and a large phone... is a large phone. I like my phone to remain palm-able and my tablet to be easy to hold one handed. The screen size is great for browsing and all the usual stuff without feeling like a device larger than I really need for the job. It's still a magical device to use to be honest and the split screen functionality is brilliant on it for a bit of browsing and Tweetbot side by side.
The Pro line is such a scam for the average user.

As an average web/email/consumption device it's such overkill.

Plus while there will be a new Mini Pro it'll be priced higher than the current regular non pro iPad.

I can only assume margins weren't worth it for Apple to try and go cheaper than the current new non pro iPad.

I mean, that's why there's Pro in the name, but yeah. The only real point in its defense as a consumption-only device is the excellent display and the much-improved speakers (it's excellent for Netflix in bed).

I don't care if I could get a phone with a huge screen, it's still not at that pitch perfect size the iPad mini is at. The larger iPads are too cumbersome and a large phone... is a large phone. I like my phone to remain palm-able and my tablet to be easy to hold one handed.

This is why I think the idea that there'll be a smaller-sized iPad Pro taking the place of the 'mini' with the same screen dimensions makes sense - the iPad Pro 9.7" is light, sure, but still a good 30% heavier than the iPad mini (furthermore, with the Mini version, its center of gravity will always be closer to where you're gripping it than it can possibly be for the 9.7" model, and that arguably matters a lot more than the actual weight does at this point). Apple's just trying to slowly raise the prices of the hardware in order to compensate for the longer refresh cycles.
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