That's crazy. My partner and I lost to a doubles team in tennis districts that went on to take 2nd in state and I was pissed they didn't win. If I get eliminated by someone, I want them to win so I can say I lost to the best. Respect greatness.
Its hard to compare this to tennis, but the best example I can think of would be this: Imagine how you would feel, if you were playing a 6 point match and the team that beat you were given a 2 point lead by default as a handicap, because they played in last years tournament. Forgetting anything social, thats pretty much what Paul got from Big Brother.
Now add the fact that most of these people were lied to, in some cases unnecessarily and you can probably see where some of them dont give a fuck about how great his game was.
Lying is definitely part of the game, but he had some deceptions that were beyond what was necessary. Not to mention he had an active hand in bullying Cody and Mark who he knew were going to jury. That was 3 of his votes trashed from the get go. I still think he might have caught Mark and Elenas vote if he could have taken Christmas to the final two, but its hard to know. He fucked up way before that last HOH.