Kevin's social game was strong, he couldn't win comps to save his life though. I can't expect anything from a 50+ year old vs. 20 somethings.
Comps-wise I'd probably have Alex or Jason (hated Alex though)
This is the face of someone who should of watched his own season. He made the same mistakes he made last year. He learned nothing about owning up to your game and not lying to the jury in the goodbye messages.
The latter created the former. He lost two votes he should have won.I would say Paul losing was a combo of a bitter as fuck jury and his poor jury management.
Maybe he should have actually watched big brother.
The latter created the former. He lost two votes he should have won.
Agreed. But he lost the other two all on his own. You don't need a sweep, you just need enough to win, and the way he treated the Jason/Alex evictions killed him.He should have won every vote. He didn't really manage Mark, Elena, or Cody poorly. They're just salty he out played them.
...Nicole? lolJosh is the worst winner since I can't even remember.
He only got there because Paul dragged him there.
Josh is the worst winner since I can't even remember.
He only got there because Paul dragged him there.
BB should have gone to 3 noms (mandatory veto, no replacement) and 3 finalists eons ago imo.Worst winner since Nicole...and then Steve...
Worst winner since Nicole...and then Steve...
Have you ever seen a bitter jury change their tone?some of these comments are AMAZING.![]()
Wheres the simpson gif of that kid getting his heart broke? Need that side by side Paul when he heard the final votes
Paul played a great game in the house, but his jury management was still shit, like last season. I don't know why he didn't just admit in the goodbye messages the role he played.
It's up there. Top 3 for sureso was this a relatively bad season or what, this was my first season watching
so was this a relatively bad season or what, this was my first season watching
Man this season was pretty bad. If you have CBS all access its absolutely worth your time to go back and watch some of the earlier seasons if you are at all interested in the show. Season 8 was especially was this a relatively bad season or what, this was my first season watching
Mike Pence won???A transphobic bigot with serial killer face won afp?
Josh is a Legend
This fucker voted for him.
This guy???Only because he wanted to fuck over the guy who out played him.
This guy???
Means to an end.Josh didn't do shit is the point. Only reason he won is because he was sitting next to Paul at the end.
Means to an end.
Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good.Got lucky that Paul chose him to be his goat instead of say Raven.
Yup.You know what just dawned on me? The remarkable similarities between Paul from Big Brother and Russell Hantz from Survivor.
Both of them:
- Runner up on their first season
- Runner up on the very next season of the show
- Were widely thought to have dominated their respective seasons
- Lost due to poor jury management
- Encouraged and/or took part in bully tactics to their detriment