You haven't been missing much. Godfrey is the only star.I'm glad I never picked this season back up.
You haven't been missing much. Godfrey is the only star.I'm glad I never picked this season back up.
You haven't been missing much. Godfrey is the only star.
Both the production and editing this season has been absolutely tone-deaf. It's too bad.They know it's going to be a unanimous vote, we know it's going to be a unanimous vote yet they still cut to commercial after 4 votes to create some non-existent tension.
Both the production and editing this season has been absolutely tone-deaf. It's too bad.
They know it's going to be a unanimous vote, we know it's going to be a unanimous vote yet they still cut to commercial after 4 votes to create some non-existent tension.
I went to the live taping last week when JP got sent out. Someone asked if they know the votes ahead of time or if they order house guests for max drama. They said they had an idea based on DR sessions, but they never outright ask or tell house guests what their votes are or should be.
Voting order is usually based on DR sessions, but they don't try to make it a tie or anything before that commercial break at all. Most of the time it's pure coincidence.
The only thing more masochistic than watching reality TV is watching professional wrestling or being a lifelong fan of a loser sports team like the Cleveland Browns.Why in the world are they having a triple eviction? It will make the endgame that much more boring when one side of the house gets decimated like that. What a miserable season. Watching this and Survivor is frustrating viewing.
HOH Nominations This Week -___Bobby___ and ___Britnee___
Wow. Looks like Britney is going to become the block queen of this season, like Gary was. :/ I sort of feel sorry for her but wonder if she could of improved her social game to prevent this from happening. Notice how the Diaper Alliance and Chop Shop only put Sarah up when they wanted to eliminate her. They've hardly put her up as a pawn.
POV Ceremony Results -Kevin did NOT use the power of veto and kept his nominations the same. As of right now it appears that Bobby will be leaving for the jury house on Triple Eviction Night... however, both the Zach-Ashleigh votes and Sarah-Willow votes seem to be workable. I do not believe this vote will be unanimous. Seems like 6-1 or 5-2 right now.
Looks like I was wrong.POV Ceremony Results -Kevin did NOT use the power of veto and kept his nominations the same. As of right now it appears that Bobby will be leaving for the jury house on Triple Eviction Night... however, both the Zach-Ashleigh votes and Sarah-Willow votes seem to be workable. I do not believe this vote will be unanimous. Seems like 6-1 or 5-2 right now.
Sad because I thought Bruno was one of the smarter people in the house, and most likeable.
At least this may lead to an actual divided house finally, hopefully.
Get hyped everybody!What's the BB record for most unanimous evictions?
Triple elimination should be interesting. At least it adds some different drama from the usual boring routine.
Get hyped everybody!
I'm predicting Bobby, Godfrey and Sarah... but that's me being a negative nancy.We'll probably get Bobby, Britnee and Sarah evicted.
"I don't want to get blood on my hands"
You have chosen... wisely.The episode was just insane. My opinion has totally shifted after that episode... the only HG I still love is.Godfrey
By far the best of the season.Good episode....
That's Big Brother Canada for ya.Does there need to be a twist every damn week?!? They can't even play the game, the twists ruin any type of long term planning or strategy.
My only thought process on Zach saving Willow over Pili is that he doesn't like the idea of Ashleigh controlling two votes. He wants her subservient to him and not free to spread her wings in the game. Because that terrifies him and won't make her beholden to him.Sarah's vote was bad but there's some justification. She wasn't crazy in assuming that the guys would save Kevin, and Ashleigh would save Pilar, so instead of saving Willow, she went with Pilar, hoping to save at least one girl. She kind of over thought it though, and Zach saving Willow was bizarre.
Unfortunately, the show did a piss poor job at setting up the possibility so it ends up being a complete WTF moment for anybody who hasn't been watching the feeds. I know they have limited time to foreshadow, but the contestant decisions this episode are going to take some time to understand.Bruno saving Zach was the absolute correct move for his game given the past 48 hours of live feeds.
That's what I've always thought too, but leaving these guys to just play out the game is boring as shit. All we were getting from the regular episodes is yet another unanimous house vote and another week of no blood safe play. BORING!Does there need to be a twist every damn week?!? They can't even play the game, the twists ruin any type of long term planning or strategy.
I did enjoy seeing Kevin get the boot. Reminded me too much of JP.
But despite my personal dislike at least he was playing the game so I'll give him that. It's looking more and more like a floater is going far this season. Pilar and Ash are so useless.
Also, word from the episode tapings is that there was an altercation between Bruno and Sarah immediately after he used the veto to save Zach. It's possible this is what led to Sarah's mystifying vote thinking there was no chance of Willow staying in the house after B put her on the block.
I think Pili would easily beat Ashleigh in a jury vote right now. And I could see her beating some other potential Final 2 opponents like Zach or Sarah if the jury was bitter enough.I'm pretty sure that's why Britney never put up Ashleigh on the block, and that is why everyone voted to save Pilar. Pilar is the person you want with you in final two, because there is no way anyone will vote for her to win, since she's hands down the weakest player in the game.
I'm pretty sure that's why Britney never put up Ashleigh on the block, and that is why everyone voted to save Pilar. Pilar is the person you want with you in final two, because there is no way anyone will vote for her to win, since she's hands down the weakest player in the game. Willow also has been a big floater this season, but finally we get to see her leave the house which is great. The best part was when she was giving her plea to stay in the house. She asked to stay so she could finally play the game, lmao. She had seven weeks and she didn't do anything at all. I think it's too late to say something like that.
I don't think this is going to work well to demonize Bruno. Everyone already knows that he was aligned with Zach before. Sarah should of voted to save her own ally, even if it meant voting against the house. The other HGs wouldn't target Sarah for simply trying to save Willow, I think.
HOH Spoiler -_Ashleigh_She has immunity for the week in addition to HOH room privileges, however her nominations will be overturned by this week's hybrid forced Diamond Power of Veto / Coup d'Etat twist.
What's the full twist again?
Would be funny if Ashleigh's HOH resulted in a Zach eviction.
Essentially the twist is that the two people who receive the highest number of votes on the official BBCAN website will be designated Have-Nots for the week.What's the full twist again?
Would be funny if Ashleigh's HOH resulted in a Zach eviction.
BBCAN is learning after Bruno's useless veto twist.a mandatory power that must be used
HOH Nominations This Week -__Godfrey__ and __Sarah__