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Big Brother Canada Season 3 |OT| - Premieres Monday, March 23rd at 8:00pm on Global

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I was actually bummed I couldn't watch tonight's ep, but Jesus the spoiler makes me glad I couldn't. I won't even bother watching it later .


Unconfirmed Member
They know it's going to be a unanimous vote, we know it's going to be a unanimous vote yet they still cut to commercial after 4 votes to create some non-existent tension.


They know it's going to be a unanimous vote, we know it's going to be a unanimous vote yet they still cut to commercial after 4 votes to create some non-existent tension.
Both the production and editing this season has been absolutely tone-deaf. It's too bad.


Unconfirmed Member
Both the production and editing this season has been absolutely tone-deaf. It's too bad.

Can't wait for the JP-Sindy jury house showmance on the next show, to go along with the other two crappy showmances they'll shove into the episode.


not a medical professional
They know it's going to be a unanimous vote, we know it's going to be a unanimous vote yet they still cut to commercial after 4 votes to create some non-existent tension.

I went to the live taping last week when JP got sent out. Someone asked if they know the votes ahead of time or if they order house guests for max drama. They said they had an idea based on DR sessions, but they never outright ask or tell house guests what their votes are or should be.

Voting order is usually based on DR sessions, but they don't try to make it a tie or anything before that commercial break at all. Most of the time it's pure coincidence.


Unconfirmed Member
I went to the live taping last week when JP got sent out. Someone asked if they know the votes ahead of time or if they order house guests for max drama. They said they had an idea based on DR sessions, but they never outright ask or tell house guests what their votes are or should be.

Voting order is usually based on DR sessions, but they don't try to make it a tie or anything before that commercial break at all. Most of the time it's pure coincidence.

Not saying they explicitly know what the vote is, or that they can change commercial air time on the fly, but they had to have known how the vote was going down before editing the show together for tonight, no need to drag the vote out.

Survivor is great at this, the final 20 minutes of the show include the build up to the vote, plus the vote itself with no commercial interruptions.
Why in the world are they having a triple eviction? It will make the endgame that much more boring when one side of the house gets decimated like that. What a miserable season. Watching this and Survivor is frustrating viewing.


Why in the world are they having a triple eviction? It will make the endgame that much more boring when one side of the house gets decimated like that. What a miserable season. Watching this and Survivor is frustrating viewing.
The only thing more masochistic than watching reality TV is watching professional wrestling or being a lifelong fan of a loser sports team like the Cleveland Browns.


HOH Nominations This Week -
___Bobby___ and ___Britnee___


Conversation Between the HOH and his "Supposed" Target from Earlier This Morning


HOH Nominations This Week -
___Bobby___ and ___Britnee___

Wow. Looks like Britney is going to become the block queen of this season, like Gary was. :/ I sort of feel sorry for her but wonder if she could of improved her social game to prevent this from happening. Notice how the Diaper Alliance and Chop Shop only put Sarah up when they wanted to eliminate her. They've hardly put her up as a pawn.


Wow. Looks like Britney is going to become the block queen of this season, like Gary was. :/ I sort of feel sorry for her but wonder if she could of improved her social game to prevent this from happening. Notice how the Diaper Alliance and Chop Shop only put Sarah up when they wanted to eliminate her. They've hardly put her up as a pawn.

Britt actually has a better social connection with the others than Sarah in terms of being a target tbh. Most of them really don't trust Sarah and I think they would target her before Britt when it comes down to it. The only person who who would actively target Britt is Ash


Live feeds update...

Fearing that Kevin will not be beloved by Canada if he takes out Godfrey, Production has steered him towards a different path. Kevin plans to pull Brittnee down from the block during the POV ceremony and put Bruno up opposite Bobby to split them up prior to the Triple Eviction.

He is working independent of the Diapers with this play and has not revealed his plans to Zach, Ashleigh or Pili. In fact, the one person in the house he has elected to loop in on this play is Sarah.


Live feeds update #2...

I stand corrected.
Kevin has instead decided that it would be a fun idea to lie to everyone in the house about using the veto to put up Godfrey (Zach, Ashleigh), to put up Bruno (Sarah) or to put up Zach (Godfrey, Bruno) and will in fact NOT use the veto at all (which he has only told to Pili) and keep the noms the same to infuriate everyone and likely result in a Brittnee or Bobby eviction and the entire house upset with him.

That's... not so bright.


POV Ceremony Results -
Kevin did NOT use the power of veto and kept his nominations the same. As of right now it appears that Bobby will be leaving for the jury house on Triple Eviction Night... however, both the Zach-Ashleigh votes and Sarah-Willow votes seem to be workable. I do not believe this vote will be unanimous. Seems like 6-1 or 5-2 right now.
POV Ceremony Results -
Kevin did NOT use the power of veto and kept his nominations the same. As of right now it appears that Bobby will be leaving for the jury house on Triple Eviction Night... however, both the Zach-Ashleigh votes and Sarah-Willow votes seem to be workable. I do not believe this vote will be unanimous. Seems like 6-1 or 5-2 right now.

Not really keeping up with the feeds but for some reason I'm hoping
Bobby stays as I feel like he'd target Zach and Kevin and would provide as a giant meat-shield for the girls/Godfrey. Then again, Bobby has proven to be pretty dumb so no love lost for either house guest if they are evicted.
It all comes down to the triple eviction... Wednesday will either be the best episode of the season, or the worst. Either way, next eviction episode will be big.


POV Ceremony Results -
Kevin did NOT use the power of veto and kept his nominations the same. As of right now it appears that Bobby will be leaving for the jury house on Triple Eviction Night... however, both the Zach-Ashleigh votes and Sarah-Willow votes seem to be workable. I do not believe this vote will be unanimous. Seems like 6-1 or 5-2 right now.
Looks like I was wrong.
The season of house votes from scared little hamsters continues... Bobby will be evicted by a vote of 7-0.

Just as an FYI, only 5 of the 9 people remaining in the house will be casting votes to send two people out of the house during Triple Eviction night.


The house alliance dynamic appears to be shifting dramatically in the wake of Bruno's 36-hour self-destructive campaign since the POV ceremony left Bobby exposed on the block as a house target.

Feeds update...
in addition to blowing up his own game in a desperate effort to save Bobby, he's gone out of his way to divide the house along gender lines spouting out to anyone within earshot that the girls are just sitting back and waiting for the guys to take each other out before smothering them.

Zach has been receptive to this pitch but his receptiveness has led to Ashleigh becoming passive-aggressive towards him and she's now organizing spy sessions with Sarah and B and feeding them information.


We now have a full-on game divide between the guys (Bobby / Bruno / Zach) and the girls (Ashleigh / Sarah / B / Willow) with Kevlar and Godfrey in the middle as both sides begin to hunker down for Wednesday's triple eviction (which they have been tipped off by the DR about).


Unconfirmed Member
Sad because I thought Bruno was one of the smarter people in the house, and most likeable.

At least this may lead to an actual divided house finally, hopefully.
Sad because I thought Bruno was one of the smarter people in the house, and most likeable.

At least this may lead to an actual divided house finally, hopefully.

yeah I thought he wouldn't have fought so hard for Bobby. I know Bobby is a shield for him, but Bobby is just exhausting to deal with.

God I hope so, even if it is a bit cliche of guys vs girls thing.


What's the BB record for most unanimous evictions?

Triple elimination should be interesting. At least it adds some different drama from the usual boring routine.


We'll probably get Bobby, Britnee and Sarah evicted.

"I don't want to get blood on my hands"
I'm predicting Bobby, Godfrey and Sarah... but that's me being a negative nancy.
Zach is still the most likely evictee tonight.


Bobby was Evicted by a Unanimous Vote of 7-0
The Triple Eviction HOH Winner is.... Brittnee.


Initial noms were Zach/Kevin/Pilar.
Bruno won POV... and USED IT TO SAVE ZACH.
Willow has now gone up as the replacement nominee.

Two out of Kevin/Pilar/Willow will go to jury tonight.

I'm scratching my head as to why Ashleigh wasn't the replacement nom over Willow.


Ash, Bruno, God, Sarah and Zach were each given a single vote to save the nominee of their choice.
Kevin was evicted as a threat and Willow was evicted to cripple Sarah. Pilar was saved.

Your Final 7 = Ashleigh, Brittnee, Bruno, Godfrey, Pilar, Sarah, Zach


Unconfirmed Member
Why the fuck would Bruno save Zach, what an idiot

Could have evicted both Kevin and Zach lol
Honestly I wouldn't want to off Ash just yet, even though the guys are against the girls. Zach is kind of an idiot so Ash still has some sway to him. If Ash left too Zach would only be up Bruno's ass. This really depends if Ash and Brit can really work together, so as long as Ash can not hate Brit they could possibly make Zach do something. Plus it looks good for Britt's game that she didn't put up Ash at all, so maybe that can also help Ash get over her hatred of Britt. Just sucks they lost Willow since she was up Sarah's ass, so that could have helped them.

I'm very happy Kevin left, like I'm beyond estatic. I wish Zach could gone too, but Bruno saving him was good for his game and this will lead to a semi interesting place.


Bruno saving Zach was the absolute correct move for his game given the past 48 hours of live feeds.
B's decision to make Willow the replacement nominee instead of Ash was an emotional one... but can still be justified.
Sarah overthinking her save vote and evicting Willow in the process? That was just dumb.

Still no update on who the new HOH for the week is... although given that they will have no power over the eventual final nominees this is more of a pre-emptive POV competition than anything else.

My decision on who to vote as one of the two Have-Nots this week is largely dependent on who wins and who I will trust not to make "dumb" moves with it.
The episode was just insane. My opinion has totally shifted after that episode... the only HG I still love is

I'm done with the girls... they had it... All Britney had to do was nominate Zach, Kevin and Bruno... but not only does she royally mess it up but she also puts up her own number... I mean I'm not watching the feeds but what the hell could Willow have done to put her on her hit-list? B is a terrible player and deserves the inevitable loss coming. Sarah also lost my respect... though her mistake is at the very least somewhat understandable. I guess she wanted to split the vote assuming the guys were trying to save Kevin... but still... if you had just voted for Willow.... agh... I'm done. I'm okay with Zach winning and even Bruno at this point... still team Godfrey all the way but damn....

Good episode....


Does there need to be a twist every damn week?!? They can't even play the game, the twists ruin any type of long term planning or strategy.


Sarah's vote was bad but there's some justification. She wasn't crazy in assuming that the guys would save Kevin, and Ashleigh would save Pilar, so instead of saving Willow, she went with Pilar, hoping to save at least one girl. She kind of over thought it though, and Zach saving Willow was bizarre.


Sarah's vote was bad but there's some justification. She wasn't crazy in assuming that the guys would save Kevin, and Ashleigh would save Pilar, so instead of saving Willow, she went with Pilar, hoping to save at least one girl. She kind of over thought it though, and Zach saving Willow was bizarre.
My only thought process on Zach saving Willow over Pili is that he doesn't like the idea of Ashleigh controlling two votes. He wants her subservient to him and not free to spread her wings in the game. Because that terrifies him and won't make her beholden to him.

Also, word from the episode tapings is that there was an altercation between Bruno and Sarah immediately after he used the veto to save Zach. It's possible this is what led to Sarah's mystifying vote thinking there was no chance of Willow staying in the house after B put her on the block.


Bruno saving Zach was the absolute correct move for his game given the past 48 hours of live feeds.
Unfortunately, the show did a piss poor job at setting up the possibility so it ends up being a complete WTF moment for anybody who hasn't been watching the feeds. I know they have limited time to foreshadow, but the contestant decisions this episode are going to take some time to understand.

Saving Zach? They were adamant about breaking up the couples and now the main power couple are still sitting proud.
Backdooring Willow? Geez, B. Failure to see the big picture or what?
Saving Pilar? Really? Difficult to understand that decision by that side of the house.

Obviously this guys vs girls thing is bigger than they could touch on in this episode. Or at least that's what we're left to assume. It sure made for a great big WTF? and unanswered questions.


Does there need to be a twist every damn week?!? They can't even play the game, the twists ruin any type of long term planning or strategy.
That's what I've always thought too, but leaving these guys to just play out the game is boring as shit. All we were getting from the regular episodes is yet another unanimous house vote and another week of no blood safe play. BORING!

So I'm going to commend BBCAN for stepping up and creating some drama and controversy with these twists. This episode had flaws, but it was a helluva lot more interesting than what was going on. Trying to play up some fake voting drama when everybody watching knows it's just another unanimous vote is a waste of time.

If you leave these guys to do their long term planning and strategy then you get a season like the last BBUS where the entire second half of the game plays out exactly like expected. Good for BBCAN for bringing the expect the unexpected surprises.


I did enjoy seeing Kevin get the boot. Reminded me too much of JP.

But despite my personal dislike at least he was playing the game so I'll give him that. It's looking more and more like a floater is going far this season. Pilar and Ash are so useless.


It's a bloody shame for Kevin. He was the player I was rooting for to win. He's been playing the game perfectly and the only reason why he got evicted was because of the random twist. Normally, I've hated all of the twists that were played this season, but this latest one has made the game a lot more interesting since the game's group dynamics have changed and we don't know exactly why the HGs made the moves that they did last night.

I guess Bruno must really think that the girls vs boys alliance is for real, because it seemed to me that he was going to take out Zach with the first opportunity that he would get. I wonder why Britney put up Willow. Willow was a potential ally for Britney, but perhaps Britney was smart enough to know that Sarah would stab her in the back if Willow was still in the game.

For once now, I'm actually excited to what happens on Sunday. I'm not looking forward to see how the twist turns out though.


I did enjoy seeing Kevin get the boot. Reminded me too much of JP.

But despite my personal dislike at least he was playing the game so I'll give him that. It's looking more and more like a floater is going far this season. Pilar and Ash are so useless.

I'm pretty sure that's why Britney never put up Ashleigh on the block, and that is why everyone voted to save Pilar. Pilar is the person you want with you in final two, because there is no way anyone will vote for her to win, since she's hands down the weakest player in the game. Willow also has been a big floater this season, but finally we get to see her leave the house which is great. The best part was when she was giving her plea to stay in the house. She asked to stay so she could finally play the game, lmao. She had seven weeks and she didn't do anything at all. I think it's too late to say something like that.

Also, word from the episode tapings is that there was an altercation between Bruno and Sarah immediately after he used the veto to save Zach. It's possible this is what led to Sarah's mystifying vote thinking there was no chance of Willow staying in the house after B put her on the block.

I don't think this is going to work well to demonize Bruno. Everyone already knows that he was aligned with Zach before. Sarah should of voted to save her own ally, even if it meant voting against the house. The other HGs wouldn't target Sarah for simply trying to save Willow, I think.


I'm pretty sure that's why Britney never put up Ashleigh on the block, and that is why everyone voted to save Pilar. Pilar is the person you want with you in final two, because there is no way anyone will vote for her to win, since she's hands down the weakest player in the game.
I think Pili would easily beat Ashleigh in a jury vote right now. And I could see her beating some other potential Final 2 opponents like Zach or Sarah if the jury was bitter enough.
She's playing the same kind of game that won a Big Brother season once before. Jordan won Big Brother 11 doing pretty much exactly what Pili's doing.


I'm pretty sure that's why Britney never put up Ashleigh on the block, and that is why everyone voted to save Pilar. Pilar is the person you want with you in final two, because there is no way anyone will vote for her to win, since she's hands down the weakest player in the game. Willow also has been a big floater this season, but finally we get to see her leave the house which is great. The best part was when she was giving her plea to stay in the house. She asked to stay so she could finally play the game, lmao. She had seven weeks and she didn't do anything at all. I think it's too late to say something like that.

I don't think this is going to work well to demonize Bruno. Everyone already knows that he was aligned with Zach before. Sarah should of voted to save her own ally, even if it meant voting against the house. The other HGs wouldn't target Sarah for simply trying to save Willow, I think.

I don't feel bad for Willow at all, even though her strategy of slinking by in the background week after week isn't what got her evicted I just didn't care for her tbh

Sarah said she voted for Pili because after the argument with Bruno she was sure Willow wouldn't have any votes, also apparently Willow spoke to Bruno and Godfrey and they both told her they didn't know how they were going to vote. Willow came out crying and said "she tried" which led Sarah to believe her campaigning didn't work and I guess she figured if it came down to it she would rather Pili stay than Kevin.


HOH Spoiler -
She has immunity for the week in addition to HOH room privileges, however her nominations will be overturned by this week's hybrid forced Diamond Power of Veto / Coup d'Etat twist.


Unconfirmed Member
HOH Spoiler -
She has immunity for the week in addition to HOH room privileges, however her nominations will be overturned by this week's hybrid forced Diamond Power of Veto / Coup d'Etat twist.

What's the full twist again?

Would be funny if Ashleigh's HOH resulted in a Zach eviction.


What's the full twist again?
Would be funny if Ashleigh's HOH resulted in a Zach eviction.
Essentially the twist is that the two people who receive the highest number of votes on the official BBCAN website will be designated Have-Nots for the week.

They'll compete for a power in a special competition that will award one of them a mandatory power that must be used during the May 13th eviction episode to overturn one of
post-POV eviction nominations. Additionally, they will have the option (should they choose) to use this power to replace BOTH nominations. The only caveat being that the HOH winner (
) and the POV holder (not necessarily who wins the POV competition but who holds the power of veto at the end of the ceremony) cannot be put up as replacement nominees.
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