Orlaith had a pretty face, terribad boobs and an ugly personality. Glad she never made the jump to TV proper.
I always like the weirdos who get kicked early. A few months back I played a show with Shabby from BB11 and told her she was my favourite housemate that year. She was great but the freaks never last the whole thing, the deck is stacked against them (apart from Pete and maybe Eugene)
Was initially excited by Pauline until I just realised she become de facto house mum right away and those people always turn into clucking hens of resentment fairly quickly. Still, she is a breath of fresh air in there. Why are most women on these shows models? When I give it thought it's pretty gross, it's a sad way to represent an entire gender. Even the lawyer who might be one of the more intelligent or driven housemates also happens to be a glamour girl.
Will probably still watch though, love me some BB. I hope that there will be some big twists coming up, and some new housemates. Absolutely no attempt to get alternative style people in there at all, pretty disappointing. Playing to a quite narrow demographic.
Too many models so far, hopefully none of the three ladies going in tonight will be, although given their descriptions, I don't hold out much hope :/
Early favourites for myself are Matthew, Christopher and Pauline, mainly as the others seem to have very little depth. Tamara and Steve may prove to have some potential, but only time will tell. I'm hoping tonight's bunch have a little more variety amongst them.
Put £10 on Matthew to win as he was 20/1, I reckon that's the best odds he'll have all series tbh.
Is Matthew the nerdy one who thinks everything is terribly embarrassing? The one with a GIRLFRIEND (read: beard). I think he's OK but he did seem a bit all mouth/no trousers from VT to housemate. The idea of someone smart (like, actually smart) and scornful of idiots is delicious, but the reality is usually that the person is just a bit meek and judgey.
I quite like Winston for his characture-esque nature. A bit charming, laddishness as psychopathy (the story he told about flinging shit at someone made me howl), bland as white sauce on bread.
All the models seem so far like interchangable pairs of boobs on lollipop sticks. I hope the bigoted one gets pulled apart for being horrible fairly quickly. I think the english girls will very quickly become jealous and turn against the american who is easily the prettiest and most "unique" of them all. But really, I'd be happy if we never had a model on the show again, they're just so boring. Give us nurses, office workers, shop assistants, stay at home mums, small business owners... anything other than some dolly bird who's claim to fame is that there are pics of her boobs on the internet or that she got spunked in by Mr Potato head.
Ahh, I love Big Brother, it's like a bi-annual flushing out of my bile ducts.
Well the extra 6 housemates were stronger characters, and even the 2 models (one male, one female) were picked to be a threat to the others. Both better looking but more down to earth and likable.
As a full house now it's interesting casting, and with the exception of Winston and Tamara they don't seem that stupid either. The days of BB as the psychological experiment it was created as are long gone, but the casting and the whole Power Trip thing is getting more back to it.
Even though the extra 6 only went in a day later, Pauline already started an us against them atmosphere with the knowledge of their VT's. Character assassinating Chris especially, based on not getting his humour. He's like a miserable Jack Dee sort, quite different to who they usually stick in.
Pauline also gave Helen, the ex-prostitute, a pass to the final so she's now untouchable and can't help herself in stirring things up based mostly on what Pauline thinks.
Pauline also gets to choose one housemate who's automatically up for eviction every week they are there. If she picks Chris, who they are already isolating, the public may get behind the underdog leaving them stuck with him.
The group dynamics are pretty interesting already, there will be clashes. I can see it being quite an eventful series.
If you haven't bothered with BB in a while but liked what it was in the old days it's worth checking out.
Yeah. I haven't been able to see as much of it as I'd like, cos my missus is flat-out refusing to watch it this year, but it has been a weird one. And not because of the power trip stuff. Just the array of odd people they've put in.Ash hasn't been coming across well at all. Too arrogant and there's a bit of a nasty under current to him. If he was less aware of the cameras he'd probably be a right cock, which is why he gets on with Helen.
He's now favourite to go on Friday which would be hilarious, he won't see it coming and Helen will completely lose it.
It's quite a weird series this one. None of them are that likeable really, but the rise and fall of all the different housemates is fascinating. It's always changing. The downfall of Helen as she loses her gang one by one will be great.
Yeah. I haven't been able to see as much of it as I'd like, cos my missus is flat-out refusing to watch it this year, but it has been a weird one. And not because of the power trip stuff. Just the array of odd people they've put in.
They literally couldn't have picked a "better" person to give immunity to than Helen though. That shit has to have been planned.
And I agree about Ash's nasty steak. I just watched his reaction to the reveal that Jale nominated him. What a cunt.