I read through the whole Steele Dossier with the idea that Russia also bankrolled it. All of the sudden what it does say and what it doesn't say is more interesting. The vague dates and certain names being kept anonymous, no mention of the meeting at Trump tower. The Trump Jr. meeting matches up with the timeline of what source D says regarding the Trump campaign receiving "very helpful" information in June 2016. Is source D Goldstone or Agalarov? It looks like this is actually being reported:
Then we have Grassley requesting every documented interaction between Trump and the names in the dossier:
So it's very obvious parts of the dossier have been corroborated. Grassley even mentioned Akhmetshin back in April relating to Fusion Gps:’s-inconsistent-info-dossier-inquiry
If the Trump Jr. and Russia meeting was news to this committee and they were already looking at Akhmetshin then WTF is going on? Trump's team has been trying to say this is all the work of the democrats and to tie the Magnitsky repeal and the Dossier together for that purpose. This is suspect to me because if that was the case they would have been upfront about this meeting occurring in the first place.
With the knowledge that Russia funded both the Dossier and gave intelligence to the Trump campaign then it's even more obvious they're playing both sides. Probably trying to force Trump to make moves in their favor by insuring there's a Russian "cloud" over him his entire presidency.
I'm not entirely convinced that Fusion GPS was funded by Russia for all of this. It's very possible they are just mercenaries and do work for whoever pays them. They worked for Russian lobbyists on the Magnitsky stuff, and worked for the GOP donor who commissioned the Steele dossier. Two different clients.