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Bill Simmons: Lingering questions after the biggest NBA Finals upset..

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Danny Ainge is such a dumbass.

(One of my favorite subplots of the playoffs was anyone saying that Rasheed is "misunderstood." Let's say you're working on Wall Street. Every two weeks, you flip out on someone and get escorted out of the building. This happens for 10 straight years. You can't help yourself. They keep fining you, you're costing the company money ... doesn't matter. You're a lunatic. Then you change firms and keep it together for four months, just long enough for the new firm to consider signing you to an extension. Well, does that make you "misunderstood," or are you just a lunatic with a convenient on-off switch? I'm going with the latter. I'm cynical that way.)

LMAO! I just picture Sheed in a suit and tie being escorted out of Wall Street. This is so true though. You gotta love how playing in a championship series changes people's perception about people. He was never misunderstood, he was an underachieving asshole. He just happened to get his shit together for a few months.



Danny Ainge shows the press the hand he plans on wearing his Pistons championship ring.

Q: Five years from now, where will Chauncey Billups as an NBA Finals MVP rank on the "How the Hell Did That Happen?" Scale?

A: Probably somewhere between Brady Anderson belting 50 homers and Toto winning four Grammys. But hey ... it happened. I just think Tayshaun Prince deserved the trophy this time around. Did you ever think you would see Kobe struggle like that? Even when he went 14 for 27 in Game 2, 10 of those makes were circus shots. Do you realize Kobe shot 29 for 86 in the four Lakers losses? That he shot 25 free throws all series? How was Tayshaun not the MVP? The Lakers only had two good players and Detroit shut down one of them. No way the Pistons win without Prince.

Q: Wait a second ... just two months ago, didn't you write that Detroit passing up Carmelo Anthony because of Prince was like "passing up a free Ferrari because you already own a Miata"?

A: Um ... yeah.

Q:The lesson, as always -- .

A: Right. I'm an idiot.



Q: If one of the ESPNews anchors was swinging a watch during Larry Brown's postgame interviews, could you become hypnotized?

A: See, these are the things we need to find out. Somebody get Stan Verrett on the phone next time coach Brown is speaking.

(And no, there's no better way to pass the time in traffic than to talk to yourself in the Larry Brown monotone for 10 straight minutes. I'm very proud of my car right now. It's not heating up at all. I even have the air conditioning on. It's just a credit to the people who made this car. Other cars would be overheating right now. I can't control what people think about this car. I'm just taking it one traffic jam at a time. Now I'm going to count backwards from 10. When I clap my hands, you will wake up from this traffic jam.)


Q: Who was more excited after Game 5, Red Auerbach or Michael Jordan?

A: Probably Red. You know this Phil Jackson stuff drives him bonkers. With that said, MJ had to be delighted that Kobe struggled so much against the Pistons. Young MJ would have been too physical off the dribble for Prince. Older Wiser MJ would have brought Prince down low, posted him up and introduced him to the fallaway and the drop-step. Either version of MJ would have attacked the basket if the jumpers weren't falling. And if his team was having so much trouble rebounding, do you think MJ would have gone down low and grabbed a few boards? Me, too.

Put it this way: Either Kobe's bum shoulder was more banged up than anyone realized, or his stock dropped BIG TIME in this series. No way MJ goes that quietly in his prime. No way MJ launches that many ghastly shots. No way MJ wastes a 36-20 effort from Shaq. No way MJ stands around as the Pistons keep grabbing offensive rebounds. It just wouldn't happen. I think we can put a moratorium on the "Kobe vs. MJ" stuff for awhile.



I actually agree with his comment on the officiating, I also doubt there was a conspiracy as so many other idiots seem to think, but then again I don't really have an explanation for it. At least once a quarter I would see the Pistons get away with something that was blatantly a foul, granted I usually would see Shaq get away with something too like he does every damn game because he is a giant retard who doesn't use his brain, but Detroit seemed to get away with a lot more and a lot more often from almost all of their players. I also thought it was strange when ABC didn't replay some of the plays when it was obvious Detroit got away with something, there were more then a few times when Wallace went over the back or Prince had a hand on Kobe when shooting.

Finally, it is true that Kobe stank it up in the Finals and he didn't carry his team to a 4th ring so that definitely hurts his rep, but it is also true the Lakers might not have gotten out of the first round without his either. Shaq is still talented enough to carry the Lakers, but he can't do it for 48 minutes anymore because of foul trouble and lack of conditioning. Then again, this is all typical of the media, when you make the plays they make you into the greatest player of all time and when you don't they also overeact. The one last thing I will say about Kobe is that I was definitely disapointed with his efforts at times this year, yes he has the greatest excuse of all time with a rape trial, but if you can't give 100% you shouldn't be out there imho. He definitely didn't have the same energy he normally does, there were times he would just be standing around on defense or offense (something that never happened before) and it just didn't seem like Kobe. I don't what the reason behind that was, it is easy to say the rape trial, but then again Kobe can do some insane things on his own without that drama, but haters beware, making Kobe the goat of the finals will only motivate the kid to much greater things in the future. It happens with all the greats, they get all the blame when they lose and all the glory when they win: Jordan, Rasheed Wallace, Phil Michelson, Kordell Stewart (ooops, that just slipped in there, I forget he never won anything even when he was surrounded by one of the most talented teams ever), etc. :D

And yes, Pittsburgh QBs have made me into a bitter NFL fan. :(


they get all the blame when they lose and all the glory when they win

Ummm...Shaq gets all the glory even when Kobe pulls a win outta his ass. But when they lose, it's Kobe's fault for not getting the ball to Shaq even though he has the same number of attempts in the previous game which they won? And crap like:

"No way he scores that much if Shaq didn't rebound"

"He gets to play one on one cos of Shaq"

"He wouldn't have won shit without Shaq" (Like Shaq won anything before he met Kobe)

And my new favorite:

"If Shaq didn't make his FT, the shot wouldn't have been possible" (I guess it's now some big feat to hit a fucking FT lol)

This IMO, is why the dude is sooooo gone. After carrying them thru the playoffs and even getting them the #2 seed on the last day of the season, it's ALL his fault they lost? Besides the lack of input from the other players and Kobe's poor shooting, why is no one talking about Shaq's horrible rebounding, terrible pick and roll defense and overall subpar play throughout the playoffs?

I hope Kobe leaves cos this stuff is ridiculous....


Cloudy said:
Ummm...Shaq gets all the glory even when Kobe pulls a win outta his ass. But when they lose, it's Kobe's fault for not getting the ball to Shaq even though he has the same number of attempts in the previous game which they won? And crap like:

"No way he scores that much if Shaq didn't rebound"

"He gets to play one on one cos of Shaq"

This IMO, is why the dude is sooooo gone. After carrying them thru the playoffs and even getting them the #2 seed on the last day of the season, it's ALL his fault they lost? Besides the lack of input from the other players and Kobe's poor shooting, why is no one talking about Shaq's horrible rebounding, terrible pick and roll defense and overall subpar play throughout the playoffs?

I hope Kobe leaves cos this stuff is ridiculous....

LOL, calm down Konex. It isn't a big deal, the media is full of idiots. And to be totally fair, Shaq was bigger part of the Laker's success in the beginning, especially for their first championship. Then again, the Lakers simply cannot beat the Spurs without Kobe and even when it was clearly Shaq's team Kobe was always the guy who carried them in the 4th quarter. It always takes the media a long time to realize things have changed dude, Shaq has gotten lazier every year which is a total disgrace. This was the only time I have ever seen Kobe not given 100% for all 48 minutes (which is also a disgrace). Like I said in the other thread, Malone was the only professional on the entire team. Hell Payton literally gave up during games sometimes and then complains when he gets benched. And Kobe ain't going nowhere, you do realize if he plays for the Clippers his career is over and he will be the laughing stock of the world within a few years. Anyways, you do have some valid points about Shaq usually getting all the glory, but that might also be because reporters like Shaq more, he is just a more likeable and approachable guy then Kobe is. Whatever the reason, it doesn't matter. Don't take it personally, that shit just fuels great players to be even better. :D


LOL, I'm not taking it "personally". Just calling it like I see it.

Why would he be a laughingstock if he went to the Clippers?

FACT: Kobe, Brand and Maggs and that supporting cast (minus QRich) would put the smack down on this year's Lakers (plus Kobe. Just use your imagination :p). The Clippers currently have a better team and if Kobe is smart, he'll bolt or demand immediate changes cos it's not gonna be pretty for the Lakers while Shaq is taking 50+% of the payroll...


Cloudy said:
LOL, I'm not taking it "personally". Just calling it like I see it.

Why would he be a laughingstock if he went to the Clippers?

FACT: Kobe, Brand and Maggs and that supporting cast (minus QRich) would put the smack down on this year's Lakers (plus Kobe. Just use your imagination :p). The Clippers currently have a better team and if Kobe is smart, he'll bolt or demand immediate changes cos it's not gonna be pretty for the Lakers while Shaq is taking 50+% of the payroll...

Will never happen for the Clippers dude. They just don't have the right people to have a championship atmosphere around them and they have one of the worst owners in history. I love Kobe as a player, but he will get what he deserves if he is dumb enough to sign with the Clipps. The only thing that team would do with Kobe is score a lot of points, but they would play no defense and always get spanked by good defensive teams like Minny and San An. Remember, the Clippers ALWAYS have a lot of talent and they always lose, it will always be like that until they get a new owner.
Cloudy said:
FACT: Kobe, Brand and Maggs and that supporting cast (minus QRich) would put the smack down on this year's Lakers (plus Kobe. Just use your imagination :p). The Clippers currently have a better team and if Kobe is smart, he'll bolt or demand immediate changes cos it's not gonna be pretty for the Lakers while Shaq is taking 50+% of the payroll...

AHAHAHA! Yeah, that'd be all good and well, until it'd be time for Maggette and Brand to get new contracts, and cheapass Sterling tells them to hit the road. Hell, the talk is already that if they are going to make a run at Kobe, the Clips want to get rid of QRich and at least one other big contract. Sterling doesn't care about winning, adding Kobe won't change that.


but they would play no defense

Besides Kobe (and Karl before he got hurt), who plays D on the Lakers? lol

Hell, the talk is already that if they are going to make a run at Kobe, the Clips want to get rid of QRich and at least one other big contract

Q and Kobe both play SG, so he'd have to leave if they got Kobe (He's also a FA). Plus as we've seen this year, too many stars (even if some are stars in name only) on a team is not good :p


goddamit, Griese!
Q: Wait a second ... just two months ago, didn't you write that Detroit passing up Carmelo Anthony because of Prince was like "passing up a free Ferrari because you already own a Miata"?

A: Um ... yeah.

Q:The lesson, as always -- .

A: Right. I'm an idiot.

:lol :lol :lol


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
I'm calling Kobe to Memphis for Pau Gasol and either Stromile Swift or Mike Miller. Pau wants a max deal but Jerry West knows he's not worth it because he's softer than a baby's bottom. The final deal will depend on how ornery Kobe is. Mitch Kupchak better move him fast before it turns into even more of a soap opera with Kobe bitching and the trial verdict coming up.
so basically...
detroit won...
but they still suck...
and are lucky that every team they faced were injured...
and were REALLY lucky they didnt play the spurs...
and were EXTREMELY lucky that stern didnt want kobe to win then go to jail...
and dumars is just a mad genius for not getting melo...

LOL @ the thought of kobe winning any kind of championship without shaq...
The Faceless Master said:
LOL @ the thought of kobe winning any kind of championship without shaq...

so you're telling me that a potential (if Shaq forces his way out) team that looks something like:

Jermain O'Neil/Malone/Croshere

can't contend for a title?


FrenchMovieTheme said:
kobe for pau gasol? why is it going to be kobe for anyone? isn't he a free agent? he can sign with whoever he chooses... no trades needed

It has to do with salary cap issues, most teams wouldn't be able to pay Kobe anything unless they did some sort of sign and trade.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Kobe can opt out of his contract, but only a handful of teams can give him a max deal, which of course he is going to demand. He would have much more flexibility over where he goes if LA can work out a sign & trade with somebody. Some GMs are too afraid to do a deal with Jerry West so it may not happen with Memphis, although you wouldn't think Kupchack would be scared of his old boss.


Kobe isn't going to leave LA, it is becoming more obvious that the Lakers are going to do whatever he wants for him to stay there. Personally I think that is a bad moves, what Kobe wants may not be good for the Lakers as a whole. Damnit, we need to get the logo back in charge of things!!!!


With that said, MJ had to be delighted that Kobe struggled so much against the Pistons. Young MJ would have been too physical off the dribble for Prince. Older Wiser MJ would have brought Prince down low, posted him up and introduced him to the fallaway and the drop-step. Either version of MJ would have attacked the basket if the jumpers weren't falling. And if his team was having so much trouble rebounding, do you think MJ would have gone down low and grabbed a few boards? Me, too.

Put it this way: Either Kobe's bum shoulder was more banged up than anyone realized, or his stock dropped BIG TIME in this series. No way MJ goes that quietly in his prime. No way MJ launches that many ghastly shots. No way MJ wastes a 36-20 effort from Shaq. No way MJ stands around as the Pistons keep grabbing offensive rebounds. It just wouldn't happen. I think we can put a moratorium on the "Kobe vs. MJ" stuff for awhile.

Exactly what I've been saying, down to a tee.

Cloudy said:
Ummm...Shaq gets all the glory even when Kobe pulls a win outta his ass. But when they lose, it's Kobe's fault for not getting the ball to Shaq even though he has the same number of attempts in the previous game which they won? And crap like:

"No way he scores that much if Shaq didn't rebound"

"He gets to play one on one cos of Shaq"

"He wouldn't have won shit without Shaq" (Like Shaq won anything before he met Kobe)

And my new favorite:

"If Shaq didn't make his FT, the shot wouldn't have been possible" (I guess it's now some big feat to hit a fucking FT lol)

This IMO, is why the dude is sooooo gone. After carrying them thru the playoffs and even getting them the #2 seed on the last day of the season, it's ALL his fault they lost? Besides the lack of input from the other players and Kobe's poor shooting, why is no one talking about Shaq's horrible rebounding, terrible pick and roll defense and overall subpar play throughout the playoffs?

I hope Kobe leaves cos this stuff is ridiculous....

You're completely full of shit. They weren't calling Shaq "better then Jordan!!" last week, so get out of here with that weak shit.

And I doubt anyone is gonna trade for Kobe while his future is up in the air. Though I don't see the Lakers getting much for Shaq in a trade...they'll likely get back nothing but big ticket contracts for people who aren't doing shit anymore (Zo, Mutombo, Grant Hill if his next comeback fails).
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