Just started Chapter 3 - incredibly entertaining game so far. The combat is satisfying (surprisingly so for me, as I typically hate robotic enemies), encounters are fun and well-designed, and locations are diverse and varied. This is the most enjoyment I've gotten out of a third person shooter in a long time. Expertly paced as well.
My only real complaint is the voice actor for Dan - every line feels forced, overly-hammy and self-aware. He doesn't come across as a natural, believable character at all, even within the established context of the game. By contrast, Big Bo, whom I feared would be a cringe-worthy stereotype is largely countered by the understated performance of his voice actor. Despite having to endure finishing every other line with "a'ight", he still manages to come across with some integrity.
I fear this game will bomb, which would be criminal as it's superior to many TPSs that have received higher ratings and (likely) stronger sales.