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Bitcoin price skyrockets, crashes, rinse, repeat, internet starts investing in tulips

Sun Drugs

Do you still see LTC mining as viable for the forseeable future then? Finally have all the hardware I need to do mine, and am getting a feel for things still.

Either way, congrats on what appears to be a good day coming your way.

Litecoin hasn't been the most profitable coin to mine for a while now, and the increase in value will certainly drive the difficulty up. It tends to remain stable though, compared to other coins.


LTC back to single digits, has to sting for the people that just preordered ASICs etc...

I think BTC will recover since it has some actual utility but these alts won't, more people are realizing they're worthless, well aside from the few trying something different like Peercoin, NXT, etc. Even then there are coins being built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain which are a lot more interesting.


LTC back to single digits, has to sting for the people that just preordered ASICs etc...

I think BTC will recover since it has some actual utility but these alts won't, more people are realizing they're worthless, well aside from the few trying something different like Peercoin, NXT, etc. Even then there are coins being built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain which are a lot more interesting.

As someone who semi-recently invested in GPUs, there is some sting involved but I knew the risk when I made the purchase, so minimal regret.


Couldn't find a more relevant thread.


29,656.51306529 seized bitcoins from the Silk Road servers for sale by the US gov. Among other things required from bidders is a US$200,000 direct wire deposit.


How is everyone's "investments" doing? I assume well because nobody has posted in three months.

*raises hand* I dickrode it, though I mostly got in and out last fall/winter. Feel bad for those who tried to play after.

less to talk about since it's more stable. looking at charts, seems like there's been some slight unstable action in the past week, but nothing to be excited about.

still a great experiment, still interesting, not much has changed.


Loses 50% of its value in the past three months = 'Stabilized' 'Less of a Joke'


this time it'll die permanently and the head of the pyramid scheme will reveal himself to all.


it's amazing that people were camping out and waiting for problems so they could come back and say "told you so." those forum arguments are important enough to remember for months on end, i guess.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
*raises hand* I dickrode it, though I mostly got in and out last fall/winter. Feel bad for those who tried to play after.

less to talk about since it's more stable. looking at charts, seems like there's been some slight unstable action in the past week, but nothing to be excited about.

still a great experiment, still interesting, not much has changed.

I was pretty into it when the boom was happening. in total I committed 400 euro to it*

*note, this was disposable money, I was aware of the high potential of losing it all.

it went pretty great.... for a while. Bitcoin was OK and I think at 1 time was up over 100% and had cashed in and out. Then I started to play with alt coins.... MISTAKE. My 426 euro 'worth' of litecoin is currently valued at 73 euro and 91 cents. That's a portfolio loss of -82.95%

now that I'm older and wiser, I would say that i think alt coins are dead, amusingly enough with the exception of doge which has the deflationary thing built OUT of it apparently.

Bitcoin seems to have stabilised weirdly enough. I like bitcoin, I like that it exists and I wish I didn't try and dick with the litecoin stuff. I fully expect my litecoin to completely vanish and that will cost me a further 73 euro or whatever, but I wrote the cash off ages ago, so I prefer to keep my magic internet money and occasionally open the app for a depressing laugh.

I don't feel as bad as my buddy who got wanged for 1600 euro in the mt gox nonsense.

If I was ever going to use bitcoin again (right now no need) I would deal exclusively with Kraken.com or https://clevercoin.com/en which recently opened in NL and you can use your bank card to buy them if you live in NL.

I would like to try using it for international transfers, but the sad fact is, paypal is pretty damn cheap anyway and most people don't know how to deal with bitcoin, so there is little point.

I think the internet went mental on the beginning of a new technology, it will probably settle down for 5 or 6 years now and be handy for the drug trade and eventually someone will figure out another actually practical application for it. I believe people are using it as a password replacement, things like that are pretty neat.

All in all, I played with it when I had a lot of disposable money, it was exciting as shit and I lost most of my cash. It was like a 2 month (ish) trip to the casino. good times had, money spent.


Damn, really? That's no fun.

Back to mocking Truthers I guess. :(

Naw, it's down another $150 since my last post. It's the farthest thing from stable. Feel free to make fun of it.

it's amazing that people were camping out and waiting for problems so they could come back and say "told you so." those forum arguments are important enough to remember for months on end, i guess.

Shh, you're ruining the fun.


Microsoft now accepts Bitcoin.

You can now use Bitcoin to add money to your Microsoft account. Once you add money to your Microsoft account, you can use it as a payment option to buy apps, games, and other digital content from Windows, Windows Phone, Xbox Games, Xbox Music, or Xbox Video stores.

Linky. Could potentially become a popular alternative payment method for younger gamers as mentioned in the HN thread.

It should be noted that this is still limited to merchants that support the currency, not all goods from the Microsoft store can be purchased with Bitcon. Still, it's a start.
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