Ah, when white far-left virtue-signaling liberals take offense on black people's behalf yet probably don't speak to a single one in their day-to-day nor never consult any outside of far-left virtue-signaling black liberal friends and celebrities
Was this show ever even any good? The premise just seemed SO idiotic. Western "adult animation", folks; I miss the Aeon Fluxes, MAXXes, and Spawns. Those were the real Western adult animations but as usual Western studios got lazy and took the cheap road instead.
I would argue the races are already seperated along along racial lines in the area of neighborhoods and schools.
In diverse states like California, high performing schools in the suburbs are majority White while low performing schools in the innercities are majority black and brown. Needless to say, majority black and brown schools are glorified babysitting institutions, producing barely math and english literate high school graduates.
Home buyers are increasingly choosing neighborhoods based on the surrounding schools, and Whites are choosing to go to White neighborhoods for a better education for the children.
Funnily enough some of the most intense clashes from these recent BLM protests between them and other groups have been in California of all places.
But yeah, everything listed here is true, but it's been done that way by design. I've been watching documentaries on building projects, seeing why they were originally created and when, and for what purposes. One common trend in all of them is, if you look at places like New York and the NYCHA, they literally cripple maintenance on those buildings to control costs being as low as possible, those things are almost set up as prey for low-income tenets who usually end up being black and Latino families through public housing. The NYCHA gets government kickbacks for keeping housing units occupied, but don't really give two shits to provide adequate maintenance services on the units.
There's also been studies on how the architectural stylings of those project units may not have been for the best; the French guy who kept pushing for them was rejected multiple times by French housing committees due to those designs. Dunno how the white low-income and working-class families (whom the housing projects were initially built for, in some ways as government welfare due to the Great Depression in providing adequate yet affordable housing, and also to provide living locations near factories particularly for WWII products manufacturing) felt living in those places in their prime.
That said, there's a common pattern that when white families moved out from those places to the suburbs, black and Latino families were generally relocated there to fill the vacancies, but simultaneously upkeep and management maintenance of the units also decayed. Combine that with the already questionable architectural aesthetic designs of many housing projects (cold mechanical color, extremely compact living quarters, not much exposure for natural blue skies and green scenery which is important for mental well-being etc.), that explains in a good chunk why they deteriorated the way they did.
Knowing the housing communities are set up the way they are in places like California is of no surprise; you'll see it a lot in other Democrat-controlled locations across the countries like Chicago for example. They're largely responsible for enabling the poor living conditions in a lot of those neighborhoods low-income minority families generally get boxed into, but they don't actually want to address real solutions in fixing them back up, which would be a matter of adequate funding. Though those neighborhoods are usually also infested with rivaling gangs, and there is a precedent (wrongly so) of people there to not cooperate with police in getting the gangs busted. Fear might be a reason but at the same time the police kinda do need cooperation from the good people there if they really want that stuff to clean up.
Granted, with the recent events of letting criminals out early due to COVID-19, and knowing the criminals are generally going to be pushed to the same low-income housing project neighborhoods the non-criminals are at, and that it's set up that way on purpose (for various reasons)...yeah it's a shitty situation for decent people in those areas no doubt.