I think I'm starting to get hooked on this game.
Oh, and where can I find my screenshots?
Documents -> Black Desert -> Screenshot
Good luck with the pets by the way. It is easier to win the lottery then win a bid on a pet. You may get lucky (I've won 1 pet), don't make yourself crazy trying to win them.
So I've tried to play this game several times but it's a pretty overwhelming experience. There's just too much to do at once then I sort of don't have a focus so I just feel aimless and give up.
So, would having a focus of just getting to max level before focusing on anything else be a good idea? I know it's sandbox and I can do what I want when I want but would being max level make it easier to get into the other features the game has to offer? I know it seems obvious that of course I could set that as my goal, but what I'm wondering is it is a satisfying goal to get to max level? Will it make my life easier going forward?
This is really hard to answer without knowing what you want to do with the game. First, there is no max level in the game. There are soft/hard caps, but those goalposts move.
Generally speaking getting to level 56 and unlocking your awakening is a good first goal. From there a lot if open up to you, basically everything but the very high end areas. Along the way you should be working on enhancing (or buying) gear. I know they have new quests to help people level, but I don't know what gear/how good the gear is that you get from leveling up. I know the chest piece they provide you with can get upgraded through quests to be pretty decent for awhile, but I don't know if they added in anything for the other equipment slots.
If you do want to get your awakening as your first goal, know that around level 51 you will hit your first real "wall". Mobs will be tougher than you have faced, and your gear will most likely not be up to par (depending on if they added stuff beyond the chest piece). So even getting to level 50 and then starting to work (or buy) armor to get ready to level to 56 works.