Black Ops 6 improves gameplay experience by allowing console players to disable crossplay


I don’t care about PC cheaters. They are few and far between (as far as I can tell) in the MP games I play.

I just don’t want to play against K&M players if it can be given as an option. In general, their speed of aim and accuracy is such a huge advantage that it can’t be countered by any controller aim assist.

(Source: me on PC v me on console)

Just make it an option - the player base is there!
I don’t care about PC cheaters. They are few and far between (as far as I can tell) in the MP games I play.

I just don’t want to play against K&M players if it can be given as an option. In general, their speed of aim and accuracy is such a huge advantage that it can’t be countered by any controller aim assist.

(Source: me on PC v me on console)

Just make it an option - the player base is there!
All the big crossplay games seem to be tuned to make gamepad on PC the meta. Mouse aim/accuracy are countered by movement skills. Aim assist = free tracking = gunfight wins vs someone having to manually track. Logically there has to be a crossover point where increasing aim assist makes controller more competitive than zero aim assist mouse controls.


Should really be default option for all game modes until they can sort out their anti cheat.
All these clueless people here don't know how fucked high level ranked play is on warzone
I don't give 2 fucks about xim players or whatever those usb things is but wall hacks and killing people across the map is like every 2nd 3rd game on diamond + lobbies and 99 percent of those fuckers are from pc .
All these 136k accounts that Activision banned I can bet my ass 99 percent of them are on pc.
I know pc boys don't want to hear this but cross play with pc is cancer and can fuck off for goood
Never thought in a million years I would see people complain about console users having aim assist to compete against M&K players on pc in online games.

Oh No Reaction GIF by Bounce

Well now pc players have a solution: you get to play in pc only lobbies, but it wont be fun for many, since they'll lose the advantage of playing against people using their damn greasy thumbs to aim...
Never thought in a million years I would see people complain about console users having aim assist to compete against M&K players on pc in online games.

Oh No Reaction GIF by Bounce

Well now pc players have a solution: you get to play in pc only lobbies, but it wont be fun for many, since they'll lose the advantage of playing against people using their damn greasy thumbs to aim...
That is not the problem man , the problem is the cheating on pc , like to a point where it's not even funny ,
Cheater's crash lobbies , use wall hacks ,snipe u across the map , run at like 3x speed and this shit is so much prevlant on high lvl ranked especially on warzone.
That's Ur experience every 2nd or 3rd game.
I'm on Xbox and I had like 3 matches a few days back that had blatant cheaters and I uninstalled the game after it.
And literally all of them are on pc


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
(Source: me on PC v me on console)
Or you just suck much more on controller vs m+kb. The fact that in CoD Warzone top players have more controller+assist players than m+kb players tells us something very significant.

Now imagine players like this above with aim assist.
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Gold Member
That is not the problem man , the problem is the cheating on pc , like to a point where it's not even funny ,
Cheater's crash lobbies , use wall hacks ,snipe u across the map , run at like 3x speed and this shit is so much prevlant on high lvl ranked especially on warzone.
That's Ur experience every 2nd or 3rd game.
I'm on Xbox and I had like 3 matches a few days back that had blatant cheaters and I uninstalled the game after it.
And literally all of them are on pc
And some legit think this is the same as aim assist for console players

Animated GIF


Tag, you're it.
And some legit think this is the same as aim assist for console players

Animated GIF
The cheating is just a bad on consoles ON TOP of the auto aim. You need to stop thinking there is no cheaters on consoles or that it's very limited. It's simple to understand, you can disagree that's fine but no need to be of bad faith and rewrite what has been said.


Honestly now that they let you play COD on console with a mouse. The highest framerate console is the best place to play the game which would be PS5 Pro. There I said it.


Wait a sec... you couldn't disable crossplay since that?


And I agree with most, auto aim is cheat.
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Gold Member
The cheating is just a bad on consoles ON TOP of the auto aim. You need to stop thinking there is no cheaters on consoles or that it's very limited. It's simple to understand, you can disagree that's fine but no need to be of bad faith and rewrite what has been said.
I never said there were not cheaters on console, you later added that into the equation as your original statement compared aim assist to cheats on PC

We can 100% agree to disagree as you think I am wrong and I know you are wrong, we don't have to agree.


Very true as I don't know about Ranked or Warzone cross play, I just assume that's what @DaleinCalgary was referring to
Ranked is forced crossplay.
Consoles players with auto-aim activated by default complaining about cheats

Jim Carrey Reaction GIF
Aim assist is across the board though. Are wall hacks and recoil killers across the board?
My argument is as it follow: you can't complain about cheats when you play with one enabled by default. In my book, a cheat is a cheat no matter if it just helps you to lock a player or allow you to see through walls. Both case are assisted with tools or the program itself and I despite both.
So yes, if you are complaining about cheats on PC you need to acknowledge that it's exactly the same on consoles. I just typed aim assist on Youtube and holy shit! It's full of consoles players cheating in BO6/Fortnite.

M+KB is indeed more accurate (you don't agree?), it doesn't change the fact that the auto aim is so strong on consoles it became ridiculous. This is not the subject tho as you don't have any assist on PC.
Wtf is this shit lol

breakfast noise GIF


Tag, you're it.
I never said there were not cheaters on console, you later added that into the equation as your original statement compared aim assist to cheats on PC
You are acting like cheaters on console account for like 0.0000001% of the problem. This is not true and cheating on consoles is WAY MORE easier than on PC. Yes my original statement compared aim assist to cheating, which I still maintain.
Plenty of examples where shown like here on why taking PC players appart is a mistake. Look at this guy and tell me he is not good. I'm pretty sure if you fight him you will be like "OMAGAD WHAT A CHEATER" when he is just better.

If you are so worried about cheating, you should just stop playing online no matter your system. Btw I'm still waiting for your take about console players using M+KB.

We can 100% agree to disagree as you think I am wrong and I know you are wrong, we don't have to agree.
Oh yeah let's agree to disagree indeed. At least you are not like some other users who look down on people who don't share the same opinion, right MikeM?

Aim assist is across the board though. Are wall hacks and recoil killers across the board?
This is my whole point dude. AIM assist is not on PC but on consoles you get assisted by a computer to do your kills which in my book is the definition of cheating. It's simple to understand.
And you've been so trained to accept this instead of trying to get better by your own that you just think aim assist is part of the gameplay now. That's fuckin sad.

So? M&K don’t need it based on how it allows for far greater accuracy based on the device vs controller.
Problem is aim assist is so strong it became ridiculous, and yes if someone is good with a controller he will have an advantage against someone who plays on PC without aim assist. It's simple to understand.


You are acting like cheaters on console account for like 0.0000001% of the problem. This is not true and cheating on consoles is WAY MORE easier than on PC. Yes my original statement compared aim assist to cheating, which I still maintain.
Plenty of examples where shown like here on why taking PC players appart is a mistake. Look at this guy and tell me he is not good. I'm pretty sure if you fight him you will be like "OMAGAD WHAT A CHEATER" when he is just better.

If you are so worried about cheating, you should just stop playing online no matter your system. Btw I'm still waiting for your take about console players using M+KB.

Oh yeah let's agree to disagree indeed. At least you are not like some other users who look down on people who don't share the same opinion, right MikeM?

This is my whole point dude. AIM assist is not on PC but on consoles you get assisted by a computer to do your kills which in my book is the definition of cheating. It's simple to understand.
And you've been so trained to accept this instead of trying to get better by your own that you just think aim assist is part of the gameplay now. That's fuckin sad.

Problem is aim assist is so strong it became ridiculous, and yes if someone is good with a controller he will have an advantage against someone who plays on PC without aim assist. It's simple to understand.
I play on controller on both PS5 Pro and my PC. Aim assist is the same on both.

I also play M&K when I feel like sitting at a desk- i’m better with M&K but prefer controller for sofa reasons.

At the end of the day, game sells best on consoles and those are overwhelmingly controller-based. Controllers inherently lack the accuracy of M&K, so some aim assist is valid.


Gold Member
You are acting like cheaters on console account for like 0.0000001% of the problem. This is not true and cheating on consoles is WAY MORE easier than on PC. Yes my original statement compared aim assist to cheating, which I still maintain.
Plenty of examples where shown like here on why taking PC players appart is a mistake. Look at this guy and tell me he is not good. I'm pretty sure if you fight him you will be like "OMAGAD WHAT A CHEATER" when he is just better.

If you are so worried about cheating, you should just stop playing online no matter your system. Btw I'm still waiting for your take about console players using M+KB.

I have played long enough to spot cheaters and for the most part the SBMM will keep me away from the great players as I am just not good enough

Not sure what you want me to say about KB&M users on consoles

KB&M is the superior input and controller players need aim assist to compete
Oh yeah let's agree to disagree indeed. At least you are not like some other users who look down on people who don't share the same opinion, right MikeM?
I don't mind disagreeing with people as you can call me wrong and I can call you wrong as long as it doesn't get overly personal and we move on

You're wrong btw ;)

See the forum didn't explode


Gold Member
Have no idea who is flooding the ranked lists

My 2 cents the only thing controller is superior at is holding aim when in close combat

I hate controller is any sort of ranged engagements as I couldn't tell you how many times my controller wanted to track someone else who ran past


Tag, you're it.
I play on controller on both PS5 Pro and my PC. Aim assist is the same on both.
Well of course if you use a controller on PC you will have the aim assist. That's not the debate here.

I also play M&K when I feel like sitting at a desk- i’m better with M&K but prefer controller for sofa reasons.

At the end of the day, game sells best on consoles and those are overwhelmingly controller-based. Controllers inherently lack the accuracy of M&K, so some aim assist is valid.
Problem is aim assist is way too strong.

I have played long enough to spot cheaters and for the most part the SBMM will keep me away from the great players as I am just not good enough
So what are we doing here if you don't know what you are talking about??
The problem is that the AIM assist is way too strong. I don't know how I can say it for you to understand.

Not sure what you want me to say about KB&M users on consoles
Read what I said earlier, I'm starting to get tired of repeating myself.

KB&M is the superior input and controller players need aim assist to compete

I don't mind disagreeing with people as you can call me wrong and I can call you wrong as long as it doesn't get overly personal and we move on

You're wrong btw ;)

See the forum didn't explode


Crossplay should be input based. If you prefer mouse you just shouldn't be matched with a controller guy period. If you switch in a match the system should automatically kick you.


Gold Member
Well of course if you use a controller on PC you will have the aim assist. That's not the debate here.

Problem is aim assist is way too strong.

So what are we doing here if you don't know what you are talking about??
The problem is that the AIM assist is way too strong. I don't know how I can say it for you to understand.

Read what I said earlier, I'm starting to get tired of repeating myself.

And we are done here

Peace Out Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live
Not really.

Playstation can disable cross play, sure, which is not possible on Xbox even at the system level, because Sony has it as a requirement for developers to have the option.

This is Playstation and Xbox playing together, something all console players have been asking for years, especially now after big games like Marvel Rivals, Apex Legends, Rainbow Six Siege etc, are all on the console-only cross play train, CoD is the last one left, and the biggest.

This is big because it's cod and all these years they were pretending to be tone deaf because cod multiplayer was as good as dead at launch on pc every iteration until cross play was added in modern warfare 2019 that infused console players into the pc player pools who carried the dead pc platform.

Now they're going back to console only, which goes in-line with the already set standard for crossplay today, console-only. Though it is not by default here (like all the other big games I mentioned) it will be soon due to pressure from console users, and this was elevated by the recent influx of cheaters on pc, which is their fault for having such a garbage anti-cheat system.
Im all for console crossplay only fuck the pc hackers


Thank god! Still gonna have to deal with the cronus idiots and PC players using software to get into console lobbies i think though?


True but this is good for xbox and Switch 2 soon.
Wouldn't even be needed if Activision took cheating seriously. As a PC controller player, I just hope they one day fix it for real so I can continue to play with my console homies who don't plan to make the switch.


What are you trolling?

What are you trolling? You can't disable cross play in COD ranked play on ANY device. Jesus.

"Ranked Play launched in Black Ops 6 on Nov. 20, 2024, allowing players the chance to rank up to earn unique rewards. Unfortunately, crossplay is a requirement for Ranked Play in BO6, meaning it cannot be turned off and console players will be in the same matchmaking pool as players on PC."
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