wrestling's got too many plot holes
No, seriously though, my problem with current wrestling is simply a lot of weak characters. I think the late 80's, early 90's gimmicks actually helped wrestling. I mean, sure, they were ridiculous but that was part of the fun. Building guys up to be invincible warriors and seeing who would stop them was what captivated me a lot of times. Undertaker's original run for instance. Fans wondering how you keep a guy like that down who's gimmick is to sit up and basically be unstoppable with the urn and Paul Bearer at ringside. Or having an insanely energetic guy like Warrior and pitting them against a fan favorite juggernaut like Hulk Hogan. Stuff like that was just so enjoyable.
You had guys as underdogs with a lot of heart. Fans would get behind em like crazy. 123 Kid vs. Razor Ramon for example. Or you pit someone unstoppable like Yokozuna vs. Undertaker. It was always fun imagining who would win and how. During Yokozuna's title run I kept wondering for the longest time who would stop him and how. I think sometimes you need that clear good vs. bad. When Stone Cold began the whole "Attitude" era and everything became these shades of grey, it was good for a change but it couldn't last.
To break captivating wrestling down to the most basic form. It's pitting built up forces vs other built up forces and seeing who comes out on top. At some point, wrestling brought itself down by trying to make a weekly convulted soap opera that they just couldn't mantain. Everything is just too weak. When you bend someone's character so much as they always do, it becomes paper thin. If anyone who used to watch wrestling were to tune it you'd ask who was facing who and then shrug with complete indifference. Meanwhile, put on an old tape from early 90's and I could get into it real quick. With the black and white characters it was so easy to join in. Now it's a headache to look at the wrestling scene.
You want a good storyline, you make something like Kane's arrival back in the day. Mysterious figure tearing up everyone. That stuff was good. You want brilliant, you take the nWo taking over a federation destroying everyone's next great hope of stopping it for the longest time, all the while gaining followers, and then have a lone dark figure end it, like Sting. That was amazing. But rehashing that stuff would be like making a Disney sequel. You're bound to wind up with shit. But you have to make it simple again and character driven. These days, I just can't watch wrestling.
Oh, and yeah, black people watch wrestling. It hasn't been strickly rednecks for a looong time.