Well...When did the gaming elite become so fascinated with English dubs? I hought it was all about the pureity of the original product?
This has been an option from the very first game, it's pretty reasonable that anyone that used it for all these years would be unhappy, and the most vocal.I've been playing Noel for 8 years now. All of a sudden 8 years later she doesnt have the same voice, she doesnt even speak the same language. This isn't the same character I've been playing
There are merits to a dub, and it's silly to think that all of the "gaming elite" would always choose the Japanese language track.
I can see where the people who are unhappy are coming from- they like the voices and have been using them for years. It just wouldn't stop me from buying the game. But then I play with the Japanese voices anyway.
This is where I'm at, I've always played with the Japanese voices and I enjoy the game as a fighting game more than as a story, so it's really doesn't change anything for me. I get why people are mad, but I would still get the game even if it didn't have the Japanese voices(though I might have been a little more willing to import this one).