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Blizzard Botched Warcraft III Remake After Internal Fights, Pressure Over Costs (Jason Schreier)

Bloomberg article

Warcraft III: Reforged was a long-awaited reimagining of one of Blizzard’s most popular games. Blizzard President J. Allen Brack called the original title “monumentally important” when Reforged was announced in 2018. The company promised “over four hours of updated in-game cutscenes and re-recorded voice-overs.” But the project was never a priority for the company, in part because a remaster of an old strategy game had little chance of becoming the type of billion-dollar product that Activision wanted, according to the people, who asked not to be named because they weren’t authorized to speak on company matters. With Blizzard pressured to focus on its biggest franchises, Warcraft III: Reforged couldn’t get the ambitious budget that its leaders wanted.
At the time, the company apologized for the launch and said it had chosen to backtrack on updating the cinematics because “we did not want the in-game cutscenes to steer too far from the original game.” But documentation produced after its release, as well as interviews with 11 people who worked on or close to the game, indicate that Reforged was actually rescoped due to budget cuts and internal arguments over the game’s direction.
Greedy cunts. Ruining a classic series over pocket change.


Shitty producers and executives fucking over development teams and later fans. Tale as old as time. That one head producer or whomever that would just take overseas trips (not research related) during production while setting unrealistic expectations can get fucked.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
I think its indicative of the culture change that happened at Blizzard.

But the absolute worst part was removing access to the classic version: I can forgive a shitty game, but taking away the classic version from people ... that's low.
can I not go download and play WC3 if I own it?


A game like this should be treated like C&C Remastered: a game that won't really bring in any real money but an investment in good PR. It certainly put EA in a positive light for me.
Did EA actually do it though? Im not sure they own the franchise anymore because c&c aint on ea play


I think its indicative of the culture change that happened at Blizzard.

But the absolute worst part was removing access to the classic version: I can forgive a shitty game, but taking away the classic version from people ... that's low.
They took the old one away? How is that legal?


I'd like to see a film where a sort of John Wick style character goes to all these horribly greedy publishing houses and just goes on a mental killing spree, maybe with PC parts instead of guns, slicing people up with those empty PCI lane covers:

"Oh so you thought MTX was a good addition to this beloved franchise!?!!" *slices jugular*

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I cry about Xbox and hate PlayStation.
If we are living in the video game world, Activision is the dark lord.


Gold Member
Bloomberg article

Greedy cunts. Ruining a classic series over pocket change.
Thats the problem with big game makers. They have this all or nothing attitude. Every company I worked in ya, everyone wants every product to be a top seller but realistically you might score some hits, have some products in the middle and have some stinkers.

BUT, products that sell less can be the most profitable lines and be the longest running. The top seller is never the biggest profit maker at any company I've worked at. You can make and sell mid tier or niche products and still rake in the net profits from loyal customers.

But I guess for games, there's a pure correlation for most sales = most profits.
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Hari Seldon

I mean this is one of those Fuck Activision articles for ruining poor blizzard. But honestly after reading that lawsuit I highly suspect it is all Blizzard's fault. Their company culture was basically: "Wow is making it rain, lets fuck off drink and play video games and produce nothing." If I was activision I would be cutting their damn budget also.


As I understood it no, you cannot download WC3 classic version. But I have not tried myself, someone else plaease confirm or deny.

All it does is bring everyone into the Reforged client, there’s no separation between the two. You can still play your classic game.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
All it does is bring everyone into the Reforged client, there’s no separation between the two. You can still play your classic game.

But with the origianl disc or .exe? I understood if you bought Reforged there was no way to go back and play classic.


I cant believe blizzard had the fucking gull to lie about this game. Fuck them and fuck activision. Nothing but lying thieves. Over promise and under fucking deliver but fuck you, we are blizzard.

So sick of companies downgrading and lying about how there games will look and play, Throw cd projekt red into that pit as well.


As I understood it no, you cannot download WC3 classic version. But I have not tried myself, someone else plaease confirm or deny.

U can't. Its completely gone. Maybe there is some private server or something running maintained by fans.

I registered a few months ago the original cd key in the blizzard client and it says its registered and then states reforge that i have to buy to play it.
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But with the origianl disc or .exe? I understood if you bought Reforged there was no way to go back and play classic.

As someone who bought Reforged I'm not sure, wouldn't have a reason to at this point. But if you did buy Reforged, you can play original WC3 with all the original visuals and assets, simple toggle in the menu. Not sure why people would care about booting from the original .exe. Single player would be unchanged and you'd be subject to the most recent balance patch for any sort of online play anyway.


Short term stupid thinking. Throw billions of dollars in brand name goodwill down the drain for $10M (likely less) in development costs. Brilliant!


Ask me about my Stream Deck
Imagine simping for Schreier.
idgaf about him, but the info in the article contributed more than a low hanging fruit post of a gif unrelated to the discussion at hand.

The story of Blizzard since Activision bought them is a damn tragedy and I have no hope for their future offerings. I was slightly hyped for Diablo 4 but that interest has been waning.
The story of Blizzard since Activision bought them is a damn tragedy

They were on a very long leash for a decade and they managed to:
- torpedo trust in Diablo
- make Starcraft irrelevant while working on it for years and making a ton of expensive content that nobody was really asking for
- miss the DOTA train
- choke on esports
- mismanage Hearthstone to the point where they can't attract new players
- put Overwatch on life support
- turn WoW into a slow-motion trainwreck
- cancel a bunch of expensive games

Activision should have taken control a long time ago.


Given another chance
If Acti/Blizz had any remorse, they would use their billions to put right their wrongs with Reforged and start over. If No Mans Sky can do it with a tiny budget and team, Acti/Blizz can, but they won’t. The management team aren’t gamers, just bean counters.


Really a shame for that game. I was always more of a CnC fan but appreciate Warcraft 3’s place in the pantheon


This is what happens when soulless suits take over. Video game companies used to be entirely owned by passionate nerds with Zelda t-shirts, and now they're in the reins of CEOs hell-bent on increasing revenue quarter after quarter, whatever the cost.
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