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Bloated, PR paste-bin |OT|s are a plague on these boards

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I find it amusing when in the past some of these over the top OTs are filled to the brim of miscellaneous information, but forget things like the game's release date.
People like flashy OTs, it adds to their hype.

I personally prefer neat and succinct OTs, but I can appreciate the work that some people put into them. I think bloated OTs are a given when it comes to multiplayer-focused games, though.
I enjoy the big budget game OT's that blast me in the face with info, screenshots, wallpapers and pre-order DLC bullshit.

If you don't then just skip it and post in the thread?


GAF parliamentarian
Bayonetta is my favorite OT. When I make one, that'll probably be the model (with a few parts of the banner images linked to information).


benevolent sexism
ghostmind said:

If someone wants to dedicate that much of their time to creating a fancy OP, then what is the harm in letting them indulge? Is it a crime to be excited by anything these days?

Nobody is putting a gun to your head to read the OP of these topics.

Compared to some of the shit that is found on GAF these days, I would think that a fancy OP would be a minor offendor at most.

The whole point of starting a thread on a message board is that it's contributing to a communal discussion. An OP designed purely to indulge the ego or urges (or whatever) of the author isn't doing its job and therefore should be subject to criticism.

If many people don't find that kind of OP to be useful, everyone should take that into consideration if/when creating an OP.
Ark said:
I very much like the LOTR: War in the North & Skyrim OT's for recent example.
Gonna have to agree on this one. I heard the guy who made the LotR OT is really really good looking as well, although a bit chubby.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Hex said:
In fact I think it is rather impressive.
Impressive for a fan PR effort, useless as an OT.

The threads are meant for discussion, putting effort into it is great and all but there comes a point where you're no longer making the thread to inform, but to fish for compliments and flaunt your fan-peen. If you want to do that, make a fucking fansite or something. Don't use NeoGAF as your personal focus group.


Wow, i came in here to tell you to stop complaining but after seeing that AC OT i agree. That thing is completely overboard.
Woo-Fu said:
People who complain about opt-in threads instead of simply opting-out are a plague on this board. This isn't remedial English, nobody is making you read anything you don't want to.
Incidentally, the actual text in these overblown OTs suggests that all of these PR-genuflecting posters are indeed taking remedial English.


Willy105 said:
So for shorter OP's, would you guys figure this is a good size? Or this? Or do you feel those sizes robs you of potential information?

Of course, info should not be in images (unlike those I linked in this post), but in text.
I wouldn't say that shorter is better always. The Skyrim OT is of a decent length and still manages to be very good by providing a lot of good info and not putting it all in images. The headings, screenshots, maps, and videos are well done and manage to make the OT very attractive.


I really like these kinds of OTs. However, it’s time to take it to the next level. We need Facebook Fan-Pages for upcoming OTs, Teaser Trailer, behind the scenes videos and stuff like that!
Problem is the content delivery (this being a forum), nothing wrong with someone trying to put an effort, unfortunately a Forum is not the best place to deliver something that long.

I think after showing the actual important information (reviews, screen shoots, etc) the rest should be collapsible content that only displays when needed/wanted.

I remember the interview that one GAF admin gave to Gamepro saying how he thought that the platform of delivery needed to evolve or something like that, this is one of those prime examples.
ghst said:
incase you hadn't noticed, the assassin's creed revelations OT went up today:
not safe for those prone to carpal tunnel in their mousewheel finger


But yeah it's pretty excessive. And I'm pretty sure I remember Evilore commenting on how he didn't want |OT|'s to turn into PR threads.


enzo_gt said:
I'm saying the OPs themselves go overboard in containing extraneous information like entire histories of everything in the context of the franchise, that they make it hard to find the information someone needs WHEN they need that information, that is saying when someone indeed does read the OP. Someone else said it best, if I wanted to read that shit I'd go to Wikipedia. Table of Contents somewhat help this, but you still have that extraneous, sometimes even miscellaneous, stuff in the way.

I appreciate the effort and passion though, don't get it twisted. Fancy images and stylistic choices are a fetish of the artist inside me. Were you the one who did the MK OT? I'm not a fan of the size. I like the graphic a great deal, but parsing through all that information is a bitch and counterintuitive to the goal of an OT, in my personal opinion.
Yep, which is why I added a table of content right bellow the main post; with individual links too. :p (and is not like MK was a well revered series, it's more accepted "now" though)

As noted also, it needs to be kept in mind that there's a 24,000 characters limit per post. So even if we wanted to use less posts, we couldn't...unless we just changed everything. The MK OT ended bigger because of that. Using (to start bolding a line of text) already counts as 3 characters.

It's also the reason some use "images" instead of text.
One link to an image = less characters than the whole paragraph copy-pasted directly. Threads would be even bigger if we used no images for some areas.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I humbly submit to you my Super Mario 3D Land OT. <3

No scrollbars! Even on netbooks! Impressions from actual Gaffers! One post only!

OK so I get like, one post to stroke my ego OK?

Amir0x is basing the Skyward Sword format on it, and I'm providing the netbook-friendly header images. So that should be a good thread too.


Yes, thank you ghst. The Uncharted one was also annoying, I don't need 20 pages describing Sully's character.

The whole OT circle jerks give credence to a thought that I've long held, in that PR people are allowed to create OTs here. I simply don't buy that somebody would spend that much time selling a game and not get paid for it. I am a pretty big fan of some games, but unless I was getting paid $100/hr, I'm not going to do Ubisoft's work for them.

And actually, it wouldn't be so bad if the mandate to always read OPs before commenting didn't exist. Maybe this rule should be exempt on OTs?


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
hey_it's_that_dog said:
The whole point of starting a thread on a message board is that it's contributing to a communal discussion. An OP designed purely to indulge the ego or urges (or whatever) of the author isn't doing its job and therefore should be subject to criticism.

If many people don't find that kind of OP to be useful, everyone should take that into consideration if/when creating an OP.
My stance is that if the OP is too long I will simply skip it. So it's a wasted effort, as far as I'm concerned.
I remember loading up the Batman:AA thread to find out some info on the game after enough people had told me it was good. Everything was in images, the thread had pages of Joker "ha-ha" scribblings, there were screenshots from the 90's Batman animated series, and there was a whole section discussing the game's voice actors. However, there wasn't a single screenshot of the game or anything to indicate what the game looks like, and no mention whatsoever of the gameplay or even what kind of game it is. I scrolled down to try and find more info, and it was nothing but "Great OP!" comments. What a shitty thread.


Agreed with the OP. See the Skyrim OT as the perfect balance between being informative and being self-indulgent.


I appreciate the effort people put into them, but for all the time put into extremely long OP's.. does anyone actually read all of it? I know I don't.
Andrex said:
I humbly submit to you my Super Mario 3D Land OT. <3

No scrollbars! Even on netbooks! Impressions from actual Gaffers! One post only!

OK so I get like, one post to stroke my ego OK?

Amir0x is basing the Skyward Sword format on it, and I'm providing the netbook-friendly header images. So that should be a good thread too.
I love that you put GAFers' opinions in it.

THAT is a community OT right there. Well done, mate. I'd love to see that idea in every OT going forward.


A passionate embrace, a beautiful memory lingers.
Yeah, that AC thread was pretty crazy. Keep text as text, and keep them shorter. The Skyrim thread is a good example of how I prefer them. Easy on the eyes and plenty of information to read up on.


CoffeeJanitor said:
These bloated messes are not much of a help to anyone who isn't a massive fan of the title at hand.
I thought fan service was one of the main goals for OTs. You're hyped for the game, you get even more hyped browsing an homage to the game.
I enjoy looking at those really packed OT's and appreciate all the hard work that was obviously put into them, but sadly I never actually read most of them. I'll usually read up on some of the story stuff but a lot of it goes unnoticed by me. Not saying they need to stop making them for that reason either.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Foliorum Viridum said:
I love that you put GAFers' opinions in it.

THAT is a community OT right there. Well done, mate. I'd love to see that idea in every OT going forward.
I agree. Good job, Andrex.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I forgot which OT started this trend, was it the MGS4 one?


Eh, I agree but not like I have a strong opinion either way. It's not gonna stop be from posting in the thread once I get the game


As someone just getting into the AC series I can appreciate having all the crap from the IOS games, novels, et cetera in one place.

If someone were to do this for, say, ME3 and include all the comics/novels/spinoff promotional side games I could see it getting pretty horrifying.


I think if the OT OP has more PR and information on it than the official webpage, that is a sure sign it is a bad OT.

My perfect OT is the following:
-Official web page link
-Release date, developer, publisher, price
-Short list of highlights
-1 or 2 images to give a feeling of of the look of the game
-Demo information or gameplay video links

And that is it for most games. Though for games with large modding scenes, huge learning curves, or other types of complexity it is really helpful to address those things in the OT in a quick help guide. Like if you are doing the X3:TC official thread, the game is so complex some pointers on where to go for information and maybe a FAQ is awesome.

As someone just getting into the AC series I can appreciate having all the crap from the IOS games, novels, et cetera in one place.

If someone were to do this for, say, ME3 and include all the comics/novels/spinoff promotional side games I could see it getting pretty horrifying.

Just link to a wiki. Every bit of information doesn't need to be in the OT especially in ridiculous image form.


I agree with this topic. An OT should be concise collection of information you should know before buying/playing the game. We should add new rules, like 2 or 3 post maximum, and no pictures with long text, that shit is annoying.


Cool Smoke Luke
I guess I think there should be some kind of limit on size of OT's since they're going batshit insane big. Is first 3 posts fair? Does Gaf admins care?

It sure seems to me these latest Giant OT's are just becoming unofficial PR packages provided for these threads.
Is there any real assumption these are all being done by fans? I know when I suggested that Ubi get in here and make a Rock-smith OT some LOL'd cuz companies don't make OT threads on Gaf.
I just assumed that someone knows someone that's basically giving them all the material for the OT to get around having a company rep actually post the OT's


I'll admit that AC OT is insane but when it brings posts like this

FatalT said:
Herp derp great OP derp. Actually I didn't read it. I hope you enjoy your free copy of the game as much as I enjoy the decrease in fluff posts my ignore list will bring me!

I can't help but lol


Andrex said:
I humbly submit to you my Super Mario 3D Land OT. <3

No scrollbars! Even on netbooks! Impressions from actual Gaffers! One post only!

OK so I get like, one post to stroke my ego OK?

Amir0x is basing the Skyward Sword format on it, and I'm providing the netbook-friendly header images. So that should be a good thread too.

I like that. And damn that game is colorful as fuck.


Andrex said:
I humbly submit to you my Super Mario 3D Land OT. <3

No scrollbars! Even on netbooks! Impressions from actual Gaffers! One post only!

OK so I get like, one post to stroke my ego OK?

Amir0x is basing the Skyward Sword format on it, and I'm providing the netbook-friendly header images. So that should be a good thread too.
Extremely well done. Tons of info, lots of images and video, reviews, and some extras without being overly bulky or taking up too many posts.

Shows what can be done even in the "small" limit of GAF posts for the whiners that seem to think they need 10+ posts.

Mupod said:
As someone just getting into the AC series I can appreciate having all the crap from the IOS games, novels, et cetera in one place.

If someone were to do this for, say, ME3 and include all the comics/novels/spinoff promotional side games I could see it getting pretty horrifying.
That's why there's a new trend of series OTs. Single game OTs should be just that. Keep extra info not about that game to a series OT.

Angry Fork

Completely disagree. If you want some quick info on something you can google it.

OT's should not just be about giving you a quick serving of info imo, it's also a labor of dedication/respect towards whatever is coming out. Whoever made that put a ton of time into it and everyone who stays in that thread is presumably a big fan of the series. I like the OT a lot and I enjoy huge multi-posted OT's for games I love. I want them to continue that way.
It does seem like the OT creator didn't get the memo that this was only suppose to be for Revelations, not for the entire series...

Make the release dates and the different edition stuff more apparent. Info about random stuff like mobile version of assassin creed 1 is cool, but unnecessary.

And pc version got a release date? Didn't realize it until I saw it in the OT.


Trucker Sexologist
Volcynika said:
I find it amusing when in the past some of these over the top OTs are filled to the brim of miscellaneous information, but forget things like the game's release date.
GAF OTs are not meant for the general public. They're meant for enthusiasts who are frothing with hype. They already have the release date marked on their calendar and/or tattooed on their buttocks. If they don't bring your webbroswer to its knees and make your scroll marker the size of a pixel they're doing it wrong.


Has problems recognising girls
It's the grandeur of the graphics and coding it in forum format that makes me smirk a little. Plant a .png banner and some concise information and I'll be fine. It's too much of a bother, both for the user and for the reader, to go about it any other way.

Mupod said:
As someone just getting into the AC series I can appreciate having all the crap from the IOS games, novels, et cetera in one place.
But would this be acceptable for something as simple as Mario? There's no need to go all out in terms of past products, keeping some Metacritic score alongside each release. I understand the intent behind the Assassin's Creed thread and the possible joy of work that someone may have put in to it, but there is a thin line between fan creation and PR mouthpiece on this forum when it concerns Official Threads.


Oh, and for the record, I think the new AC OT is awesome. It reminds me of the game manuals we used to get, back in the golden age.


Canadians burned my passport
As far as I'm concerned, OTs should be three posts.

Post 1: Game info
Post 2: Post-release info (patches, dlc, maybe reviews)
Post 3: Gaf-impressions (Updated over time from the thread itself)
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