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Blockbuster running a contest to go along with release of San Andreas

Got my newsletter today and Blockbuster is currently running a promotion for San Andreas and I thought I'd post the link here.


The prizes are pretty kick ass and made me chuckle.

GRAND PRIZE: Trip for 2 to Vegas
1st PRIZE: Tricked out Grand Theft Auto BMX Bike
2ND PRIZE: 1 Year Game Pass
3RD PRIZE: Copy of the Game plus Grand Theft Auto Gear

LOL, I would love to tool around on the BMX Bike inside the Blockbuster. :p


EakeLarth said:
How can there be a Grand prize AND a first prize? Isn't the grand prize by definition the first prize?

That's how practically every contest I've seen has their prizes labeled. I always thought that it was strange wording too, but that's how pretty much all of them are. Take a look at the fine print for some other contests sometime (any contest will do). When they list the prizes, they always lists a grand prize, then a first, second, third, etc.

I think the reasoning is that the "Grand Prize" is the sort of "Main" prize for the contest, with all other prizes sort of falling in a different category.
Gorilla Jones said:
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