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Bloodborne |OT+5| Grant Us Eyes!

So now that all the DS3 DLC is out is Old Hunters still the best SoulsBourne DLC of all time?

Old Hunters>DS1 DLC>DS2 DLC>DS3 DLC

Take in mind Old hunters are two DLC combined and released as one, DS3 have the same structure but fails miserably on game design and some mechanics are a chore for some people.

Soft Spoilers ahead DS3 DLC content
ends abruptly and feels out of place since the content dont affects the main game at all.


So I have not played since I beat Cleric Beast two months ago. I have forgotten everything about that game (played it for the first time in January). I was running in circles with no idea where to go next... I then said screw it and farmed two levels. Now I need to find out where to go... (don't tell me, I think I know). Such a good game though and I have not even scratched the surface I guess.
Is Old Hunters worth getting asap? I'm on my first play through Bloodborne (just entered the Forbidden Woods) and it seems people really rate the dlc content but I was just wondering if it messes with the natural pacing of the game and is better suited for 2nd plays.
Is Old Hunters worth getting asap? I'm on my first play through Bloodborne (just entered the Forbidden Woods) and it seems people really rate the dlc content but I was just wondering if it messes with the natural pacing of the game and is better suited for 2nd plays.


It's best played near endgame and only positively improves and adds to the experience :) It's awesome! Especially with its story and lore-bits. Makes the final battle even more impactful.

I'd recommend to play the DLC on NG and not NG+ if this is your first time.
Do you need PSN for the co-op on this game? I'm getting the GOTY edition tomorrow, can't wait!

Sorta. If you want to play with actual humans in coop and versus you need a PS Plus account which means you need a PSN account. You also can't see messages without Plus which kinda sucks. If you are happy with computers their are a fair amount of NPC coop partners for the bosses which you can get even in offline mode. I've been pleasantly surprised by the quality of the NPC summoned help. They certainly can't solo a boss fight for you but they can carry themselves which is nice.


Met Father Gascoigne. Beat him at first try but I think I was kinda overpowered, haha.
Run the sewers a few times and finally found out (by accident) how to upgrade weapons. Hunters Axe+3 clearly helps.
Have you played Souls games before? Tell us what problems you're having.

No I haven't.

Well, I am kinda used to dodging canceling the attack moves I am currently performing and it looks like thats not the case in Bloodborne.
So I press to dodge at the right time, but it doesn't perform a doge because I am still doing a move.
This just makes it feel sluggish and unresponsive and frustrating to me.
At first I thought I would get used to it and adjust my timing, but it doesn't look like I am getting better.
No I haven't.

Well, I am kinda used to dodging canceling the attack moves I am currently performing and it looks like thats not the case in Bloodborne.
So I press to dodge at the right time, but it doesn't perform a doge because I am still doing a move.
This just makes it feel sluggish and unresponsive and frustrating to me.
At first I thought I would get used to it and adjust my timing, but it doesn't look like I am getting better.
Right. Souls games are definately about committing to an action, attacks cannot be cancelled for the most part. Regular enemies can kill you just a couple of hits so timing is key, know when to take action and when not to.
A simple thing to get used to is to be in range of an enemy and then dodge/walk backwards, wait a beat for their attack animation to end and then step in and attack. Baiting enemies is a good thing to learn rather than just charging in, often their reactions are quicker than your own attacks so rushing can be fatal.

Also don't try and rush or take on too many enemies at once. There are certain attacks with a wide arc that are good for crowd control but you can soon be overwhelmed and out of stamina. That's another key point: Stamina. See how many attacks you can perform on your stamina bar and then only do that many when you're certain the enemy won't attack back. Conserving that little bit of stamina for a quick dodge or escape can save your bacon, 3 hits instead of 4 that kind of thing. Patience is key in Soulsborne.

You can also use the pebble items to attract the attention of a single enemy to thin them out, they come in handy. Keep at it, everyone's first Souls game is a steep learning curve, but they are such rewarding games :)
Right. Souls games are definately about committing to an action, attacks cannot be cancelled for the most part. Regular enemies can kill you just a couple of hits so timing is key, know when to take action and when not to.
A simple thing to get used to is to be in range of an enemy and then dodge/walk backwards, wait a beat for their attack animation to end and then step in and attack. Baiting enemies is a good thing to learn rather than just charging in, often their reactions are quicker than your own attacks so rushing can be fatal.

Also don't try and rush or take on too many enemies at once. There are certain attacks with a wide arc that are good for crowd control but you can soon be overwhelmed and out of stamina. That's another key point: Stamina. See how many attacks you can perform on your stamina bar and then only do that many when you're certain the enemy won't attack back. Conserving that little bit of stamina for a quick dodge or escape can save your bacon, 3 hits instead of 4 that kind of thing. Patience is key in Soulsborne.

You can also use the pebble items to attract the attention of a single enemy to thin them out, they come in handy. Keep at it, everyone's first Souls game is a steep learning curve, but they are such rewarding games :)

I think I can deal quite well with the normal guys who run around at the very beginning. But the very first bigger guy always kills me.
When I spawn in central Yharnam and go down the stairs all the guys are wandering towards that burning thing, but on the other end of that road there is a big guy with armour and an axe and I think I've died 30 times already trying to kill him.

I moved on now and opened the gate thats right in front of the central yharnam spawn point, so hey, at least some progress :D

Edit: I think I'm slowly getting the hang of it.
I spent 3 hours with the game so far, progressed nowhere and had no fun at all.
I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Reading your other posts here are a few tips: You don't have to kill everything, when learning the game i'd say it is advisable to avoid certain enemies that have high health and hard hitters early on such as the executioners (the guy with the axe you mentioned) as you will come across them later and be more skilled and better levelled to deal with them.

There are two ways of viewing the beginning of the game: An area to learn the fundamentals and become skilled or farm and get stronger. The first area is a perfect practice area as you have one on ones, mobs, faster enemies, larger enemies and hard hitters. it is perfect for learning the basics of the game. However if you want to progress you need to get to a boss, you can either do it the hard way by taking everything down or the easy way and simply run to the boss by ignoring everything (if you have already spent 3 hours in the area do this). Once you have done that the area becomes more rewarding as you can now level up and by opening up the shortcuts there are a few decent farming routes, also co-op opens up at this point.
Reading your other posts here are a few tips: You don't have to kill everything, when learning the game i'd say it is advisable to avoid certain enemies that have high health and hard hitters early on such as the executioners (the guy with the axe you mentioned) as you will come across them later and be more skilled and better levelled to deal with them.

There are two ways of viewing the beginning of the game: An area to learn the fundamentals and become skilled or farm and get stronger. The first area is a perfect practice area as you have one on ones, mobs, faster enemies, larger enemies and hard hitters. it is perfect for learning the basics of the game. However if you want to progress you need to get to a boss, you can either do it the hard way by taking everything down or the easy way and simply run to the boss by ignoring everything (if you have already spent 3 hours in the area do this). Once you have done that the area becomes more rewarding as you can now level up and by opening up the shortcuts there are a few decent farming routes, also co-op opens up at this point.

I am at the cleric beast. But I have no idea how to dodge that thing. It moves so unpredictable. I went in with 20 blood vials and brought it down to about 25%. I guess I'll need a few more tries.


I am at the cleric beast. But I have no idea how to dodge that thing. It moves so unpredictable. I went in with 20 blood vials and brought it down to about 25%. I guess I'll need a few more tries.

I have issues with this game (performance kills the combat) but the cleric beats is really predictable. If this is giving you trouble, your going to have a bad time.

For the most part I kept close. Don't dodge backwards. Side or forwards.
I have issues with this game (performance kills the combat) but the cleric beats is really predictable. If this is giving you trouble, your going to have a bad time.

For the most part I kept close. Don't dodge backwards. Side or forwards.

I beat it on the second attempt. It looks unpredictable, but once you watched it a bit and see past all the flailing around its not that bad.

I still wish the game would run at 60FPS, but my main problem in the beginning was that I came from 80 hours of Horizon where Aloy cancels everything she is doing currently when you press to dodge. And the character in Bloodborne takes its sweet time to finish business before dodging. It'll probably take me another few hours before I'm used to that.
But now its starting to be fun.
I beat it on the second attempt. It looks unpredictable, but once you watched it a bit and see past all the flailing around its not that bad.

I still wish the game would run at 60FPS, but my main problem in the beginning was that I came from 80 hours of Horizon where Aloy cancels everything she is doing currently when you press to dodge. And the character in Bloodborne takes its sweet time to finish business before dodging. It'll probably take me another few hours before I'm used to that.
But now its starting to be fun.

Aloy barely fights in close combat , In BB you dodge only to counter attack not for running away


I beat it on the second attempt. It looks unpredictable, but once you watched it a bit and see past all the flailing around its not that bad.

I still wish the game would run at 60FPS, but my main problem in the beginning was that I came from 80 hours of Horizon where Aloy cancels everything she is doing currently when you press to dodge. And the character in Bloodborne takes its sweet time to finish business before dodging. It'll probably take me another few hours before I'm used to that.
But now its starting to be fun.

You are doing better than me it seems and I play every Souls game. I came vLTTP to this as well and had a hard time compared to other Souls games, especially DS3 which is very easy in comparison. The only thing I am good/lucky at with this are the bosses and big enemies so far. I beat Cleric and Father the first try - but I had sooo many troubles progressing for the first 4 hours or so. I kept dying and dying. Then I learned to counter-attack the big enemies and how to sidestep properly.


I beat it on the second attempt. It looks unpredictable, but once you watched it a bit and see past all the flailing around its not that bad.

I still wish the game would run at 60FPS, but my main problem in the beginning was that I came from 80 hours of Horizon where Aloy cancels everything she is doing currently when you press to dodge. And the character in Bloodborne takes its sweet time to finish business before dodging. It'll probably take me another few hours before I'm used to that.
But now its starting to be fun.

If I could pick two best pieces of advice (Bloodborne was my first Souls game and I've gone on to get the Platinum trophy in all 5)... Generally dodge toward the boss (through their attack), not away from it. Not only will you get hit less often, you'll be in prime position to get back some of your health by attacking if you do get hit.

The other piece of advice is don't be afraid to level up if you're really getting stuck. Levels in Bloodborne help a ton because every choice ups your defense. If Cleric Beast is giving you trouble, Father Gascoigne is going to drive you nuts. I leveled up quite a bit and was able to finally push through him (side advice, practice parrying with your gun). Eventually, you will get used to the combat mechanics and you won't need the crutch the early overleveling provides anymore. Once I had gone through the game, I started a new character and went and beat Father G without even getting hit.

Fake edit: Also - Don't lock on to Cleric Beast


I think I can deal quite well with the normal guys who run around at the very beginning. But the very first bigger guy always kills me.
When I spawn in central Yharnam and go down the stairs all the guys are wandering towards that burning thing, but on the other end of that road there is a big guy with armour and an axe and I think I've died 30 times already trying to kill him.

I moved on now and opened the gate thats right in front of the central yharnam spawn point, so hey, at least some progress :D

There's no reason to kill the big guy. It's there to troll the player. =)

Like it was already said, patience is the key, and a slow methodic approach is essential for survival. Remember to look every nook and cranny for shortcuts and items. Sometimes there are things hidden behind the scattered objects.

It's also advisable to use all spare Blood Echoes to gather Blood Vials. When you uphold a good supply of vials, there's no need to farm them. It also makes the progress easier in the beginning than in Dark Souls 3, with its limited amount of Estus Flasks.

Practise gun-parrying with the big guys carrying a rock. Mastering the mechanic makes many upcoming enemies and bosses easier to defeat. You can level up your character with Coldblood Dews, and weapon with Blood Stone Shards, that are scattered across the first area. There's also an outfit with better defense stats hidden in there.

EDIT: Molotovs, and serrated weapons like Saw Cleaver and the whip form of Threaded Cane, are particularly good against beasts.
Thanks for all the advice guys.

There's no reason to kill the big guy. It's there to troll the player. =)

I thought so after a few hours :D
I approached the game wrong at first. I had a completionist mentality and wanted to kill all the guys in an area before progressing. Little did I know that this makes no sense in Bloodborne.


I am trying to kill some NPC invaded after some church and the performance of this game totally ruins the combat.

I am better off just reading the wiki for lore than enduring this console torture.

The fog kills it. The dude above with the MG kills it with a couple bullets.

How do you even deal with this type of performance. Doesn't help that your character seems to be the only old dude in the game, which would be fine if it wasn't for the performance.


Doesn't help that your character seems to be the only old dude in the game

What does this mean?

The performance sucks but it rarely gets to unplayable levels. The machine gun is giving you fps issues? I don't remember any except if he destroyed a lot of exploding jars. Frame pacing is bad but you get used to it. Co-op can certainly get horrible, but ideally you can git gud and not co-op at all.

Not giving them a pass mind you, that shit is unacceptable, but you're definitely not "better off reading the wiki".


Basically character is slow as heck. Like if I stuck my grandpa in this world >.>

I am past the exploding barrels. I am fought what seems to be an invader, but NPC like in the other games.

I got him stuck and I won! Hey it counts!

But yeah the game constantly slowing down is really jarring.


I spent 3 hours with the game so far, progressed nowhere and had no fun at all.
I don't know what I am doing wrong.

Don't give up. I know everyone will say that.

I remember the pain you are feeling. Took me forever to progress past the first bit that you are on. Looking back it is kind off funny. You'll see.


I've just beaten Vicar Amelia and my son keeps telling me I'm just getting started.
Where is best to farm blood and bullets?

run from mergo's loft middle and kill the shadow of yharnam guys and pigs. when you kill the group of shadows at the stairs after the 2 pigs then you can turn back. if you want more echoes then equip all your moon runes. i ended up with about 450,000 after a couple runs that was with all 3 moon runes.

I have only killed two bosses, so I don't even know where that is heh (obviously not there yet).

ah ok...didn't see this post. you don't get to it until near the end of the base game. if you've only killed 2 bosses so far then you should be at the Cathedral ward area so you should be fine. do the optional area and when you have full access to the cathedral ward area then you will be able to go to another optional area where you can get plenty of bullets and another area that i used to farm echoes early on in the game.
run from mergo's loft middle and kill the shadow of yharnam guys and pigs. when you kill the group of shadows at the stairs after the 2 pigs then you can turn back. if you want more echoes then equip all your moon runes. i ended up with about 450,000 after a couple runs that was with all 3 moon runes.

2nd floor lecture building is one of the easiest. You get a similar amount in less time and no faffing with the pigs which are a pain. You just take everything down upstairs dealing with the giant last then drop downstairs and take out everything in the lecture room. If you have a weapon with a fire gem attached everything goes down in 1 hit except for the giant but that is also super easy. Only bad part about that is the down stairs section the framerate goes to shit. Takes about the same time to do the whole area as getting to the first pig in mergos loft.
Woo, beat the Blood Starved Beast! Only used one vial and din't use any antidotes. Gascognes armor helped. Man my heart beat so fast and my hands got all sweaty. Dodge left, get 1-2 attacks in and get out. Man, feels good beating it :)


Neo Member
So I'm thinking about skipping the chalice content andjust going for the main/side quests (and DLC). Thoughts?

This is exactly what I did on my first play through. Only ever did the chalice content when I decided to get the platinum. So, unless you want the platinum in 1 playthrough, just ignore the chalice content imo.


So I'm thinking about skipping the chalice content andjust going for the main/side quests (and DLC). Thoughts?

If you don't play the early chalice dungeons as you're advancing through the game, you'll have to beat them later before you can unlock depth 5 dungeons (the hardest ones). You'll be severely overleveled for the prior depths and they will be boring.

It's probably one of the main reasons some people disliked them; they didn't play them at simultaneously.

If you're not interested in them at all then don't worry. Otherwise I'd recommend beating one depth for every level.


If you don't play the early chalice dungeons as you're advancing through the game, you'll have to beat them later before you can unlock depth 5 dungeons (the hardest ones). You'll be severely overleveled for the prior depths and they will be boring.

It's probably one of the main reasons some people disliked them; they didn't play them at simultaneously.

If you're not interested in them at all then don't worry. Otherwise I'd recommend beating one depth for every level.

Can you explain how to get there and when to exactly?

I just got to starved beast thing.

The God

This is exactly what I did on my first play through. Only ever did the chalice content when I decided to get the platinum. So, unless you want the platinum in 1 playthrough, just ignore the chalice content imo.

If you don't play the early chalice dungeons as you're advancing through the game, you'll have to beat them later before you can unlock depth 5 dungeons (the hardest ones). You'll be severely overleveled for the prior depths and they will be boring.

It's probably one of the main reasons some people disliked them; they didn't play them at simultaneously.

If you're not interested in them at all then don't worry. Otherwise I'd recommend beating one depth for every level.

I completed a handful of them, I guess what I'm really asking is how worthwhile the content is because the dungeons are kinda of a drag


I completed a handful of them, I guess what I'm really asking is how worthwhile the content is because the dungeons are kinda of a drag

It's well worthwhile, if you like the challenge, fighting new enemies and bosses, and getting the best gems for NG+ runs. One of the best looking attire, Bone Ash, can only be found there as well. The same goes for Beast Claw weapon.
I can certainly see why people might find them a bit boring, but I find myself really drawn to the chalice content. Having this nice random area that you can just bum around in and never be more then a few rooms from a lantern just is a lovely detox from the stress of making forward progress through the main game. More then a few times I've started Bloodborne with a goal in mind for this particular play session but just end up clearing a chalice or two. Also helps that they are turning my cane into a nightmare scourge of both beasts and men (and everything between).
So I'm thinking about skipping the chalice content andjust going for the main/side quests (and DLC). Thoughts?

it depends, if you do them alonside the main game you can get good runes in the run, if you do the chalices after the chalice can get a little boring and tedius since the most of the stuff is wirthless and you probably doing it for the platinum


Orphan of Kos is a big challenge. Tried dozens of times (most of them with co-op buddy) but keep failing. First phase goes quick enough but second phase is hard stuff.

edit: *Reads guide*
"He becomes extremely tough in NG+"

Well then... I think I will YouTube the rest. :)
I am at the very beginning of NG+. I'm happy to have played 99% of the DLC.

I start Zelda tomorrow and Persona 5 after.


So I'm thinking about skipping the chalice content andjust going for the main/side quests (and DLC). Thoughts?

The dungeons will turn you into a god if you decide to sit down and play through them. You will be washed with great gems, tons of echos and combat experience. When I finally emerged from the dungeons I was blowing through NG+ when I was struggling at first. The level of cheapness goes way up in the dungeons compared to the outside world, once you've gotten used to the extra special type of bullshit the main game will seem like a cakewalk.


I just beat starved beast and I don't know where to go. Or even how to start this chalice thing the old dude mentioned.



I just beat starved beast and I don't know where to go. Or even how to start this chalice thing the old dude mentioned.


Chalice: Go to one of the empty headstones to the left of the doll and place it. I'd recommend waiting until you beat another boss or two before starting it though.

A door in the chapel is now open for absolutely no reason. Don't worry, nothing this dumb happens again.


So I died after going back to the Cathedral after starving best and I got teleported to some unseen village.

Things are one shooting me lol. What level is recommended here? I am only 28.

Where is the Lantern? I am tired of dying to one hit.

But to mention the lame telegraphing homing grab these monsters do.
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