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Bloodlust & Gorethirst: Your Favourite Gory Kills in Gaming?

Ever since I was a wee lass and watched one of my older brothers shoot crude 2D sprites in the original DOOM and Duke Nukem, watching their bodies collapse to the floor into a bloody mulch, I've always had an adoration for any sort of intense gore or violence in video games. The more visceral the better in my books. And over the course of the last decade or so I've witnessed some truly glorious gibs and bloodshed. Thought I'd throw this thread up here and see who else has an affection for this type of violence in games, and what their favourite deaths are. Here's a brief glimpse at some of my favourites! With video links and viewer friendly images for those of you with a weak disposition!


Cranial Drill (Turok 2: Seeds of Evil)

The cerebral bore! What a beast of a weapon. Wasn't much to look at but as soon as I fired off that homing probe and it buried it's way into a dino dude's skull, bore out all of the blood, meat and brain matter finally before popping his head with a satisfying chunky squelch, the enemy's body stumbling around before dropping down headless and lifeless I fell in love with it. Probably my favourite weapon of all time in any FPS and as a gore adorer easily at the top of my list of my favourite weapons and gory deaths simultaneously!



Testicle Popping - (Sniper Elite Series)

So fucking satisfying. Why bother going for a clean headshot when you can pop both of a dude's nads off in one shot in slow motion. Watching both of those testicles sever from their tubes and then shatter into dozens of meaty shards in the latest game in particular where the detail is ramped up even further never gets boring. And in Sniper Elite 3 you get to blow apart the most infamous nut of all. Hitler's single testicle! The sweetest prize of them all. God bless Rebellion for making a game in this day and age where that's even possible.



Mancubus Glory Kill - (Doom 2016)

The newest Doom is chock full of all sorts of gory kills but none of them top the Mancubus glory kill in my opinion. Sure you can just blow the shit out of them with an RPG or gut them with a fully revved up chainsaw for some extra ammo but why bother doing that when you can do something as metal as ripping out the bastard's heart from his chest, feeding him his heart and then watching his upper half blow the fuck up and collapse outwards revealing it's entire skeletal frame? The organs and decimated skeleton eventually falling apart into the fleshy gory bowl below. Exceptional!



Full Body Dismemberment - (Soldier of Fortune Series)

All you really need to have a good time in the original SoF are grenades and a shotgun. Flanking a guy and just blowing his limbs clean off, watching him tumble down on the floor uselessly and then delivering the coup de grace while he's helpless on the floor is kickass and visceral as fuck. Or watching a guy try to run off with his stump of an arm flopping back and forth unable to use his weapon, leaving him ripe for a final shot to the leg, chest or head as he cowers away is fucking brutal. A shame not many games have bettered it since. I'm glad pretty much all the games in the series have carried over this trademark brutality.

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I just got done finishing the 3 mainline Serious Sam games all of which have decent gore. The third one introduced melee instakill things that has the player ripping heads off some enemies.

Popping off heads with a sniper rifle in the Unreal Tournament series is always satisfying.

Shadow Warrior (2014) sword kills makes me melt.



The Punisher on the PS2 has some very satisfying gory kills, having hard time finding gifs but found a cool vid:

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