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Bloodrayne 2 high-res videos (boobies!)

Funky Papa

This is sooo going to earn a Mature rating and not just because of the naked flesh.



Hardcore vampire nazis strangling people with their intestines. SOLD.


Seriously...apart from the boobies, why is this game getting hyped? And why was the first game hyped? Looked like a mediocre 3rd action game to me.
Kiriku said:
Seriously...apart from the boobies, why is this game getting hyped? And why was the first game hyped? Looked like a mediocre 3rd action game to me.

The original wasn't the greatest game or anything, but it was a good game that had alot of potential to be great. The sequel going by the previews and videos looks like it's going to be the type of improvement ZOE2 was over ZOE1.
Animation is uber stiff... and I've seen MANY ideas that Prince of persia had, being recycled to shit here.

The Rayne model looks hawt... but god... the slidding on the rails was ONE idea I had for my game... but it's done like shit..... Griding rails with high heals????



Bloodrayne 2 is the only game I went back to play a second time at E3 this year. Much more polished than the first, lots of physics phun, and the dismemberment is exceptionally well done. Picking it up on release day.


MattKeil said:
Bloodrayne 2 is the only game I went back to play a second time at E3 this year. Much more polished than the first, lots of physics phun, and the dismemberment is exceptionally well done. Picking it up on release day.

Good to hear. Can't wait to play this, one of my more anticipated games this year.


The Bookerman said:
Majesco stop sending PR's down here, we don't want to buy the game.

I said ONE of my more anticipated games. I sorta like the original but it had problems, hoping the second one is much better.
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