Some consumers: objectifying women is evil.
In their pretty deep layers, they hate women.
Yeah, I've come think that too. Not in all cases, but the ones where a female character is de-feminized and made adrogynous - those ones, for sure.
who cares, its someone’s opinion.
My problem with whores in video games is that clearly a nerd wrote them. Whores in movies move the plot along and serve a purpose. Whores in video games make me universally cringe. Not all gamers are losers that cant get a gfs.
Games will get there.
In Brazil there are bunch of ladies that go to the beach and there are others ladies that write on twitter/facebook their hate over those women.
Part of the west men behave like that.
The “whores”?!? Whaa?who cares, its someone’s opinion.
My problem with whores in video games is that clearly a nerd wrote them. Whores in movies move the plot along and serve a purpose. Whores in video games make me universally cringe. Not all gamers are losers that cant get a gfs.
Games will get there.
who cares, its someone’s opinion.
My problem with whores in video games is that clearly a nerd wrote them. Whores in movies move the plot along and serve a purpose. Whores in video games make me universally cringe. Not all gamers are losers that cant get a gfs.
Games will get there.
I didn't know that happened in Brazil. That's so petty and disappointing.
To be honest I havent seen a game where I was embarrassed to play in years. But perhaps Genshin Impact. My gf walked in on me playing the game ( I was trying to get the alloy skin) she was like why is the character dressed like a whore.I'm scary to ask you your definition of whore in gaming.
>caring what your gf thinksMy gf walked in on me playing the game ( I was trying to get the alloy skin) she was like why is the character dressed like a whore.
Nothing like men telling women that wearing clothes that aren't completely covering them is disgusting and scandalous.
Horizon was successful in spite of its boring, ugly, snarky, dimwit protagonist not because of it. And I want to tell these people her gender is fucking irrelevant anyway if you’re not a flag-waving ideologue. So tired of all this omfg already.There's room in gaming for sexualised and non-sexualised characters, we can have both.
The success of Horizon was definitely good, and showed that games don't need male protagonists to be successful.
It’s their penance.Has it become clear to everyone that people who write these types of articles are usually the ones carrying out the horrible acts.
No, he's white. They would complain for being a racist game. If they make him/her black then they would complain about cultural appropiation. Then they will demand to have down syndrome, and so on. There is no end.They want Lara Croft to look like
Nothing like men telling women that wearing clothes that aren't completely covering them is disgusting and scandalous.
It's just so very bizarre to put Lara Croft in any kind of "list" on this matter, since her main outfits were never "skimpy" (perhaps she wore some wetsuits or other swimwear at appropriate times), and certainly have been nowhere near so in the last game iterations which encompass about a decade now. Just seems like it (well, like all the other specifics) were just convenient low-hanging fruit to shout out about.Women like Bayonetta and Lara Croft. Neither one of them are the “put out” types. Even when Lara had big jaggy breasts, she didn’t just give it to anyone she met. Bayonetta, a highly sexualized female, isn’t a slut or whore. She’d probably kill you if you tried assaulting her. I hate these out of context articles and people who look past the purpose of the character’s existence. Make a game character yourself and see if it’s just as successful. Women dress sexy for themselves and they can do it in a video game. Covering the female up is bull sh*t. Victoria Secret has photos of larger women in their panties in their store now. Sex appeal should be a good thing for people.
If he can’t play it in front of his family then he may not need to. Why does he need to play those games in front of them? Do women dress sexy for their grandparents or parents? Lara Croft has been toned down and altered to the point where her existence feels like some sorta cover up. She was more of a “game character” back on PS1 and Xbox 360.
I’d love to actually talk to these people who write such articles about this stuff. The only reason they get any attention is because of their platform and their career choice.
Lara Croft and Bayonetta are on two opposite ends of the spectrum on just about every level. Activision has an HR and corporate issue where they didn’t handle issues properly.
I never thought of Lara as a big sex symbol like the media and a lot of people made her out to be. Sure, she was appealing because of her body, but that’s fashion 101. She wasn’t someone to put on the runway. If anything, the media did that to her and people who were aware of her games made more of a fuss about it. I played the games as a kid on PS1 and had a t-shirt of TR3. I played the first two games in the reboot. They’re good games, but they’re basically replacing sex with violence and gory deaths. Overall, I see them as much stronger females just because they’ve survived. They’ve lived to see new entries, they conquer whatever is in their way, and they’re for the most part appealing to watch. People make a big deal about fantasy depicting something outside what they find acceptive and that’s no way to go about expressing creative imagination.It's just so very bizarre to put Lara Croft in any kind of "list" on this matter, since her main outfits were never "skimpy" (perhaps she wore some wetsuits or other swimwear at appropriate times), and certainly have been nowhere near so in the last game iterations which encompass about a decade now. Just seems like it (well, like all the other specifics) were just convenient low-hanging fruit to shout out about.
I think someone else noted that this article almost seems like a camouflaged advertisement for Horizon in a weird way. That certainly makes more sense than any other particular value this has.
These people are either gay or are trying to cop a root by being seen as allies to hardcore radical feminists.
What is wrong with a female showing off skin? Females are the most beautiful creatures on earth. Why do they need to be modestly dressed every fucking time? What is it with these prudes who demand women in video games be covered head to toe?
I’m thinking these morons need to get a life. Stop bitching and moaning you fucking losers.
The author in the article knows all of that which is why he is going for the sexy image —> sexist —> rape culture and abuse by men angle, one thing necessarily leading to the other. Let’s not think about the fact that some women might like the same sexy attributes in other women, but no for articles such as this apparently there are only heterosexual cisgender peopleWhat gets me is that these virtue-signalling, puritanical-ass pseudo-wannabe journos who claim to be soooo embarrassed seeing virtual VG characters in skimpy outfits and then log off at the end of the day to spend an evening with some lotion and their Pornhub playlist.
As if partially clad women in a videogame or any other entertainment medium is somehow problematic, but the way women are depicted in porn is perfectly ok.
There's nothing problematic about seeing tits and ass. Even if doesn't make sense in the context of the art. If it's there at all, it's for titillation (same as in porn and all the other types of smut consenting adults enjoy). If you have a pathological aversion to seeing sexy women's bodies in games, maybe those fucking games are just not for you.
This myth that the article in the OP and other goons like them, try to project that objectified images of women in games are ubiquitous, is complete utter creamy horseshit. And the fact that he has to cite the new TR as an example, only proves this article writer is uninformed and totally disconnected from the gaming landscape to the extent that they demonstrate themselves simply not qualified to be writing an opinion piece on this subject.
Lol it’s gaming don’t force logic into it, she wears a tight tank top and tight shorts because the developers wanted to look at her wearing that, and it’s perfectly okay.Are these people Muslims or something? Why do they want female characters to be covered up so badly?
Lara Croft wears a tank top and shorts cause she’s in a fucking tropical jungle most of the time lmao
I don't know why some of you take this kind of article so seriously. The sole objective of this type of publications is to create a response, to create a conflict, to create a problem to be resolved; an attractive narrative to sell.
Would you complain to a carpenter that makes furniture? Or a painter that paints? That's their job.
No amount of clever contra arguments are going to change anything.
Only stopping to give attention is going to work in the long run.
I’m just not understanding what is wrong with females looking sexy? Can only ugly females be smart and adventurous? Can only fat ladies be represented in games today? What is wrong with females looking beautiful? Surely to fuck these guys don’t masterbate to fat, ugly blue haired chicks, do they?
This, also what make a game great is not the gender of the character or whatsoever, is the entire package that make. No matter what type of character it is, it's more of if the character fits or not, a DMC game wouldn't work with female lead, and a TR game wouldn't work with a male lead, and an Okami game won't work as well with a human lead. Thinking that characters like Lara or Dante are only popular because of their looks and outfits only shows how ignorant those lowtier journalists are, those are not gaming fans, those are propaganda fans to fulfill their click and paycheck, in a sens i understand someone need money for living, but there are better ways to earn money without doing propagandas, at least i think so.There's room in gaming for sexualised and non-sexualised characters, we can have both.
The success of Horizon was definitely good, and showed that games don't need male protagonists to be successful.
The movement is too big and widespread, if nobody talk about how ridiculous it is it’ll soon be the norm. In western gaming it already kinda is. I just hope japanese devs keep on don’t giving a shit. If DOA7 comes out with covered up characters it’s game over.I don't know why some of you take this kind of article so seriously. The sole objective of this type of publications is to create a response, to create a conflict, to create a problem to be resolved; an attractive narrative to sell.
Would you complain to a carpenter that makes furniture? Or a painter that paints? That's their job.
No amount of clever contra arguments are going to change anything.
Only stopping to give attention is going to work in the long run.
Surprisingly not by Jason Schrier, but another moron:
Archive in case paywalled:
Tries to tie in harassment scandals due to "sexism" from female character "objectification":
After a few paragraphs of literally pimping Aloy from Horizon Dawn as if she was the first example of a non "objectified" female character, he complains about other games and being "embarrassed to play them" due to the "depictions" (seriously? How can you call current Lara Croft designs "objectified" and/or "skimpy"???):
Ends on a note of how current female characters depictions are outrageous, and again ties that into the industry harassment issues:
Again his examples of "Objectified" female characters are utterly ridiculous. Tomb Raider currently features a Lara who's the most modest she's ever been. Bayonetta's outfits are purposefully designed in a way to be empowering (and overall don't show off much skin which is of course the worst to these people). Genshin Impact of all things is a Gacha game that wants to make money, so of course it has to have attractive characters to market and sell them (and that's why MiHoYo is doing the "it prints money!" thing now), but guess what, they do the same thing to the males too, especially the current Banner:
I'm gonna guess this guy isn't to "embarrassed" by these though.
I really hate how sexual harassment is perpetrated predominantly by men. I'd love for some ladies to actually hound my sorry ass. Would be fucking sweet.
I think it has more to do with getting older as a guy.
When u are 15 years old u want any tits and ass u can find, the skimpier the better.
When u are 25 years old u already got that ass, and u are fine whatever gets fed.
When u hit 35 years old, u probably start to have kids or already have kids and if you got a daughter suddently 12 year old half naked super sexualized chick is no longer that funny. U get disgusting by it.
I think also that's why we see such a huge influx of people in the game segment that are relative young going against displaying girls as sex symbols because they are simple getting older.
I can relate towards it myself because as 25 year old playing genshi impact or whatever its called would not have been a issue for me, 35 years old, i simple don't touch it because of the character. i feel socially awkward at this point in stage if i do, so its a big no.
Now do i go around and lecture people on what i like or don't like? no not really. But i can see that older people start to get issue's with oversexualized girls in games that are relative young.
Game “journalism” is becoming the work of the people without work. The entry level is pretty much anyone. Such nonsense and low effort articles so bad some random threads in forums put more effort in writing than this.Here
Game “journalism” is becoming the work of the people without work. The entry level is pretty much anyone.
You’re just talking about kiddy anime characters. I’m 45 with a bunch of kids and I would not be even a tiny bit bothered by Lara Croft looking hot, or Joanna Dark, or Aloy, or Selene, or Kait, etc. Only thing this movement is currently doing is making western female characters less feminine, japanese devs don’t give a shit about this nonsense.I think it has more to do with getting older as a guy.
When u are 15 years old u want any tits and ass u can find, the skimpier the better.
When u are 25 years old u already got that ass, and u are fine whatever gets fed.
When u hit 35 years old, u probably start to have kids or already have kids and if you got a daughter suddently 12 year old half naked super sexualized chick is no longer that funny. U get disgusting by it.
I think also that's why we see such a huge influx of people in the game segment that are relative young going against displaying girls as sex symbols because they are simple getting older.
I can relate towards it myself because as 25 year old playing genshi impact or whatever its called would not have been a issue for me, 35 years old, i simple don't touch it because of the characters in it. i feel socially awkward at this point in stage if i do, so its a big no.
Now do i go around and lecture people on what i like or don't like? no not really. But i can see that older people start to get issue's with oversexualized girls in games that are relative young.
Uhh, most here are probably in their 30s. You don't suddenly stop enjoying hot chicks. In your 30s you finally become an 'adult' and you realize life isn't all that serious.
And at what age do you start to have an issue with the mass murder in every video game?
It's not about you or me, it's that u look at your daughter and think about her.
For example, if you are 20 and u are making a game for a game studio that is something like whore tycoon, u are probably have some mighty fun getting that shit going and are even proud on it because all your buddy's find it cool.
However when u are 35 years old, and u got a daughter and she comes to work u start to feel a bit awkward to the point, u probably want to do something else. Because u can already imagine when she asks why are all those females naked dad. yea gg.
This is why u even see heavy story driven games like god of war or tlou all become dad simulators where anything sexual is taken out and its more centered around the kid that the old guy ( you as player ) is guiding.
Now personally i don't care people can make whatever they want, but u have people that do care and will demand change because its there way or the high way mentality. U always have those.
I heard that before, so what if your kid asks why daddy is murdering everything on the screen? It's a video game, it's not real. Should buff dudes disappear in video games too so your chubby son doesn't feel inadequate? Most of the games we're talking about here you shouldn't play in front of your kids anyway.