Regarding the whole "racism" issue:
You know, I reflected on my comments and what you said above, and I've come to a conclusion: you are both correct and incorrect. Here's where you're correct:
My phrasing of that paragraph should have been better. Here's why I arrived at this conclusion after reflection: because I realized that I wouldn't say that, in those words, in a face-to-face conversation-- at least not unless I knew that there were no Russian people present. And that is because it would be tactless to say such a thing in a conversation, and any Russian person who might be listening might, in fact, interpret it as bias against their
entire group (as opposed to against just the members of their group who flout the law)-- though this tendency to "read bias into" another's remarks is, I feel, usually the fault of the listener provided that no explicit language implicating their
entire group was present, which there wasn't. However, due to their ethnic affiliation, there are certain ingrained notions of solidarity which exist, and we all exhibit a rush to judgment (to various degrees) when our perceived "group" is slighted (be it ethnic, religious, what have you); still, if one listens to the specific statements made, one would inevitably realize that I wasn't condemning
all Russians, or I would have
said something to the effect of "I hate all Russians", or "all Russians abuse our social services". I said no such thing; therefore, a good amount of one's interpretation of my words as in any way either "racist" or "referring to ALL members of said group" falls on the
listener's shoulders. Despite this
fact, it
was tactless of me to phrase it the way I did, if only because I didn't know whether there were Russians reading it (the same way I wouldn't make such a statement in real life in the presence of a Russian person out of consideration and a realization of their ethnic allegiances).
Now, despite the fact that I was wrong to phrase my statements that way, it still cannot be construed as racism by any reasonable person. You say that you "never said it was racist, or that you were racist" (but merely that more care should have been taking in its phrasing, which I've conceded--
not because there is anything
inherently wrong with the words I used, but because of audience factors). Fine, I'll accept that (though I'd still like a link to the topic that post was made in, because I'm pretty sure you either stated or implied that the post was racist). But Mandark
did state or imply that that post was racist in this very thread, and here's how I know that:
Mandark casually insinuated that I harbored racist sentiment by alluding to a Reagan-era racist gaffe which he likened my hastily prepared examples of unproductive social policy to. I posted this in response to such implications:
I could see if I had a history of racist posts (or even a racist post), but come on now...
Mandark replied with this:
No explanatory text, nothing. Just the link.
Now, given that the quote of mine that he was responding to spoke
specifically of "racist posts", and
not "posts that could possibly
be construed as racist" (big difference due to the audience factors I mentioned; the statements themselves were in no way racist in their formulation), it would
have to be concluded that Mandark felt my post to be an instance of "a racist post"; that is, racist. Not "could potentially be interpreted by sensitive individuals as racism", but just plain 'ole "racism". Had he included an explanation that he "didn't think I was racist, but that the statement could have been phrased more tactfully" (as you have done above), then that would be different. But he included no such commentary; based upon the quote of mine he was responding to, the link to my post that he posted, as well as the lack of any clarifying content,
it can only be concluded that he was, in fact, calling me racist (or at least that I exhibited an instance of racism, which, to my mind, only a racist person can do). This is why I laced into him-- because I am in no way racist, and have made numerous posts in numerous topics to that effect; to assert that I made a racist post (and consequently am a racist by implication, however slightly/latently) is just utter absurdity, not to mention intellectually bankrupt. My defense of the
actual wording of my supposedly (according to Mandark) "racist post" (as well as the reason why I used those examples in particular) is found on the previous page, and I will not rehash it here.
So you're right and you're wrong. You're correct in that it could and should have been phrased more tactfully given that this is a public forum, the same way I wouldn't say that in mixed company in public (again, not because I feel that it's a racist statement, but because it could possibly be misconstrued that way due to
listener bias; the words and phraseology used are in
no way racist-- check my previous post on the matter). For that, I apologize; usually I'm quite tactful (if I do say so), but we all have our moments-- the nature of forum discussion lowered my vigilance a bit in that regard.
You're wrong in two ways: one, if you at all feel that the particular words used were in
any way racist (not "might be interpreted as racist"), which is something I adamantly insist they weren't; two, in stating that "there was no such reasoning" (i.e., that nobody was calling me a racist on the basis of that post, either explicitly or implicitly, which Mandark
was, as demonstrated). Further, I wrote out that lengthy diatribe in response to
your post (chapter 1), because you posted Chapter 1, seen here:
CHAPTER 1: 'What Drove me Back Here' OR 'I hate you forever Mandrak'
The fact that you railed against Russians in New York and illegal immigrant leeches in Califronia is freaking disturbing for reasons that are OBVIOUS. It unsettled me then and it unsettles me now, and if you say something even remotely like 'well it's true so it's not racism' again then I'll run out of my room screaming. I'm hanging on by a very thin thread here. response to
my response to Mandark (who
did either explicitly or implicitly-- as has been demonstrated-- call my post racist). As such, it was reasonable to assume that you were likewise stating that it was racist; in fact, your very words:
"...if you say something even remotely like 'well it's true so it's not racism' again then I'll run out of my room screaming."
...seem to imply
not that you feel that my
phrasing of the matter could have been more considerate/tasteful (which I admitted), but rather that the phrasing/wording itself was
inherently racist (i.e., that the post was racist)...which it
wasn't. Saying that "here in Brooklyn, Russians abuse our social programs" is a
statement of fact and observation. Would it have been more tactful to use the generic "people" instead of "Russians"? Yes, I've admitted that. But the fact that my statement was more specific (in mentioning a particular group, who happen to be the only people I've
personally seen do this, which is why it came to mind most readily as an example),
does not mean that the statement is "racist". Just so we're clear as to what racism is:
1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2. racial prejudice or discrimination
(Courtesy of Merriam-Webster)
Clearly definition 1 does not apply to
my words, as I never stated that
all Russians abuse social programs, nor that, of the ones who do, their "Russian-ness" is what compelled them to do so. Nor did I ever state or imply that Russians were somehow an inferior class of people as a whole (though lawbreakers-- no matter how that lawlessness is manifested
or who manifests it--
are an inferior class of people, though not
intrinsically so). So definition 1 is out.
Definition 2 deals with prejudice and discrimination. Let's see what "prejudice" means:
1 : injury or damage resulting from some judgment or action of another in disregard of one's rights; especially : detriment to one's legal rights or claims
2 a (1) : preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge b : an instance of such judgment or opinion c : an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics
First off, definition 1 is out, being concerned with legal claims; seeing as how I am in no position of power to grant or refuse claims on the basis of my beliefs, it cannot apply. Further, even if I
was in a position of power, such beliefs as I've expressed would in no way influence any decisions I made as to legal claims or the allocation of resources. In other words, if I was head of the local welfare or food stamp office, I would never deny or overly scrutinize Russians applying for said programs just because they are Russians (no more so than the routine scrutiny you give all applicants for social programs; I believe in stricter standards and penalties across the board so that
all instances of rule-breaking will be reduced, whether it be done by Russians or Italians or Swedes; understood? The rule of law is my criterion, and those who deviate from it will justifiably be excoriated).
Definition 2a (both sense 1 and 2) is out; 2a(1), because it deals with "preconceived judgment or opinion". My "opinion" and "judgment" is only of those Russians whom I
have seen engaging in illegality. Therefore, it is a judgment formed
after observation, and it is a judgment concerned
only with those people whom I have witnessed doing so,
not with the entire group. Definition 2a(2) is tossed out because my opinion (again, specific to those people whom I
witness flouting the law, not the entire group) is
not formed "without just grounds or sufficient knowledge", it is formed only after sufficient grounds have been established (i.e., witnessing the illegality).
Definition 2b is inapplicable for the same reasons as above. Definition 2c states that prejudice is "an irrational attitude of hostility directed against an individual, a group, a race, or their supposed characteristics". First, recall that it has been established that I am speaking of individuals,
not "Russians" as a group; the only "group" it can properly be said I am speaking of are "those Russians who abuse the system". Similarly, an individual in this group would be "
a Russian who abuses the system" (not simply "a Russian"). In light of the nature of this group (Russian lawbreakers,
not all Russians), yes, there is hostility there on my part (as there would have to be if one is concerned with justice),
but that hostility is not irrational, being grounded, as it is, in verifiable observations
specific to that law-breaking individual or group. It is not a hostility or a "judgment" that I then magically extrapolate to encompass all Russians. That may be what someone
might read in to it, but as has been demonstrated in as clear language as possible, that is
not the case.
If you'll recall, we were working our way through the definition of "racism", the second definition of which stated that racism is "racial prejudice and discrimination"; I just defined prejudice and discounted its application to my post or my reasoning, so let us continue onward to "discrimination", which is defined like so:
1 a : the act of discriminating b : the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently
2 : the quality or power of finely distinguishing
3 a : the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually b : prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment <racial discrimination>
Definition 1a can be put off for now, being too broad to parse. It can mean "discriminating" in the sense of "a discriminating consumer", or in the sense we most often associate it with, which has negative connotations; I feel this latter sense is sufficiently spoken to by the remaining definitions, so let us proceed. 1b is concerned with things such as visual or audial discrimination (i.e., physical phenomena), and is thus inapplicable.
Definition 2 has positive connotations (or at the very least is irrelevant to the situation we are discussing), and so is not the one you'd be looking at if you wanted to impugn my character.
Definition 3a states that discrimination is "the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually"-- this, it would seem, could at least be applied (however tenuously) to our situation. However, all that needs to be pointed out is that I am
not discriminating "categorically" (speaking of the broad category "all Russians"), but rather
individually, with those people deemed to possess similar characteristics (i.e., being lawbreakers, being Russian)
by way of direct observation then being grouped into a separate, specific category (i.e., "lawbreaking Russians",
not "Russians" in general). Therefore, this definition is not relevant to my post or my feelings on the matter as expressed.
3b reads like so: "prejudiced or prejudicial outlook, action, or treatment"; as is obvious, this assumes that the above criteria as to what constitutes a "prejudiced/prejudicial" outlook, action, or treatment has been met, which it
has not been. My "actions" towards, "outlook" on, or "treatment" of Russian people in general is
in no way affected by my feelings regarding Russian scofflaws-- they (the scofflaws) are a distinct class whose membership in the group can only be determined by direct observation of their activities rather than grouping them solely on the basis of ethnicity (which would lead to one thinking/expressing that
all Russians are lawbreakers who abuse our social service programs, which
would be an instance of racism, unlike here).
As we can see by the above reasoning, my post was
in no way racist, as my words cannot be fitted to any of the definitions of racism or its related components. I apologize for going through it so painstakingly, but I want it to be
absolutely clear that my post and my words have
in no way, shape, or form contained racist sentiment or undercurrent. So Mandark's (either explicitly or implicitly, depending on how he eventually spins it; the evidence is shown above in his post) supposition that the post
was an instance of racism is
an unsubstantiated assertion that in no way comports with fact. As such, I took great exception to it, and let him know about it; you don't just toss around a word like "racist" or "racism" whenever the fancy strikes you, despite the fact that--
as has been conceded-- my words were a bit tactless given the public nature of the forum.
However, I also maintain that, so long as the content of my words was not explicitly or implicitly racist (which has been
demonstrated to be true), then the responsibility for construing my words in such a manner lies in large part
with the listener (the other, lesser, part lying with my admitted tactlessness, for which I apologized) due to listener bias, ethnic allegiance, or other preconceptions which color their interpretation of the very neutral and unassailable words on the page.
So yes, I shouldn't have used the word "Russian" in a public forum, the same as I wouldn't use it in polite conversation when discussing such matters (unless the ethnicity of the audience was known, in which case one can largely rule out such "listener effects" as I've noted, and is consequently less guarded in one's speech-- though
apparently not even then, since yourself and Mandark-- two non-Russians-- attacked me for my phrasing, with Mandark going one step further and baselessly calling it "racist"). I'll be more careful in the future, I can assure you, if only because I'm not about to take the time to defend myself again when I really should need no defending in light of my posting history as well as the fact that
if other people care as much as they'd seem to about such things, they should perform an analysis just as I did above before attempting to label me as a "racist"-- this goes for Mandark, yourself (
if in fact you were saying that the post was racist), as well as anybody else who would rush to judgment due to preconceptions or mere ethnic allegiances.
As an analogy, if a black poster (i.e., a person who is
not a member of the group in question) said something like this in a thread about corporate malfeasance:
"Man, these white people are always embezzling millions of dollars from these companies."
I wouldn't jump on them and call them a racist, though I'd think it a mite distasteful in mixed company (to the same exact extent that I feel, and have admitted that,
my phrasing was distasteful, which it is, but it's not something to chastise me over-- you could've just said "hey Loki, you could stand to be a bit more tactful with that

", and I likely would have conceded that very fact and edited it; instead, I got
viciously attacked, my character called into question, and spurious allegations of racism made both explicitly and implicitly both in this topic as well as the original one; this obviously would make anyone bristle).
The fact of the matter is that it's highly probable that the only instances of the embezzling of millions of dollars that our hypothetical poster had heard about involved white males (being overrepresented at the top of corporations, as they are). By merely making a statement of fact based on observation,
it cannot rightly be concluded that he is lumping all whites together as criminals, or that he
necessarily has a poor view of whites in general on the basis of the actions of these few people (both of which would be racist). If
he had a history of racially-charged rhetoric, then such an interpretation might be understandable (if not provable based on the words in the particular embezzling incident above), but, at the time that I made those comments,
I had no such history, and yet
still was attacked as if I was a David Duke-in-waiting striking out against minorities and immigrants. This is a foolish and unproductive way to approach things, the same way that my phrasing might have been a bit foolish (but not incorrect in terms of content, and
certainly not "racist"). In short, you don't punish or speak to an instance of honest indecorousness by attacking one's character in such a harsh manner as you did, nor by claiming "racism" (which requires a burden of proof to be met that
entirely hasn't been met, as shown above) and hoping it sticks, as Mandark (and possibly yourself-- I'm not sure) did herein. It is unacceptable, and unacceptable, imo, to a
much greater degree than any violation of good taste that I committed (which I did).
In short (yeah, haha

), there was nothing at all racist about any of my comments, nor about any of my reasoning in
elaborating upon those comments. Mandark was
totally in error, and totally at fault; in making the post he did responding to the quote of mine he did (with no clarifying text), as shown above, the
only reasonable conclusion a person can draw is that he was charging me with racism on the basis of that post (i.e., that the post was racist). I take great exception to that both because it is
factually inaccurate and unsupportable as well as because of the effect racism has had on my own life, and the lengths I go to in my own life to try to build bridges between people rather than burn them, as self-important as that might sound. I really shouldn't have had to defend myself in such a manner, either here or
particularly in the original topic where I made that post, which is where you jumped on me for it rather than gently chiding me, which would have been a more proper (read: commensurate) and productive course of action (and would've likely led to me editing the post rather than adopting a defensive posture against spurious implications of racism) than attacking me as savagely as you did then and (possibly) now.
Mandark, for his own part, was
totally out of line. Jury's still out on you, Azih.

But if you believe that my post was in
any way racist (not "could be
construed as racist", which is largely due to listener effects), then I'll have to send you to join Mandark in the dank, cold cell in the corner. Don't worry-- if you roll doubles three times, you can get out (or if you have a "get out of jail free" card).
I wanted to speak to this as soon as possible, because the charges (both real and implied) are serious and merited examination. As for me supposedly "not being able to detect any nuance of thought" in others' posts, well, I certainly can. Like I said, your "Chapter 1" post was made
in response to my post which was made specifically in response to Mandark's post, which-- as has been
demonstrated-- can
only reasonably be construed as either explicitly or implicitly calling the post (and thus me to one degree or another) "racist", seeing as how it contained no clarifying text and he was responding to a quote of mine asking for a "racist post of mine". Had he merely meant something more along the lines of what you've (I think) brought up, in terms of the tactlessness of the phrasing given the forum, he should have stated as much, no? Because the following cannot properly be understood any other way:
Poster 1: "yeah, find me a single racist post I've made"
Poster 2: "Sure, here you go <insert post with poorly phrased yet totally non-racist content>"
CHAPTER 1: 'What Drove me Back Here' OR 'I hate you forever Mandrak'
The fact that you railed against Russians in New York and illegal immigrant leeches in Califronia is freaking disturbing for reasons that are OBVIOUS. It unsettled me then and it unsettles me now, and if you say something even remotely like 'well it's true so it's not racism' again then I'll run out of my room screaming. I'm hanging on by a very thin thread here.
Further, it seemed that your "Chapter 1" (seen above), coming on the heels of my condemnation of Mandark, was, in effect, backing up
his take on my post, which was
necessarily that he thought it was racist. Your comment about me supposedly saying something like "...well it's true, so it's not racism" bolstered that analysis, since the "it's not racism" part can legitimately be taken (given the context) as that you believed that
it was racist. In other words, attacking the generic statement "it's B, so it's not racism", means that "B" and the criteria determining racist content are totally unrelated (i.e., one does not determine the other and is independent of the existence of the other), so you are attacking the relatedness of the two things ("B" and racism). And this is true-- the truth of a statement has no bearing on whether it is racist (though, in an absolute sense, I'd have a hard time seeing how something that is objectively true can be given a negative connotation, but that's neither here nor there). The
only criteria that can determine whether or not a statement is racist are
the very definitions I've elaborated upon above; as has been shown, my statements were in no way racist.
Further, I was
not saying
anything like "it's true, therefore it's not racism"-- what I
was saying (separately) was that:
A) it's not racism (see this entire post for proof),
B) these statements are based on my direct observations; this point was
only brought up to explain why those examples sprang most readily to mind when I originally made that post,
not as a defense against the charge of racism as you state. In fact, if someone had made
the same observations as me, and yet said something along the lines of "
all Russians abuse our services; I hate them
all", then their comments
would indeed be racist, despite the "truth" of their particular visual observations (here, their clear error lies in extrapolation to the entire group, which I did none of, and
would do none of).
Again, the argument about "observation" (and the frequency of that observation) was
only invoked to account for why that particular example ("Russians" instead of "people") came to mind more quickly, which is why I said it. This is a common psychological phenomenon related to exposure (obviously), and it holds across many areas and for all people-- it's not just something I'm "making up" to wiggle out of things. When I post, I tend not to think much about what I'm saying (believe it or not given the length of my posts

), and so usually just say whatever comes to mind; usually I don't have to worry much about "filtering" anything because, like I said, I know myself, and I have not one sentiment or thought that I wouldn't be entirely comfortable explaining in a public forum-- I have nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. So I usually just start typing. However, as is clear from this case, none of us is perfectly tactful at all times, and I admittedly made a
faux pas in how I phrased something given that this is a public forum. For that, I apologize. But further than that I will not go: I will not apologize for the content of my statements because, quite honestly, there's nothing to apologize about (as explained in this post). There was no racism; moreover, whatever racism might be
read into my post is largely the responsibility of the
listener, not myself (in the same way that
I have an obligation to be tactful,
they have an obligation to examine things critically before casting aspersions; the critical examination of the supposed "racist" content of my post, as seen above, proves that there was
no such racism exhibited).
The rest of my thoughts on this whole "racism" nonsense can be found in posts #124 and 137, which contain some elaboration on these points. And if you guys are
not using any of the (numerous) official definitions of "racism" that I have debunked above, but are instead using some magical floating standard (e.g., "I know it when I see it"), then you are engaging in the worst sort of reasoning, and committing logical fallacies that far outweigh whatever ones you feel I've made herein (you seem to be particularly fond of the word "strawman", for instance; this was be addressed in an upcoming post).
As I said this needed to be addressed with all due haste, as I take attacks (implicit or otherwise) on my character
very seriously, as I would expect any sensible, decent person to. Sometime within the next several days (most likely friday or saturday) I will get around to addressing the meat of your post, which is concerned with the main topic (or what
became the main topic

) of this thread. I would like to just say, however, that if you're so concerned about "strawmen", you'd do well to reread in particular my statements concerning personal freedoms/liberty under my "system", as well as the role and control of the media, and how gradualism will ultimately affect the sort of product put out by it (the key: the profit motive
remains intact). Please don't respond to this point now, however, as it'll just make my job take all the longer.
As I said, I'll respond in full to your post later on in the week; I hope that this thread will remain open in the meantime, as I feel that-- aside from the racism crap-- it is an interesting and vital discussion, with valid and persuasive arguments on all sides (yes Azih, even you ;P). I'll try my best to get around to your stuff too, Divus, though I can make no guarantees-- you do raise some interesting points, however.
Anyway, toodles for now.
AND DON'T CALL ME A FARKING RACIST (whoever did, and there was at least one such person).