Azih said:
CHAPTER 1: 'What Drove me Back Here' OR 'I hate you forever Mandrak'
The fact that you railed against Russians in New York and illegal immigrant leeches in Califronia is freaking disturbing for reasons that are OBVIOUS. It unsettled me then and it unsettles me now, and if you say something even remotely like 'well it's true so it's not racism' again then I'll run out of my room screaming. I'm hanging on by a very thin thread here.
It's not racism. I'm sorry you disagree, but it's entirely true. Like I said, what would count as proof against my supposed "racist sentiment"? Clearly nothing, to your mind, as you feel that this single instance-- an instance that cannot in any way, shape, or form be construed as racism-- somehow makes me a member of the KKK.
Right. Kindly take the bullshit elsewhere, or, better yet, run out of your room screaming like you said you'd do if I denied that it was racism.
Noting my own personal observations as well as a
well-documented social problem (illegal immigration, and their abuse of our social service programs) that
millions of people rightly see as a pressing issue is racism? Jesus...I'd like to know where you guys went to school. This coming from the same two people that
constantly spout that anti-zionism is not anti-semitism (and it's not, but neither is this racism; does speaking in harsh tones about your
observation about the actions of certain Jewish people make you an anti-semite? Hardly; this goes to my point-- the two of you are way out of line).
My posting about Russian immigrants abusing our social service systems is an
observation of something that I see
every day here in NY. Or am I either A) not supposed to think such a situation is wrong, or B) never even mention it or condemn it, since it'll be construed as racism by speciously reasoning people such as yourself? What kind of nonsense is that? I guess I'm just supposed to observe flagrant wrong occurring and file it away in my mind, lest people "get the wrong idea about me" and call me a racist. :lol It's totally bullshit, Azih, and, quite frankly, I honestly believed that you (and Mandark) were more intelligent than to construe such things as racism. Is the problem that I didn't use the more politically correct "
people abuse welfare" as opposed to specifically mentioning Russians? Sorry, but I'm not a fan of PC; moreover, Russians are actually the
only people that I've
personally seen abusing our social services in such a manner, though obviously members of all groups do it. So the only images that pop up in my mind are of Russians doing this. Being based, as it is, in mere observation (
numerous observations, I can assure you), am I somehow
not allowed to state that fact? Do I have to make it more palatable by saying that I believe all types of people abuse social services? Yes,
they do; no, I've never personally seen it. In light of this, when drawing examples off the top of my head, that's what will necessarily spring to mind most readily. Post the url to the entire thread-- I'm certain that I said these very things in that thread. And that's not because I was trying to "get out of it" then in the same manner I supposedly am now, but rather because
I know myself, and I know that I harbor not a scintilla of racist sentiment, implicit or otherwise. You can't square that with your simplistic (and fallacious) reasoning? Oh well...
Further, my views on illegal immigration are more of the same. These are
facts I am dealing with. Do you deny that it's a pressing social issue? If not, then why do you take issue with my mentioning of it? Again, is it because I didn't just say the more generic "people abuse our social services all the time"? Point #1: that may be the case, but illegal immigrants are here
illegally, and are thus committing two crimes, whereas "normal" abusers of the system are committing only one; consequently, I take greater issue with it. Point #2: again, then what are the implications of this? That we're not
allowed to mention illegal immigrants and point out the cost they exact on our society? Again, this is a bullshit mentality, and a third-grader can see through it. My feelings on illegal immigration (which are apparently "racist"; believing in the rule of law is "racist" :lol) were discussed at length in an illegal immigration thread here not too long ago; in it, numerous posters expressed support for my stance, including several black and latino posters. Does that make them racists, too? Is it my
vehemence in condemning these things? Well, news flash: I speak out passionately against a
lot of shit that I feel goes against either the rule of law or good sense. It's my general manner. Look at this very thread, for example. I'm opinionated-- it's not a sin.
As to why I brought up those two specific examples
at all, as opposed to just talking about other things in society that cost money, it's because the poster was speaking about social security and government assistance for medical costs (i.e., social services), which is something every illegal immigrant in California gets (check the law), but which his friend's father could not. Shocking? Yes. Wrong? Yes. But I'm not allowed to talk about it without being vilified, because Azih and Mandark-- GA's thought police-- say that I can't. :lol If I do, they'll call me a racist. Real sensible standard, that.
I won't bring up the fact that my best friend of 20 years is a Russian, because I well realize that the first thing that
true racists say when confronted about their racism is that they "have many black friends". :lol Instead, I will make my case by way of reason, as above.
Your demonstrably spurious charges of racism thus constitute a non-sequitur.
Alright, your plan to restore temprance to America would take decades to achieve.... how the hell would you achieve this in a democratic society? Even ASSUMING that a solid majority of elected politicians agreed with you for dozens of years(HAW), or powerful interests that think the status quo is just dandy won't mess around (hello Mr.Lobbyist what can I do for you today?), POLITICANS DON'T CONTROL THE MEDIA. You know... a factor that HAS WAY MORE OF AN EFFECT ON THE CHILDREN!. Not only would a group of right-thinking indviduals need to control the media and NOT CARE ABOUT MAXIMISING PROFIT, they'd need to control it for DECADES.
Did you even read my last substantial post above? Politicians don't control (and
shouldn't control) the media. But they DO control policy and funding for certain programs. As a result of a reprioritization of the sorts of programs (mentoring, afterschool programs, immersive classes in schools on ethics, gov't funded tv programs etc.) that are pushed, a certain segment of society
will become more virtuous, which will
then, over the course of time, lead to certain types of entertainment/media becoming less appealing to the average person, and thus the production of such unvirtuous cultural products will become less economically justifiable (and this is why those same corporations that are so concerned with "maximizing profits", which would
also be lessened in a temperate culture, would start to offer more palatable fare). And yes, this would take
decades-- just as our society's marked descent from temperance and civility to what we have
now likewise took decades. This is not rocket science, nor is it mere pie-in-the-sky idealism. The goals are realizable, and the means I've briefly outlined for achieving them are both sensible and feasible.
Suffice it to say that for any implementation of your plan to be even remotely successful it would have to be authoritairian and draconian in nature.
Entirely false. You merely asserting as much doesn't make it so. Yes, if we wanted to achieve our goals in 2 years, it would have to be authoritarian. There is no sensible or reasonable way to change society in so rapid a fashion. To achieve them in 40? Entirely possible while maintaining our traditional freedoms. Gradualism is the only healthy way to change a society, and our government has an
obligation to see to the propagation of these virtues, which will lead to a healthier, more productive society.
The fact that you don't recognize this with your 'Now, this has nothing at all to do with a curtailment of our rights' leads me to believe that you're simply hopelessly idealistic and not at all pragmatic, or to put it another way, simply hopeless.
False. Again, you simply
saying this is so doesn't make it true.
The administration of the U.S would have had to be positively Chinese in their reaction to put down the free love hippies, gangsta rap, bling bling, sex and drugs and rock and roll, Beatle freaking mania, and these are all the kinds of influences that your Nancy Reagenesque 'Just say No to Drugs' kind of government funded TV programming would be completely pathetically useless against. ProTip: Flashing 'Winners Don't Excessively Indulge' in front of video games in the arcades won't. change. anything.
Protip: I'm speaking of
gradual change in the long term, with a total effort on the part of our entire society. It's entirely doable. Or are you suggesting that only the
loss of virtue is capable of occurring, and that it can never be regained once it has been lost? That's a foolish (read: not logically justifiable; inconsistent) stance to take, but, given some of your other "stances", I'd understand if that's what you're saying. We gradually became less temperate as a people; we can gradually become more temperate again. To suggest otherwise is inconsistent. Social mores don't just magically "change" by themsleves (and they didn't just "magically change" to get us to where we are now)-- they are informed, reinforced and supported by culture. This is common knowledge-- take a psychology or anthropology class or something. So to suggest that our social mores somehow changed without a concomitant and corresponding change in social
policy that helped to create and reinforce it is untenable. These relationships go
both ways (policy --> social values and social values ---> policy), and are not irreversible processes.
Alright fine, Good thing I never tried or that NEITHER DID ANYBODY ELSE.
Really? Could've fooled me:
Mandark said:
Your connection between liberal government policies and immorality is very tenuous
(Loki's note: "immorality" is a term that
Mandark introduced, and a word that I haven't used in this entire thread; when I spoke of liberal policies having a detrimental effect,
just as conservative policies have had, I was referring to their contributing to the increased incidence of
quantifiable, universally acknowledged undesirable states of affairs-- namely drug use, teen pregnancy, alcoholism, obesity, crime etc.)
So please don't say that nobody tried to assert that liberal policies and ideology have been only benign and productive, because that is
false. Mandark did. And if he insists that he didn't, then he's using the term "immorality" in a way that is
wholly inconsistent with my usage of the notion of "objective good" (and thus "virtue") throughout this thread. Anyone who asserts that their preferred party's policies and ideology has never had a harmful effect on society exposes themselves as
entirely partisan, as I refuse to believe that a reasonable, intelligent, honest person can believe that
all culpability for the devolution of society vis-a-vis these
quantifiable states lies on one side of the aisle or the other. Nonsense.
First off, this statement is so vauge that it's useless. Hell EVERY society exhibits these traits to one degree or another.
Agreed on the fact that my wording was vague. My point was that sensible, sustainable societies champion these virtues in many spheres, if not all. A society cannot perpetuate itself when
every sector of that society explicitly or implicitly speaks
against those virtues, as ours does presently. Or, at the very least (assuming it can be sustained), such a society is not functioning optimally, and whatever functionality it exhibits comes at a great cost.
<various examples of cultural practices seemingly at odds with virtue>
Ever read Roman history, Azih? There is a pretty well-accepted relationship between their increased eschewal of virtue, as manifested by cultural practices, and their downfall as a society. I'm not going to do your reading for you, however, nor will I speak at length about it, as I've already lost years of my life on this topic.
And certainly in every society there will ALWAYS be practices or conditions which stand opposed to virtue; it is the
sum of a society's mores that either hold that society together or contribute to its degeneration and eventual collapse. Pointing out isolated instances of this-or-that practice really has no bearing whatsoever on my arguments herein, which are concerned with the
totality of a society's values.
And I stand by my statement: A society that in every sector espouses intemperance, self-interest, crass materialism, gluttony, incivility (taken a gander at the Presidential race lately?), licentiousness, and hedonism is not sustainable in the long term, nor is it functioning optimally, which is something we should strive for insofar as it is attainable. Is it sustainable in the short term? Sure, we're sustaining it right now-- but at a great cost. Eventually it will collapse on itself, however, if it continues on its current course. Think that's just unsubstantiated alarmism? I'll PM you my phone # and you can get back to me in 30 years. You are perhaps not understanding that the lack of virtues that I advocate manifest themselves in EVERY sphere, including such things as foreign policy; you think our questionable foreign policy won't eventually lead to either a war or large-scale terrorism against our society in the not-too-distant future? Think again. A virtueless people cannot adequately lead their
own lives, much less guide the course of nations. Period.
because it is PRECISELY the PROSPEROUS socieites that could afford to NOT BE TEMPERATE
Oh, unquestionably-- affluence and prosperity afford a nation much more leeway in terms of being virtuous or not without it having a drastic effect on that society's functioning. Please note, however, that such a situation is fated to continued degeneration if they at some point do not make en effort to sow those virtues amongst the populace in various sectors. Our disavowal of personal mastery and excellence as expressed by those virtues is not conducive to the healthy functioning of society
as measured by quantifiable criteria.
You're basically arguing that these virtues-- virtues that have been championed throughout the millenia by scholars and philosophers-- are, in essence, useless once a society reaches a certain level of prosperity, and that is simply
false. Does a society tend towards indulgence when it becomes prosperous? Obviously. Does that mean that they necessarily go to the opposite extreme and eschew virtue
totally (or that they
should)? No.
We currently do eschew it totally. Either that or you're arguing that they are not worthy things to champion and strive for in a society, which is just totally silly. There is no scenario you can posit (except in the wild, where it's a free-for-all, or in societies facing crises such as drought/famine etc.) where less temperance can be said to be preferable to more temperance. Last I checked, we don't live in the wild, we live in a society. And we don't have famine or drought or other such insufficiencies. Yet we neglect these virtues regardless, to our own detriment. It's a peculiar mentality.
It is that they were immoral in EXACTLY the same ways as today
No, they really weren't. Note here (and everywhere else) that I am
not speaking of the
particulars of their morality as expressed through words and deeds, but rather the degree to which they conformed to the virtues noted previously. And to insist-- against all good sense-- that people in the 50's were not, to a man, more temperate, more civil, and more charitable is just ludicrous. But I understand that you have to tear down the past in order to paint our current society as some sort of pinnacle of human achievement (which it is not, despite our accomplishments). A
great many things about our present society are better than they were back then; likewise, a great many features of
their society were better than what we have today (namely their greater conformity to virtues such as temperance, civility, charity, and the lesser materialism of those times).
To implicitly state, as you do, that there was
nothing that was better about that society, or that somehow its clear evils (racism, lack of equal rights etc.) mean that we should not seek to emulate its good/beneficial features, is to say that you believe that society has done
nothing but progress since those days. And, quite frankly, any honest person that has eyes to see realizes that that is not the case: some things have gotten better, some things have gotten worse. You bring up all these specific examples yet you're missing the forest for the trees. You entirely miss my point: we should be striving to keep the good things that we've accomplished and eliminate the bad; one way to do this is to advocate a return to virtue. You may feel that a full social effort to reinvigorate our nation's flagging moral character (speaking of a handful of key virtues here) will not accomplish that, but I know that it
certainly would not hurt. And so I honestly don't see why everybody's jumping on me over what I feel to be self-evident. If we return to virtue and it
doesn't, after a decade, lead to
quantifiable results (i.e., lowered incidence of those conditions that
we all agree are undesirable), then you can rightly say that I am mistaken. But we both know that's never going to happen, so we'll never know whether my thesis is correct-- but neither will we know if you're correct in calling me mistaken.
And in this instance, like before with the cultural examples you noted, pointing out this-or-that action or incident that stands against those virtues (in those times, such as racism or priestly pedophilia) does
not at all influence the points I've made here, as my argument is concerned with the
sum total of a society's virtue (note: because virtue is conducive to universally desirable quantifiable outcomes; these are the premises of the argument). It is the
entirety of a society's values (virtues) that shapes the society and either makes it progress or regress.
Don't look to the past for inspiration for the temperate parts of your as-close-to-ideal-as-possible society
Bullshit. Certain societies have manifested certain virtues to a fuller extent than others have. To say otherwise is to essentially say that
all societies have been virtuous to similar degrees; thankfully, people have brains as well as eyes and can see that this simply is not the case. Neither is it the case that they simply manifest their un-virtue in different spheres. To point out that "immorality" (to use YOUR term, not mine) occurred in those times HAS NO BEARING ON ANYTHING, because "immorality" refers to a specific instance of immoral (i.e., improper) conduct. Insofar as people will never be perfect, immorality
has always, and will always, exist. The
specific manifestations of these personal imperfections (i.e., the particular forms the immorality may take) are dependent upon the specific epoch under discussion based on the dominant social realities of the time. Yet it cannot correctly be said that the
pervasiveness of a society's eschewal of virtues such as temperance cannot be measured or perceived by most people, because it
can be. Ditto for their
overall conformity to those virtues. People always fail and engage in depraved acts-- that doesn't mean that all societies are equally depraved. To implicitly assert as much is beyond my comprehension.
Even ignoring all of this, it comes down to this:
I believe in championing the
very best ideals that we have as a culture (the fact that I believe that they would have an impact on social phenomena is tied up in this, but even as mere abstract values, they are eminently worthy and have been valued for millenia). You, apparently,
do not believe in championing these values, or else you wouldn't be getting your panties in a twist over the details. Because, at the very least, I am
proposing ways to return to such virtue, whereas you have not proposed any, either because you
do not value it, or you believe it is not capable of being implemented. If the latter, I'd again note that it is entirely inconsistent to believe that a gradual lessening of conformity to virtue on the part of society is possible while the reverse process is somehow magically
impossible. This is inconsistent and untenable.
Your "Cliff's Notes" are a spurious representation of my thoughts as well as of what has transpired in this thread. I am confident that anybody who cares to will read the thread in its entirety and see exactly what I said. Further, to say that "social policy" had no hand in social decline is really stretching the truth. Social policy enacted by BOTH parties has damaged the nation over the years. Beyond that, their
ideologies (that is, the ideologies traditionally espoused by these factions) have also done damage in various ways. Culpability lies with both parties-- with both their policy initiatives (via legislation and judicial rulings-- where'd "personal responsibility" go again?) and their philosophy (policy ultimately being an outgrowth of philosophy, after all).
My original point is not that you are racist, but that you were repeating an old meme with racist origins. It's not exactly a secret.
First off, forgive me if I'm not quite the student of recent political history that you are. Point being that, regardless of whether it was public knowledge, I have never heard of the Reagan incident you allude to. End of story. Further, you
were indeed implicitly stating that I harbored racist sentiment simply due to the examples I (hastily) employed, or else you wouldn't have alluded to a racist incident (the Reagan thing); you also wouldn't have followed it up with a catalogued post of mine that supposedly contains "racism", and by saying that you "agree with Azih on the matter", since he called me a racist in that very topic; so
please don't try to make it seem like you weren't saying that I'm a racist to one degree or another-- it's an insult to my intelligence, and, quite frankly, you're not smart enough to do that judging by the quality of your "Loki is racist" reasoning. And
all of this shows you to be a libelous, speciously reasoning person who'd like to pigeonhole me just because you disagree with my take on things. Puerile.
but I agree entirely with Azih's take on it
And you're entirely within your rights to-- it just makes
both of you wrong. No skin off my back.
("HUH!? "Back"!? Loki meant to say "wetback"! He's TEH RACIST!" -- typical example of bullshit Azih/Mandark reasoning)
I don't take kindly to people stating or implying that I am a racist, and
I can substantiate the fact that I'm not with literally
dozens of posts I've made over the years condemning racism and taking other posters to task for explicit or implicit racism ("examples furnished upon request"). However, I have faith that the majority of people here can see the type of person I am through my posts. Racism literally destroyed my life, though I don't care to elaborate. It's like telling a rape victim that they're capable of raping someone, or that they have a "rapist's mentality"-- how do you think they'd take that? Think that's entirely different? Well that just shows you that you have
no idea of the manner in which racism has savaged my life, and so, quite frankly, you should stfu about it--
especially when you bring such tenuous evidence to bear on the matter.
So I'm fine with just leaving it at that, though obviously the two of you will feel the need to "come back at me" and have the last word; you have made your points (well-reasoned points that I happen to disagree with for the stated reasons; except the racism stuff which is just an off-the-wall accusation), and I have made mine. People can read it all and decide for themselves where they stand. I'm fine with that, and I've said my piece.
-- Loki (the non-racist)