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Bob Costas said it all...

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I know Bishop said "anyone who makes an Olympic thread outside the official thread is banned until the end of the games." I'm willing to take that chance.

Did anyone catch Costas at the end of NBC's coverage last night? He had a tirade on dopers, basically based, but not limited to, the russian girl who cheated for the gold in Shot Put.

The Shot Put was held on sacred ground that the original Olympics was held. As you may or may not know, women weren't allowed to compete in the original games, nor the first (first time was 1900 I think). He thought it was ironic that the winner of the first gold in womens on the sacred ground was caught cheating. He relayed a story of the original cheaters. Seems they were fined by the council, and that money was used to build a statue of Zeus in front of the grounds. The cheating athlete's name was chiseled into the base of his Zeus statue. That let the world know forever that the athelete was a cheater.

Bob extrapolated that perhaps all athlete's urine samples should be frozen from here on out, and continuously tested. That would ensure anyone who could get past today's tests, would fail tomorrow's tests retroactively. Wouldn't that be a hell of a deterrent? Your name would be infamous if you could pass 20 years of tests before failing. Your medal would be revoked, your name shamed because you took such great measures to cheat, and medals recalculated.

You may remember my previous topics on sports stars making too much money. Hell, I'd pay a ton just to see clean athletes compete. It seems there is more sport in beating tests rather than the sport itself. Perhaps Bob's idea is not so crazy. It seems like it would be a hell of a deterrent. Who wants their children to get their inherited gold medals yanked because they couldn't do it on their own?

We know there are drugs out there that can't be tested for. Drastic actions call for drastic measures. Fuck the cheaters in my opinion. Wether or not it takes 100 years to catch them, it's better to catch them than to cover it up (Carl Lewis) or not find out at all.


The only reason I have no problem with doping is because it's so logical. They legally put tons of shit into their body to boost performance. It's almost ridiculous to expect them to draw the line at steroids or something similar. Supplementation and athletic performance are inseperable. I Don't really care if they get their kick from steroids or a snickers bar.


I don't really care anymore about doping. Everyone is probably on one substance or another, either it's something that is a new drug and isn't on the banned list yet, or else they have a sophisticating masking agent for it.

Hell, you go back in ancient times and those Greeks were probably chewing on performance enhancing herbs before the competitions.


You guys are probably right, we're almost at the point where everyone dopes. That said, couldn't a program like this nip it pretty good?

Hell, if everyone dopes, why test?

I think I'd prefer seeing someone from 20 years ago getting busted (Carl Lewis anyone?) than just letting go and seeing people put the shot 95 feet.

When I was in High School, the record Shot was about 7 feet further than the current world best, that record was set in the 70's. I assume it's still standing by a huge margin.

Hell, I'd rather have a dope Olympics alongside what we have now than people just trying to beat tests. I don't really care what these freaks do with their bodies so much as what they do with records. At this point you can't trust any world record, and that's just sad.


Hates quality gaming
If I were the IOC, the last thing I'd enforce is eternal piss testing.

Especially considering how many Olympiads earn a profit.

I'd rather have a dope Olympics alongside what we have now
This was awesome on SNL.
Featuring the Russian weightlifter that pulled his hands off *laughs*
"He appears to be on some sort of fish tranquilizer."


Heh, glad you mentioned Carl Lewis...it's hilarious seeing some of the people yap about all the doping that goes on, then in the same breath praise the past exploits of Lewis or Flo Jo as if they were clean. The circumstantial evidence simply doesn't support such foolishness.

That said, I really could give a fuck if people are cheating. Haven't cared for a long time. The most amazing sporting event I ever saw was the infamous 100 metre race in Seoul, where Ben Johnson turned his head and threw his arm up in the air 15 metres from the finish, and still ran under 9.80. Seemed to be running in a completely different race. Since then it's either been proven or strongly insinuated that almost everyone in that fucking race has been on dope at some point in their careers.

To me it's like, whatever...if people want a little glory and are willing to die at 40 (or even earlier in Flo Jo's case) to get it, then let 'em have it. I'm not going to pretend to care.


fucking awesome avatar, I've been waiting to say that.

More money, more money, more money, NO WHAMMY STOP!

That said, you're probably right. It's all about money, just like everything else. I don't see how the IOC loses money for having positive tests 1 year or 20 years down the line, but they probably would.

And that SNL skit was indeed awesome. We've yet to see so much blood on TV since that skit ;)

I'm with Romey, shoot the athletes up in the batters box. We know they all do it, why hurt the ones who get caught?


Shinobi said:
Heh, glad you mentioned Carl Lewis...it's hilarious seeing some of the people yap about all the doping that goes on, then in the same breath praise the past exploits of Lewis or Flo Jo as if they were clean. The circumstantial evidence simply doesn't support such foolishness.

That said, I really could give a fuck if people are cheating. Haven't cared for a long time. The most amazing sporting event I ever saw was the infamous 100 metre race in Seoul, where Ben Johnson turned his head and threw his arm up in the air 15 metres from the finish, and still ran under 9.80. Seemed to be running in a completely different race. Since then it's either been proven or strongly insinuated that almost everyone in that fucking race has been on dope at some point in their careers.

To me it's like, whatever...if people want a little glory and are willing to die at 40 (or even earlier in Flo Jo's case) to get it, then let 'em have it. I'm not going to pretend to care.

I'm an equal opportunity doper. I thought it was common knowledge that the US covered up Lewis' positive drug tests in the past. I hadn't heard Flo Jo mentioned, but it makes a lot of sense. F em.


Anyone got the full clip from Sportscenter? I've seen bits and pieces during this 25 years of SC, but the full clip of Charlie Stiener crying makes me cry too. I'd kill to have it :)

I don't need to hear Carl again, I can sing his "rendition" perfectly. I can picture Derrick Coleman biting his jacket collar. I need to hear Steiner crying as he struggles to breathe. :D


FloJo doped. Carl Lewis probably doped. Come on, everyone does it. I don't think it matters much at all. Everyone is performance-enhanced in some way. BTW, Carl Lewis almost beat Roseanne for the worst anthem ever. PEACE.


It defeats the purpose IMO...the medal should be for best use of a performance-enhancing drug than for the performance itself.


If Bob Costas calls an Olympic Medal "bling" one more time I'm going to have to fly to Athens and personally punch him.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I can't disagree much with all that's been said in this thread, including much hate for Costas, but still, even if doping of some sort exists in all events, still doesn't change the fact that these individuals have dedicated their lives to this and have worked harder at it than most people work at anything in life... that's what I enjoy about the olympics.


Banstick Emeritus
DJ_Tet said:
I know Bishop said "anyone who makes an Olympic thread outside the official thread is banned until the end of the games." I'm willing to take that chance.
Hope it worked out for you. See you in a few days. :\

The funny thing is, I would have totally skipped over this thread if someone hadn't PM'd me about it.
Life lesson learned today: nobody likes a snitch
*shakes head*

aoi tsuki

Teddman said:
Hell, you go back in ancient times and those Greeks were probably chewing on performance enhancing herbs before the competitions.
They actually used spells to enhance their performance and hinder others, and so the use of spells was banned by officials. Of course, there's no telling how effective it was.


Hollywood Square
I don't know who doped or not, but I'm getting a bit sick of this witch hunt. There are probably a lot of athletes that do dope and probably a lot that don't and none of them are recognize for their accomplishments without someone bringing up drugs.

Also, I think this topic veers off the main Olympic topic, Tim. I think perhaps some leniency is order, eh?
Someone actually cared enough to PM, thus resulting in a BAN over a topic that quite easily and noticeably seperates itself from the sporting aspect of the Olympics?


Some of us haven't watched a damn single event of the Olympics, yet care about the doping problem that is infecting these games. This thread isn't about the day to day results; it's about doping and how it affects results.
HalfPastNoon said:
Someone actually cared enough to PM, thus resulting in a BAN over a topic that quite easily and noticeably seperates itself from the sporting aspect of the Olympics?


Some of us haven't watched a damn single event of the Olympics, yet care about the doping problem that is infecting these games. This thread isn't about the day to day results; it's about doping and how it affects results.

Shh! Don't question the mods, OR IT'S THE BANSTICK FOR YOU!


bishoptl said:
Hope it worked out for you. See you in a few days. :\

The funny thing is, I would have totally skipped over this thread if someone hadn't PM'd me about it.

*shakes head*

Isn't this hard line Olympic thread banning kinda harsh? I mean is EVERYTHING that even mentions "Olympics" in the thread supposed to go into the "offical Olympic thread"?? The Olympic thread as I see it is to discuss results of the current Olympics. This thread here was created to discuss cheating in sport in general and just happens to circle around the Olympics since that's the biggest sporting event going on right now. Doesnt' seem right to ban the guy.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Tool said:
Isn't this hard line Olympic thread banning kinda harsh? I mean is EVERYTHING that even mentions "Olympics" in the thread supposed to go into the "offical Olympic thread"?? The Olympic thread as I see it is to discuss results of the current Olympics. This thread here was created to discuss cheating in sport in general and just happens to circle around the Olympics since that's the biggest sporting event going on right now. Doesnt' seem right to ban the guy.

He is just living up to what he said... he issued a warning and he went against it... so he sits.. pretty simple really... besides why do you always want to get involved in stuff like this... just let it be....
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