Bobby Kotick, former CEO of Activision, Interested in Buying Tik-Tok


People obviously hate him for being evil.

But the man got Activision to a 70bil market value and even managed to get some idiots to buy it at that price 🤣.

I imagine most big companies would absolutely love the dude to come and take over, they just don't know how they'll sell it to the public.
Exactly my thinking. From a board of directors point of view, Kotick is not a bad choice. Obviously, from a consumer point of view, he might be even worse than Jim Ryan. But who knows.


Gold Member
You cant be serious. Its not like the Congress showing wasn't so embarrassing already.
I am not saying your friend is right or not but that generates a lot of questions and have serious implications if true

for starters that implies the permission restrictions in the phone doesnt do anything, this is an app in user space so if the permission system works then it relies in a bug that should be patched by now, if cannot be patched then the phone has a backdoor at hardware level like IME and PSP in intel and amd x86 cpu's but in ARM cpus and the app uses that to access the phone hardware bypasing the kernel not only that would confirm many conspiracy theories but also is something the goverment and NSA did themselves , AFAIK even in that case the goverment agencies use "safe hardware" for example the IME in intel chips is disabled(except for boot stuff) in goverment laptops so in order to be true, then the goverment is using "unsafe hardware" in important operations wich is incredible unprofesional(yet there are examples of bad security in US goverment), and the CCP goverment discovered/bought the key to this backdoor in ARM cpus wich is a hell of a mess if it gets to mainstream news when people start questioning "why there is a hardware backdoor" in the first place

or maybe all of this is merely a psyop by politicians in both parties to convince people to cooperate in the sabotage of china economic advancement similar to the things us goverment said about g5 networks where presented no evidence, maybe your friend is using social enginering(telling lies ans exagerations) in you or maybe your friend works in a separated area at NSA where they simply rely in what superiors tell them with no means of corroborating and he genuinely believe something that is not true there is a posibility that your friend is being manipulated
Read the Terms of Service. None of my employees are allowed TikTok on their work devices.

We collect certain information about the device you use to access the Platform, such as your IP address, user agent, mobile carrier, time zone settings, identifiers for advertising purposes, model of your device, the device system, network type, device IDs, your screen resolution and operating system, app and file names and types, keystroke patterns or rhythms, battery state, audio settings and connected audio devices. Where you log-in from multiple devices, we will be able to use your profile information to identify your activity across devices. We may also associate you with information collected from devices other than those you use to log-in to the Platform.

In other words, all your passwords, documents, text messages and your wearabouts are theirs. Even scarier when you realize the amount of kids that they target.

I don't understand how open Spyware is allowed.
This is a foreign nation, pretty much an enemy, stealing information, brainwashing our children, starting conflicts, etc.

I am Mexican and the last time I checked it was the US media and its influence in my country(ESG) who was trying to brainwash our children with the woke stuff and other garbage and I have seen over the years USA government making conflicts all over the world using lies and presenting no evidence, violating international law, trying to impose politicains that weren even voted and using military force that have cost the lives of more than a million innocents in the last 30 years alone(even worse if we count the korean and vietnam wars) and contaminating the land with depleted uranium affecting generations, there is nothing the chinese have done worse than that

Their algorythm literally educates them while at the same time dumbing us down. While the others are bad this is way worse. People like you won't wake up until their is a chinese boot on your throat unfortunately.

education comes from school and family, tiktok is merely an entertainment app, it is concerning that someone would use the algorithm of an entertainment app to educate children, if you are so concerned about education maybe you should start with the adults in your government that are unable to define what a woman is or the adults in the government that behave like 80's cartoon villains cause is them who dictate how schools operate

Read the Terms of Service. None of my employees are allowed TikTok on their work devices.

We collect certain information about the device you use to access the Platform, such as your IP address, user agent, mobile carrier, time zone settings, identifiers for advertising purposes, model of your device, the device system, network type, device IDs, your screen resolution and operating system, app and file names and types, keystroke patterns or rhythms, battery state, audio settings and connected audio devices. Where you log-in from multiple devices, we will be able to use your profile information to identify your activity across devices. We may also associate you with information collected from devices other than those you use to log-in to the Platform.

In other words, all your passwords, documents, text messages and your wearabouts are theirs. Even scarier when you realize the amount of kids that they target.

I don't understand how open Spyware is allowed.

yes they have keystrokes you type in the app how else is going to work if not? and they also check how long you see a particular video to search for similar content , if the OS give keystrokes from other apps then that is a security flaw otherwise they cannot know what password you type in other apps specially if its not open, you also prohibit whatsapp? because it have same rights and access or maybe you prohibit windows in your pc's too?, in case you dont know it collected every key typed no matter the application because that was at OS level, it is good your are concerned because that information is sold to other companies and countries, whoever have the money can get that data
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I am Mexican and the last time I checked it was the US media and its influence in my country(ESG) who was trying to brainwash our children with the woke stuff and other garbage and I have seen over the years USA government making conflicts all over the world using lies and presenting no evidence, violating international law, trying to impose politicains that weren even voted and using military force that have cost the lives of more than a million innocents in the last 30 years alone(even worse if we count the korean and vietnam wars) and contaminating the land with depleted uranium affecting generations, there is nothing the chinese have done worse than that

education comes from school and family, tiktok is merely an entertainment app, it is concerning that someone would use the algorithm of an entertainment app to educate children, if you are so concerned about education maybe you should start with the adults in your government that are unable to define what a woman is or the adults in the government that behave like 80's cartoon villains cause is them who dictate how schools operate

yes they have keystrokes you type in the app how else is going to work if not? and they also check how long you see a particular video to search for similar content , if the OS give keystrokes from other apps then that is a security flaw otherwise they cannot know what password you type in other apps specially if its not open, you also prohibit whatsapp? because it have same rights and access or maybe you prohibit windows in your pc's too?, in case you dont know it collected every key typed no matter the application because that was at OS level, it is good your are concerned because that information is sold to other companies and countries, whoever have the money can get that data

Good post. The only problem its not based in the United States. Alot of companies get problems if they get too big and dont play the US game.

Did you know that the United States threatened multiple European companies because they made business with countries sanctioned by the us while some us companies are allowed to trade with said companies. The ongoing economic war is insane and its all this is about.


One might think someone as Rich as Kotick would just retire and have fun the rest of their lives, but I suppose people who work for all those riches don't know how to live life if they are NOT in control of something other than themselves.


People like you won't wake up until their is a chinese boot on your throat unfortunately.
Yeah, the prospect of Philadelphia becoming as clean and orderly and Shenzhen is pretty terrifying now that you mention it. And the forced traditional values. Shit man I’m uninstalling right now. Watching Sausage Party on Netflix just for a pallet cleanse after thinking about this.


this fat fuck isnt even CLOSE to rich enough lol musk is pretty much the only one... they not saling it for anything less than 200-500b
it being a "forced" sale would make it double in my book
Yeah, the prospect of Philadelphia becoming as clean and orderly and Shenzhen is pretty terrifying now that you mention it. And the forced traditional values. Shit man I’m uninstalling right now. Watching Sausage Party on Netflix just for a pallet cleanse after thinking about this.

The fact that you are worshipping the CCP tells us everything we need to know about you. You know, the organization that brought the world to it's knees for over two years.
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The pearl-clutching over TikTok is hilarious. I'm sure it has nothing to do with it being the most popular social media platform, and the ONLY ONE that the US intel agencies don't have complete access to and the power to censor.

Is it spyware? I'm sure it is, at least on some level, just as Facebook, Instagram, Google, etc are. Shouldn't we ban them all in that case? These boomers triumphantly ban TikTok on all government devices when ALL OF THOSE devices themselves are manufactured by the CCP lmao. The CCP manufactures 90% of everything we use, but the big threat to national security is TikTok thots lmao. We are an absolute clown country at this point.


China wouldn't culturally accept the American version of tiktok. They don't need their gov to ban it. That's where we need to get to in the US. The brain rot here is pretty far gone. I admire what they're doing in China. Wish we were doing it here.
Should we admire or should we be alarmed that TikTok is pushing different recommendation algorithm to different countries ?


Gold Member
I dont follow Tik Tok, so I can only go by what I read or hear.

But can the Chinese gov really turn on mics and record shit remotely? Is it really that easy and proven?

It's like when those articles came out a couple years ago about Huawei, and it should be banned because that pic someone showed had a little arrow pointing to something the size of a pinhead saying "thats the spy chip!". Was that even proven?


That's the problem. Where can they operate without influence from the government?
Good question. I rather think that they need to make it clear to any government that they're a business and are not interested in acting as a second-party to any intelligence service. This is of course much harder to do in China than in the US.


The fact that you are worshipping the CCP tells us everything we need to know about you. You know, the organization that brought the world to it's knees for over two years.
If that’s the case why aren’t they imposing their values on us? Which values do you prefer from our current gov?
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I'm 100% serious. A friend of mine is a NSA cyber security contractor in DC and he's explained to me why the app is banned in every government building there. And it's precisely because the CCP can remotely turn on the mic and camera on any device the app is on and with geo-location they can easily see if the phone is in the Pentagon to do it.

That's not how these devices work though. They cannot willy-nilly turn on your camera or mic unless they have been able to hack the OS and Apple and Google is unaware of it or just allows it. If the NSA is aware of this, then I would imagine Apple and Google would be and would block it.


You're aware why TikTok is banned in all government buildings, right?

It's run by the CCP and the CCP can AT ANY TIME turn on the mic and camera of ANY device the app is installed on. Meaning any phone with TikTok in the Pentagon is immediately a CCP spying device.
Not more than Facebook and insta devices are plants that can be leveraged by the US government at anytime. Sorry I meant by Zuck. Well you tell me if there's a difference.


What is with all these accounts acting like meta having your birthday is the same as the CCP having complete control of your device 🤣

How many bricks to the head does one need to take to think these things are remotely similar.


What is with all these accounts acting like meta having your birthday is the same as the CCP having complete control of your device 🤣

How many bricks to the head does one need to take to think these things are remotely similar.

You mean the American companies afraid of some competition. Its will be hard hit to western values if this gets banned today.


i just wanna know how many bricks that's all. like was it just one knock or was it a few cranium bashings.

One brick called American companys are hypocrits. I really hope they just take it away and don't sell it. The fact that it has to be sold to an American company says it all but continue wirh you disbelief.

Same ol G

Americans who spy on their allies which has been proven time and time again have the audacity to complain about China.
I find it a lot more troublesome when someone who is supposed to be my ally spies on me, the hypocrisy on display here is unreal


Of course things could change. They constantly change. CIA doesn’t overthrow counties government because of a fruit company at least.

Some of the shit they pulled in earlier days also has been stopped. There is always going to be Black Ops crap that is shady AF. However, thing do and can change. Presidents and Administrations can and do change.

That’s the biggest difference that unlike China (or Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc), the Western countries have public participation, at least mostly freedom of speech and more.

None of that flies in the autocrat ruled nations above. And especially not in China.

Edit: I used to live in what was Soviet Union and so feel quite strongly about this subject. Apologies if folks got offended.
So how come you aren't upset about the US taking more liberties that push them closer towards authoritarian regimes?

Censorship is ALWAYS a tool of authoritarianism and against the people. We have a very strong censorship industrial complex being falsely marketed as tackling misinformation.


Read the Terms of Service. None of my employees are allowed TikTok on their work devices.

We collect certain information about the device you use to access the Platform, such as your IP address, user agent, mobile carrier, time zone settings, identifiers for advertising purposes, model of your device, the device system, network type, device IDs, your screen resolution and operating system, app and file names and types, keystroke patterns or rhythms, battery state, audio settings and connected audio devices. Where you log-in from multiple devices, we will be able to use your profile information to identify your activity across devices. We may also associate you with information collected from devices other than those you use to log-in to the Platform.

In other words, all your passwords, documents, text messages and your wearabouts are theirs. Even scarier when you realize the amount of kids that they target.

I don't understand how open Spyware is allowed.
That sounds like iOS, Android, and Windows!


Gold Member
So how come you aren't upset about the US taking more liberties that push them closer towards authoritarian regimes?

Censorship is ALWAYS a tool of authoritarianism and against the people. We have a very strong censorship industrial complex being falsely marketed as tackling misinformation.
I am upset and voting for candidates who I at least think support these sorts of things less, but we are talking about China, not US Too.

There is still a world of difference between US and China in governments actions and it’s not even close.

Same ol G

I am upset and voting for candidates who I at least think support these sorts of things less, but we are talking about China, not US Too.

There is still a world of difference between US and China in governments actions and it’s not even close.
Oh we definitely talk about US too because the hipocrisy is unbelievable.
And there is no difference in government from the outside Americans are just not trust worthy.
(Government not the people)


I didn't know Bobby Kotick was a pentagon employee.

Americans who spy on their allies which has been proven time and time again have the audacity to complain about China.
I find it a lot more troublesome when someone who is supposed to be my ally spies on me, the hypocrisy on display here is unreal
USA and allies wants to continue being the ones spying you and controlling and censoring what you see in social media to affect your behavior, don't want rival countries who are competing against them in global hegemony being the ones who spy you or control and censor what you see in social media to affect your behavior.
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Gold Member
I didn't know Bobby Kotick was a pentagon employee.

USA and allies wants to continue being the ones spying you and controlling and censoring what you see in social media to affect your behavior, don't want rival countries who are competing against them in global hegemony being the ones who spy you or control and censor what you see in social media to affect your behavior.
Can you utilize a social media app from US or heck, EU, in China? How about accessing Google search? What about reading say CNN or watching YouTube?

Oh what about posting even mild criticism of CCP and Xi on WeChat?

Every government is spying and censoring stuff, from US to Germany to UK and so on. However comparing what these agencies do in the West to China is beyond ridiculous.

If you can’t see the difference there is no point to this conversation.


Can you utilize a social media app from US or heck, EU, in China? How about accessing Google search? What about reading say CNN or watching YouTube?

Oh what about posting even mild criticism of CCP and Xi on WeChat?

Every government is spying and censoring stuff, from US to Germany to UK and so on. However comparing what these agencies do in the West to China is beyond ridiculous.

If you can’t see the difference there is no point to this conversation.
What they do is bad and is worse than what they do here but Google is shaped by the US government. It started with DARPA funds and was willing to comply with whatever censorship the US wanted and spies on everyone so why would China allow it?


One might think someone as Rich as Kotick would just retire and have fun the rest of their lives, but I suppose people who work for all those riches don't know how to live life if they are NOT in control of something other than themselves.
Thank you, my thought exactly.
Dude is rich as fuck and can't enjoy anything outside the corporate world. No wonder they're all sociopaths

Same ol G

I didn't know Bobby Kotick was a pentagon employee.

USA and allies wants to continue being the ones spying you and controlling and censoring what you see in social media to affect your behavior, don't want rival countries who are competing against them in global hegemony being the ones who spy you or control and censor what you see in social media to affect your behavior.
Lol not talking about Kotick, this is wat i mean.


Can you utilize a social media app from US or heck, EU, in China? How about accessing Google search? What about reading say CNN or watching YouTube?
No, in the same way we can't access their stuff. Now in Europe Russian channels are censored too and can't be accessed.

Oh what about posting even mild criticism of CCP and Xi on WeChat?

Every government is spying and censoring stuff, from US to Germany to UK and so on. However comparing what these agencies do in the West to China is beyond ridiculous.

If you can’t see the difference there is no point to this conversation.
Yes, USA allows the intelligence agencies from ally countries to use backdoors of mobile and PC operative systems and social media controlled by big tech companies from USA to spy users, and also to censor specific stuff in social media like criticism against western governments or views that don't match their interest in topics like the war on Ukraine or the genocide in Palestine.

The main difference is that the propaganda on each side says different things, and that in China they are controlled by that single political party while in the west they are controlled by some wealthy families whose money is managed by the hedge funds, who control mass media, social media, banks, political parties, military industry, energy industry, big pharma, big tech, etc.

Lol not talking about Kotick, this is wat i mean.
Yes, obviously this isn't a Kotick thing. Government, pentagon and oher agencies, hedge funds etc. would want to ally to make this happen. I assume Kotick just want to be the CEO, not the one paying the money.

For their interest isn't good to have a rival country leading the social media market if they can't spy their users, censor it and alter its algorythm to prioritize their own propaganda and social engineering.

This is the reason of why they want to censor or buy it.
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Should we admire or should we be alarmed that TikTok is pushing different recommendation algorithm to different countries ?
They're doing the exact same thing we try to do. Bottom line, if I was the leader of a nationalist country, I wouldn't allow foreign social media companies. So in theory, I'm on board. But American leadership is not nationalistic. They do not care what you consume whatsoever. This is 100% about not having access to DMs, moderator features and the fact TikTok is eating the lunch of Meta and X, who donate bigly to American politicians. 100%. The "spying" or degenerate algo doesn't even begin to play a factor in this decision making.

But, you should be happy. The bill passed. Now the president has the ability to ban any website on the internet! USA USA USA USA USA

Full article under tags:
WASHINGTON—Legislation that would ban TikTok in the U.S. or force its sale is hurtling toward a vote in the House following months of behind-the-scenes efforts on Capitol Hill. The new push caught the service off-guard, ratcheting up interest from possible buyers and raising the possibility that one of the most popular apps in the country could soon be shut down.

Lawmakers have decried TikTok for years, expressing concern that the app’s Beijing-based parent would share data about its users with the Chinese government or lean on TikTok to promote Beijing’s propaganda and shape Americans’ political opinions. But there were countervailing concerns that a forceful move against TikTok would spark a backlash from the millions of users who have embraced the app.

Efforts had seemingly stalled until this week, when a new bill passed the House Energy and Commerce Committee 50-0. An effort by TikTok to push users to call their congressional representatives in opposition to the bill appeared to backfire by only hardening proponents’ resolve.
The bill caught TikTok by surprise. The company, which says it wouldn’t comply with an order from the Chinese government if asked for data and has never been asked, had been tracking the legislation. But internally, leaders didn’t expect it to gain so much traction so quickly, people familiar with the matter said. Having cleared the committee, the bill is set to get a vote in the full House on Wednesday, and lawmakers and people close to TikTok expect the House to approve the bill. If it passes, it will then head to the Senate.
“I’ve had discussions with a lot of the [senators], and we welcome that and hope they could act swiftly,” said Republican Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin, who leads the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party and co-wrote the bill.
Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin co-wrote the bill involving TikTok. Photo: Michael Brochstein/Zuma Press
The legislation calls for Beijing-based parent ByteDance to divest itself of TikTok or face the platform being banned from app stores and web-hosting services in the U.S. ByteDance would have a little more than five months from the enactment of the bill to comply. TikTok, which is accessed by more than 170 million Americans, sees this as an effective ban, said a spokeswoman. The company says separating the U.S. portion of its app wouldn’t be practical and would undercut the appeal of the content app, which is global in nature.
Already, U.S. tech and media titans are circling. In recent days, some executives have discussed buying TikTok if ByteDance agrees to sell. Bobby Kotick, the former chief executive of videogame publisher Activision, has already approached ByteDance Executive Chair Zhang Yiming to express interest, according to a person familiar with the situation. Any price tag is estimated to be in the hundreds of billions of dollars.
Kotick is looking for partners. At a dinner at an Allen & Co. conference earlier this week, Kotick floated the idea of partnering to buy TikTok to a table of people that included OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, according to people familiar with the situation. OpenAI could use TikTok to help train its AI models if a partner such as Kotick could raise the capital for such an acquisition.
Bobby Kotick, former Activision CEO, seen last year, has expressed interest in buying TikTok if ByteDance agrees to sell it. Photo: Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images
TikTok sees two ways to stop the bill from becoming law, according to a person close to the company. The first is the Senate, where some senators have already expressed opposition to legislation that could effectively ban the app in the U.S., citing wanting to protect free speech and a desire to not meddle in business.
Should it pass both the House and the Senate and be signed by President Biden, TikTok could also challenge the legality of the bill, arguing that it violates the First Amendment.
Biden on Friday said he would sign the legislation if Congress passed it, a pledge that could give it further momentum in the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) said a ban “should be looked at” but didn’t commit to bringing the House legislation up for a vote. Bills typically require 60 votes to advance in the Senate, which the Democratic caucus controls 51-49.

“I’m not going to nitpick at it, other than to say the intent behind it is something I strongly support and I think it’s impressive that it’s moving,” said Sen. Marco Rubio (R., Fla.), who wanted to take a closer look at the legislation. He was one of the first to call for banning the app, about four years ago.
Some senators have expressed concerns about attempts by Congress to ban the app.
“I don’t think we should ban ownership in companies because we don’t like some of the different governments that are involved, or some of the different countries,” said Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) on Friday.
The quick passage by the House Energy and Commerce Committee was the result of months of work behind-the-scenes with lawmakers known for being pragmatic and cutting deals. Gallagher of Wisconsin and Democrat Raja Krishnamoorthi of Illinois, the top members of the House panel focused on China, have been working for months on the bill, with the White House.

Key to smoothing out this effort was Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, people familiar with the matter said. One person said Krishnamoorthi asked Monaco to help with the process because she was both a senior Biden administration official and a vocal proponent of a TikTok ban or divestment.
Monaco helped draft the legislation, and her presence as a Biden administration senior official helped congressional Democrats buy into supporting the bill, one of the people said. Members of the Biden administration’s national-security team also pitched in, holding closed-door sessions with Congress members to brief them about what they said were national-security threats about TikTok.
Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco is a proponent of a TikTok ban or divestment. Photo: amanda andrade-rhoades/Reuters
“It’s narrowly tailored to get members from both sides, even former skeptics,” said Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D., N.J.) of the bill. “It focuses solely on our foreign adversaries who pump out disinformation and collect data on Americans.”
Gallagher is well-liked by Democrats and his GOP colleagues and respected as an expert on the issue. His efforts appeared to stall in 2023, but were revived in part by the fallout from the Oct. 7 attack by Hamas on Israel, according to people close to TikTok and people close to lawmakers. TikTok’s users quickly inundated the platform with videos about the attack and Israel’s war on Gaza. Some lawmakers said TikTok appeared to favor pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel content, and renewed calls to ban the app in the U.S.
TikTok’s spokeswoman said that the videos that lawmakers are concerned about were created by its users, and the company argued it has been fair in moderating pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian videos.
“Oct. 7 really opened people’s eyes to what’s happening on TikTok” and its “differential treatment of different topics,” said Krishnamoorthi, adding that the coming election also fueled concerns. “People are concerned about interference using TikTok.”
The first push to force ByteDance to sell TikTok started from then-president Donald Trump. Lawmakers have since banned TikTok from government-owned devices, but broader efforts stalled. Biden administration officials concluded that TikTok represented a national-security threat but were uncertain they had the legal authority to effectively ban the app or separate it from its Chinese owner. The new TikTok bill aims to give the White House clear authority to do so.
ByteDance would have a little more than five months to comply if the bill is enacted. Photo: how hwee young/Shutterstock
TikTok has been in negotiations for several years with an executive-branch panel called the Committee on Foreign Investment in the U.S. over whether it can remain in the country, but it hasn’t reached an agreement. In 2022, TikTok and the U.S. government had been in talks over a potential deal under which the company would store American user data on Oracle Corp. servers in the U.S. and limit access for others to it. But senior administration officials, including Monaco, argued that wasn’t sufficient, The Wall Street Journal previously reported.
In the absence of an agreement, TikTok implemented a program called Project Texas to store user data. All U.S. data is stored in the Oracle cloud, according to a TikTok spokeswoman, who said it has done more than other U.S. companies to separate and protect users’ data.
Trump on Thursday appeared to reverse his position, writing on social media that banning TikTok would help
Meta Platforms
’s Facebook, which he described as an “enemy of the people.” Trump’s positions carry significant sway among Republican lawmakers, but his statement didn’t directly call for them to reject the bill. Meta declined to comment on that claim Friday.

“I don’t think it will slow momentum in the House because people who have read the legislation, they understand what we’re doing here,” said Rep. Kat Cammack (R., Fla.), a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee. “As an America First candidate, I would never want foreign adversaries to have this data.…This is the vehicle that is going to move forward.”
Once again Kotick proves the man is unstoppable.
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