Bobby Kotick is leaving Activision Blizzard on December 29th


Fuck them all. Lulu can go suck some dick. She was incredibly toxic during the acquisition and constantly made both Microsoft and Activision look bad by behaving like a spoiled teenager on twitter (on the other hand she would fit Microsoft as their president didn’t do much better).
Booty has a good view on what makes financial sense and from past quotes from him he sees Xbox going third party. So there is that


I'll be expecting all those old Activision titles to be added to backwards compatibility at 12:01 AM December 30th.


The guy that has them with the most revenue/profits in company history and built the largest 3rd party publishing house prior to the consolidation, that a CEO is supposed to do? Yeah, that guy.

All that other drama is forum and twitter ether.

That's literally his job. Chief ECONOMICS Officer. Let those failings fall the HR and level management.
CEO actually stands for Chief Executive Officer


Gold Member

If the guy that is facing several discrimination and harassment lawsuits costing the company many millions of dollars, the guy that killed Overwatch as an IP, the guy that just released the most hated Diablo game, and the guy that just released the worst reviewed COD game in franchise history is competent, then I'd hate to see what incompetent leadership looks like.

Hmmm... I wonder what he's been focused on (or distracted with) over the last 18 months. There is someone who will be in charge of each of those games you mentioned on an individual basis.

Gross misunderstanding of what you think a gaming publisher CEO does.

The good news for you though that all the people who are responsible for everything you outlined are still at the business, so they will fit right in.

You’re joking right? Sure he know how to turn a profit, but Jesus dude, you miss the memo on how acti/Blizz female staff were treated under his watch?

Wokism was a mistake.

Removing the man whose primary job is to ensure the business is as profitable as possible doesn't instantly change the culture.


Gold Member
Fuck them all. Lulu can go suck some dick. She was incredibly toxic during the acquisition and constantly made both Microsoft and Activision look bad by behaving like a spoiled teenager on twitter (on the other hand she would fit Microsoft as their president didn’t do much better).
Booty has a good view on what makes financial sense and from past quotes from him he sees Xbox going third party. So there is that
The simping for a mid duff by Asian standards is so cringe in here, lol.
Good. Good riddance. That guy sucks and is everything that is wrong with the industry. Maybe Blizzard will go back to making good games again some day.
Next time you wonder why your video game is full of horse and isn't fun. Just remember it was overseen by these corporate women.

I have no doubt they are wokest of the woke.
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Probably the biggest winner of the acquisition. It'll be interesting to see how Activision fares without the person that made them the well-oiled COD factory they are.


Big mistake for them to be letting him go.

But hey, can't keep someone competent around can we now?
Yup, dude made what Activision is today.

Like with anything else MS touches it turns to..

jurassic park deal with it GIF


Gold Member
Honestly it's hilarious that they all fell for it.

It's the same kind of behaviour that's led to the Phil Spencer worship.

Imagine simping for 6 figure megacorpo execultives.
It's the same behavior that AOC does to the NPCs and bots, but nobody ever shows up to their townhalls except a handful of hecklers, but somehow they have millions of followers. It's online psyop for the evangelical types.
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Fuck them all. Lulu can go suck some dick. She was incredibly toxic during the acquisition and constantly made both Microsoft and Activision look bad by behaving like a spoiled teenager on twitter (on the other hand she would fit Microsoft as their president didn’t do much better).
Booty has a good view on what makes financial sense and from past quotes from him he sees Xbox going third party. So there is that
She was awesome. I loved watching her pissing off you haters. 😄


Time for Phil to put that good old efficient xbox management in motion in activision and start producing all those games people were saying they will now do under his masterfull supervision... what can go wrong ?
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Gold Member
Time for Phil to put that good old efficient xbox management in motion in activision and start producing all those games people was saying they will now do under his masterfull supervision... what can go wrong ?
All those dormant IPs ABK has, that hopes and dreams said would be resurrected, even though MS has yet to resurrect the plethora of IPs they've owned for decades themselves, are going to be so happy when if they ever do it... only on Mobile.
Certainly expected by everyone. I won't knock on Kotick though as he's did an amazing job building up ABK, people that insult his acumen there are letting themselves get too affected by the other issues that came up or haven't familiarized themselves with the role he played. But, the politics of it all would just dictate that he had to move on to pursue new adventures and spend more time with the family :messenger_winking_tongue:

I figured they would move to integrate ABK tightly into MGS anyway, because that is what one does when being sued by the FTC after the fact. LOL
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COD is fully dead now. With Microsoft managing it, I expect it to die a rapid death like most of their other studios. Say you want about Kotick but he’s one of the very few CEOs that consistently delivered results. Over a decade of consistency and growing the franchise. Imagine putting Ybarra on the leadership team. Dudes a joke.
Kotick would have been extremely usefull for Xbox if he stayed. But I understand the PR view of letting him go. Booty will have a monstruous amount of studios to lead, and I think that if he continue to do it with such a weak team under him, he is doomed. I rememer looking at a video from Colt Eastwood(it happened, I don't remember how) around Redfall launch I think, and he was talking about how Booty was always submerged each time he was looking at one of their studios with demands of more ressources. When Ubisoft have legions of producers and Sony and Nintendo are well huiled machines, I am surprised that he does not have the biggest possible team around him as he is doing the hardest work, managing studios and making sure that the games from Xbox publishing are of good quality. Or trying to at least.


Kotick got what he wanted and Microsoft gladly offered being part of the same hypocrisy. Lulu is escaping as well 🤣
Icing on the cake a mediocre executive responsible of mismanaging Xbox Studios aka Matt Booty defacto replacing Kotick, what can go wrong??? :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Fuck them all. Lulu can go suck some dick. She was incredibly toxic during the acquisition and constantly made both Microsoft and Activision look bad by behaving like a spoiled teenager on twitter (on the other hand she would fit Microsoft as their president didn’t do much better).
Lulu destroyed hordes of console warriors with admirable ease when the acquisition was still pending. If you're one of them, it is only natural that you perceive her as toxic. Too bad she's leaving.


Gold Member
console warriors If you're one of them,
Danger 5 Laughing GIF


Gold Member
She did? All I remember is when she embarrassed herself saying stuff like "UK citizens will suffer" or something along those lines. I had a good laugh back then.
Or, "waste of taxpayers .05 cents™" as her mega company and other mega company swallowing them up does not pay taxes proper.

The taxpayer thing was hilarious marching orders. All the NPCs said it at the exact same time.


Or, "waste of taxpayers .05 cents™" as her mega company and other mega company swallowing them up does not pay taxes proper.

The taxpayer thing was hilarious marching orders. All the NPCs said it at the exact same time.

It was honestly a bit disgusting how they fought for this deal so hard in the court of public opinion. Maybe if it was actually good for the consumer then the consumer wouldn’t have been so against it?


Gotta preemptively get rid of other execs, to free up some money to budget for Phil's future fuck ups.
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Iced Arcade

I absolutely couldn't stand him but he was a very smart businessman.

future news... Sony announces Jim Ryans replacement lol
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