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Boktai 2 - Solar Boy Django


Running off of Custom Firmware
Well, though I only played the first one thrice, I'm a huge fan of it. Of course, with a full time day job and part time evening studies, I rarely got a chance to play. I just picked up the second game, read the manual, and am dying to play it. Is there any decent way to "cheat" that damned light sensor?

Why the hell did Konami release BOTH games right at the end of the summer, when the days are shorter. *sighs*


Yikes, I totally forgot that came out this week. To the store I go!

I agree on the releases though. I'm short enough on daylight as it is.


This game would be half-decent without the moronic solar sensor. It's an awesome-sounding idea on paper, but it's SO worthless in practice. After you get past its uniqueness in 30 minutes of play, you realize that it just gets in the way.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I agree. It's a cool as hell idea, but I wish there was a way to disable the solar sensor and just go by the internal game clock. I mean, c'mon. The game around the concept is insanely fun, and Boktai 2 seems to improve on every aspect. It's more of an action rpg than the original was, and the GBA is sorely lacking in that department.

I hear you can use a blacklight to fool the sensor, however? Anyone ever try this?


When I tried to fool the sensor, it took a 75-watt lightbulb (and I mean, right next to it, too) to move the gauge up merely one bar.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Regular lights are not supposed to work. It was intentional. I can't confirm it, but I read that the sensor detects UV rays, and that blacklights give that off powerful enough to make the game completely playable indoor. If you have a blacklight.


I wonder what amount of UVs a regular lightbulb gives off. It must be some, since it did push it up one bar. I tried to play the game like that (because I'm usually only home at night), but I couldn't get the lamp close enough to my Game Boy Player without thinking I was going to melt it or something.

Really, to get it up just one bar with a 75-watt lightbulb, it almost has to touch the bulb.


I just played through the first game with no Sunlight until I needed to take care of piledriving a boss. Quick trip outside when I had time, and I moved on.


Blacklights work. There's also some way to fool it into giving you a constantly full solar meter, but I can't recall what it is, check gamefaqs.


Running off of Custom Firmware
According to gamefaqs, witha flourescent light, you MIGHT get 2 bars if you hold the sensor right to the light (but prepare to sweat.) Apparently, most blacklights are TOO powerful, causing the sun levels to overheat your gun in the first game if you aren't careful.

Apparently, Boktai 2 uses the sun much more than the first game did. Mid-dungeon puzzles that absolutely require light, etc.


The first game was terrific but it was annoying to run outside and charge up the bar. Later in the game you got solar granades that took care of sunlight except for the last boss.

While the first was fun, I just cannnot picture playing the 2nd one because charging up was such a giant pain in the ass.
I guess I'm the only person who actually plays their SP outside more often than not. I'm too used to it after playing GB-A outside because of the lack of a light. So I've never had a problem and I've got no reason to complain, it's quite a fun game.

Sadly, I'm not going to have the cash on hand to pick up the second until after the DS is out. I'm pushing my luck enough trying to get FFI+II, but we shall see.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I plugged it in, and played for about 15-20 minutes with no light (and no problem.) Man is it fun to hug the walls and tap them to distract enemies, only to sneak behind them and perform a backstab with a solar-enchanted dagger! Hahahah.


I'm telling you, the game would be damn-near a replacement for Zelda if they'd get rid of that sensor crap. Otherwise, the game is pretty tight.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Music deserves special mention. It's pretty damn fantastic. Then again, I haven't heard it with my headphones yet...


Tag of Excellence
The enjoyment of this game depends on your ingenuity or region. Here in South Florida where it's either blinding sun or raining like hell this game provided worked like a charm.

Curious on how the 2nd one turned out.
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