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Borderlands 2 Vita |OT| 870 gajillion guns in your pockets


Holy crap. Game looks like PS3 quality. It's gorgeous. Probably the best Vita port ever. Somebody pass skyrim and dragons age to these guys


Suprised people are saying it's native res. From the screens/videos I've seen on the net it looked sub-hd. Glad that's not the case.
I also thought the game looked sub-native from the initial screenshots, but it's actually really sharp on the Vita screen. That's what compression does, I guess.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Ooo, this is great.

Picked up a copy courtesy of the awesome Kelegacy.

Doesn't seem at all choppy like the earlier preview footage would suggest - it's smooth, graphics are nice and clean and it controls well. Actually really impressed - though the enemy reduction is noticeable (only 2-3 seem to be 'active' at once, with more coming out once you've killed the first ones... so far) it seems quite smooth and fun to play. Can't figure out how to invert the gyro aiming though?

For context, I've just finished the intro and reached the southern shelf with the vending machines powered on and the quest board available.

There are the odd moments of pop-in or sluggish menus etc (though I seem to remember this was an issue with the PS3 one too..) and the text size is pretty tiny at times. But my first impressions are really good. Just the idea of being able to take this around with me to the bf's place or get some looting in at a moments notice is sweet.

I can't figure out what the icon is when at a vendor to 'sell trash' though - is that a front screen tap? Doesn't seem to work, though I might not have any trash. Haha. They could have made this easier!


Good to hear people are happy with the port. Hope the word gets around because the word of mouth hasn't been good for this game so far based on early builds.

Reading those impressions, I really get an itchy trigger finger. Unfortunately, the EU still has to wait for 2 more weeks.

If any European is interested in coop, add me on PSN. ID is the same as my nick here.

Suprised people are saying it's native res. From the screens/videos I've seen on the net it looked sub-hd. Glad that's not the case.

Because it is sub-HD like the Vita screen ;)
Many people judge Vita games based on screenshots and videos blown up on their monitor though which doesn't reflect how it looks on a 5" screen. Compression artefacts add to the negative impression.
Been trying to get a GAF copy all day. Recently tried Craigslist, and while there are a few there for the same prices you can find on GAF, nobody does PayPal. Man, I don't feel like driving...
Huh. Everything went better than expected? Will pick this up after my finals.

Been trying to get a GAF copy all day. Recently tried Craigslist, and while there are a few there for the same prices you can find on GAF, nobody does PayPal. Man, I don't feel like driving...

Couldn't you just wait? You'll save so much time and money!


Torn between this and Killzone...
I would get this before Killzone for now. This is brand new so everyone playing is on the same level, they will be rolling out the rest of the dlc so I don't think they'll be a price drop anytime soon and Killzone has been on sale well under $15 multiple times on PSN.


Wow, loving the positive response. I've got a two week trip away from my consoles at the end of the month. Totally gonna pick this up and play through Borderlands 2 again.


I'm tripping out. I really thought this game would be complete dogshit. :|

I had a feeling Sony wasn't going to let the bundle used to roll out their brand new Vita update come with a shit game. Wouldn't really be putting the best foot forward with Vita2000 to have it release with a bundled shitty game.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
This is kind of blowing my mind right now. Something of this scale on a handheld is just so cool, even just for the very fact it exists. I'm glad I held out on the PS3 version for so long for this one instead.
I had a feeling Sony wasn't going to let the bundle used to roll out their brand new Vita update come with a shit game. Wouldn't really be putting the best foot forward with Vita2000 to have it release with a bundled shitty game.

Didn't they bundle the Vita with COD:Declassified ? ;)

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
Let's just assume they learned their lesson from those atrocities and are now committed to blessing the Vita with glories.


Didn't they bundle the Vita with COD:Declassified ? ;)

Borderlands doesn't have the name recognition of CoD. Not even close. It's one thing to bundle a crap CoD game and hope people buy your system for CoD. But I don't think people are rushing out in droves for a bundle just because it has the Borderlands name on it.

I say this as a Borderlands fan and not very much of a fan of CoD. It has a draw but not nearly as much.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
A few screenies from around the shelf area to give a sense of how much detail it retains (or doesn't?), also keeps the lighting shifts from the console versions. Sorry if I've quoted these wrong! Didn't want them to blow out huge on the page.





Neo Member
Could anyone do me a favour and confirm if this has an option for switching sticks, I.e has it got southpaw controls?
So I should preface it by saying I've only played around 30 minutes of the game late at night and am probably somewhat tired

But it's a good bad news scenario from where I stand

The Good:

  • Visually it's a great port, it really does look on par or a bit below the PS3 version in general. Not that far off. Haven't gotten all the effects going though. Textures are lesser of course
  • Full experience from where I stand so far, nothing seems to be missing. All menus all options etc.
  • Audio seems fine, might be a bit lower quality though

The Bad:

  • Performance i.e. framerate is a bit jarring from time to time I think? Something is giving me eyestrain and I think it's that. Can't quite put my finger on it though
  • Controls - They only have the touch screen broken into two segments [i.e. two buttons] if they did 4 segments with main press at each corner controls would be a lot better, a lot easier to customize. And you could completely ignore the rear touchpad. God that thing is simply awful [new vita owner as of today btw lol first impressions]

For my controls I mapped the standard Triangle [Weapon swap, Secondary Use, Vehicle Horn] and Standard Circle [Crouch/Trade/Exit Vehicle] to the rear touchpad. And in their place put Melee in for Triangle, and Sprint/vehicle handbrake in for Circle

Considering the dpad is hardset as a dedicated weapon select control I don't see any reason to dedicate Triangle to weapon swap. Crouch also didn't seem too pertinent

Could anyone do me a favour and confirm if this has an option for switching sticks, I.e has it got southpaw controls?

It has a controller preset entitled "southpaw". And there's invert controls on pretty much everything. Plus you can create your custom control map off the southpaw one although now I have to switch it back lol


I understand the complaints with having only/more ports on the Vita ... but this is something I really want to play on a portable machine.

It may be the same game you have played but getting to play your favorite console game on the move is really an awesome experience .. like FFX/X2


The surprising bit of this thread is that, apparently the ps3 version looked like ass or something?

What were your expectations for this Vita port that was attempting to pull off a fairly technically demanding FPS game that has framerate issues on even the PS360? Did you expect graphical and gameplay parity with the much more powerful consoles?

I think based on the size and scope of Borderlands 2, it's quite an achievement to even pull off what they did. Maybe I'm easily impressed being old enough to remember when Atari 2600 was released. :p


I wonder if this sells well enough (for Vita, of course), if they would consider similar big PS3 type games. I'd much rather have new Vita-exclusive ip, but I think indies, Sony Japan and other Japanese companies are the only ones supporting the thing now so I would take whatever I can get, ports and all. Skyrim, like someone else said, would be friggin sweet.

As for this game, Borderlands 1 was way better when it came to loot. Also had better headshot and elemental effects imo. BL2 is greedy as shit when it comes to letting you get legendaries or the good stuff. Borderlands 1 was way more giving in that area. I was going to put off getting this until bomba pricing, but I think I'll get the retail version since everyone is loving it, shows support for "Western" games like this on Vita, and I really love Borderlands.

Any word if the Vita DLC will be cross-buy with PS3 DLC as it comes out?


Cast your mind back to playing Skyrim on the ps3... Remember the frame rate when you galloped through a town on your horse? Remember the loading times when you went from the game world into a house and back again? Remember the lag?

Now imagine shoehorning that game into a ps vita...


Borderlands 2 sounds ace from most reports though... I'll be getting this for sure.
Torn between this and Killzone...

My vote goes to Borderlands just due to the sheer amount of content. It's literally all of Borderlands 2 as well as all the DLC, so realistically a few hundred hours of gameplay solo. Killzone is an enjoyable 4 hour romp with mildly engaging multiplayer. Killzone does play a bit more smoothly, but BL2 looks incredible.
Cast your mind back to playing Skyrim on the ps3... Remember the frame rate when you galloped through a town on your horse? Remember the loading times when you went from the game world into a house and back again? Remember the lag?

Now imagine shoehorning that game into a ps vita...


Borderlands 2 sounds ace from most reports though... I'll be getting this for sure.

Would an Oblivion/Fallout 3 port be feasible? I don't give a shit about ports man, a portable Bethesda RPG would be the end of me. I guess we have remote play with FO4/ES6.


Permanent Junior Member
My vote goes to Borderlands just due to the sheer amount of content. It's literally all of Borderlands 2 as well as all the DLC, so realistically a few hundred hours of gameplay solo. Killzone is an enjoyable 4 hour romp with mildly engaging multiplayer. Killzone does play a bit more smoothly, but BL2 looks incredible.
It's not all the DLC.
Honestly right now I don't see a point in porting games to Vita, because of it's Remote Play feature. Also it's too unwieldy and power hungry to take it into frequent trips, so I see it primarily as a backup plan for home gaming.
Less than a week for this game and I'm still back and forth on it. I really want to get a Vita again and this is certainly a game that I loved on consoles. This is the most I've been on the fence with a game for a while.
What were your expectations for this Vita port that was attempting to pull off a fairly technically demanding FPS game that has framerate issues on even the PS360? Did you expect graphical and gameplay parity with the much more powerful consoles?

I think based on the size and scope of Borderlands 2, it's quite an achievement to even pull off what they did. Maybe I'm easily impressed being old enough to remember when Atari 2600 was released. :p
It indeed is impressive. Who knows if a game of this scope will ever be ported to Vita again though.

This game pushed the PS360 to its limits, both of which are much more powerful than Vita. I'd never heard of Iron Galaxy before this, but they are on my radar now for their future projects.


Honestly right now I don't see a point in porting games to Vita, because of it's Remote Play feature. Also it's too unwieldy and power hungry to take it into frequent trips, so I see it primarily as a backup plan for home gaming.

Opinions and all, but that is so wrong... I have 2 hrs each way to work on public transport and can get 4 hrs per day of gaming on the move and still it doesn't instantly need a charge.

At the moment I get more game time with the Vita on the road than at home, I have absolutely no problem with the Vita turning into the "PortStation" for some of the bigger titles.

Will be digging in God Of War and the Sly collection shortly, once I tear myself away from Project Diva f.. And then Borderlands 2 on the 21st for me (AU Retail).
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