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Borderlands |OT| More guns than the population of the Netherlands


Neo Member
Hawkian said:
:lol "Please kill these three skags. When you return, I'll gladly give you this copy of the game you're currently playing before it's released!"

EDIT: And T1tan, you might not like this idea or you might love it, but there's really no distinction between a singleplayer and multiplayer coop character. You can take your singleplayer character online to hunt with friends every once in a while even if you do 99% of your playthrough alone.

Thanks for the clarification. I like it :D


relies on auto-aim
akmcbroom said:
Talk about augmented reality games.. I can see it now. "Gearbox dishing out real life "quests" for pre-release copy of Borderlands."


How can I get into that quest?
Just make a costume.


JdFoX187 said:
Hell, I'm interested as well. PC version here I come if you're intersted.

I'm interested in anyone at this point, sent out a couple PMs but only got 2 replies. Just need one more person and we're good to go.
Sebulon3k said:
I'm interested in anyone at this point, sent out a couple PMs but only got 2 replies. Just need one more person and we're good to go.

Hassle Evilore if you haven't already. The man needs an excuse to jump in!


Hmm for the $40 Canadian deal I just might grab it. Honestly I haven't even looked at this game until now, but it seems to be pretty sweet.


If anyone has a slot open in the Steam 4-pack deal please PM me. I haven't had much luck PM'ing people on this thread. I can promise a pain free paypal confirmed payment.


The Cryptarch's Bane
If you can go PC, there are no deals anywhere in the world you should consider except a 4-pack on Steam. $33.75 USD, preload for instant gratification,
far superior sheep graphics
Had forgotten that this game is also released in October.
Lucky that its released on paycheck day =D cause this has been one expensive month.


Hawkian said:
If you can go PC, there are no deals anywhere in the world you should consider except a 4-pack on Steam. $33.75 USD, preload for instant gratification,
far superior sheep graphics

I may have missed something but what makes you a sheep when you get the pc version? :lol
Hazaro said:
Waiting that extra week is going to be hell considering everyone will be playing console version.

I guess I'll just try to hide away from this thread.

WE WILL FIND YOU. No, seriously, we won't have to; you'll be back. Oh, yes, you'll be back....BAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. :D


Hawkian said:
:lol you just linked to this thread and page.
Check again, Sherlock!

I'm actually considering nabbing this on PS3 in addition if the reviews are positive so I can play with my roommate...

Could be the first double-dip of my life.


Amazon is upsetting me a little with this no release day shipping. I have the best deal there, especially with gift credit and everything, but they're saying delivery estimate 10/22 and that's with one day shipping (prime member, paying the $3.99). I don't think I can wait those two extra days. It's killing me inside.


poweld said:
Check again, Sherlock!

I'm actually considering nabbing this on PS3 in addition if the reviews are positive so I can play with my roommate...

Could be the first double-dip of my life.

First double dip of mine, grabbing both the 360 and PC versions because I've got friends on both sides of the fence hehe.


I've been looking forward to this game for a while, but all this 4 pack preordering business, awesome gameplay videos, and skill tree calculating has me hyped up considerably. I don't remember the last game I was this excited about.


Couple of reviews are in (havn't found any scans online... not like I'd link em anyways... just saying)

OXM: 8.5
Atomic PC (Aus): 9.1


much to my dismay, the idle thumbs podcast just shit all over borderlands. one of guys that has played it claimed significant a.i. issues, the guns all feel the same, poor boss fights, etc.
however, it seems his colleague at shacknews had a far more favorable view of the game. hoping for the best. still can't wait.


poweld said:
Check again, Sherlock!

I'm actually considering nabbing this on PS3 in addition if the reviews are positive so I can play with my roommate...

Could be the first double-dip of my life.

Same as Hawkian for me. It just led me here lol

I checked #173 though, thx.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
cmmart said:
much to my dismay, the idle thumbs podcast just shit all over borderlands. one of guys that has played it claimed significant a.i. issues, the guns all feel the same, poor boss fights, etc.
however, it seems his colleague at shacknews had a far more favorable view of the game. hoping for the best. still can't wait.
I think the comment in the OXM review about this game not being for everybody is sounding more and more like a reoccurring theme.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Shoogoo said:
Who is it for exactly?
That is to be determined. I am not overly concerned. Pitchford et al don't seem to be bothered by this criticism. In fact, they seem to be embracing it.


PoweredBySoy said:
You guys are considering to double-dip for a game you haven't even played yet or has no reviews? That's god damn drunk talk.
I believe I said "pending good review". I'm already in for Steam, but like I said, if it's a fun game I'd like to be able to play with my roommate on my TV.

I'm not considering double dipping because I'm sure it's OMFG AWESOME, I'm considering it because this is the first co-op game to be coming out recently that I think would be really fun to play with a buddy for an extended period of time.

We'll see.


It's been one full year since I haven't been so hyped for a game, last one was Dead Space and it fucking delivered.

This one better be good


PoweredBySoy said:
You guys are considering to double-dip for a game you haven't even played yet or has no reviews? That's god damn drunk talk.

To be fair, the console version will be out a week earlier. This would make or break a shit ton of PC purchases. No one is going to buy the thing if the console people all think it stinks, or just doesn't live up to expectations. Or if people are bored/beat it 10x already by the time the PC version goes live.


The Cryptarch's Bane
The Idle Thumbs guy kinda had a bit of trouble expressing himself on this... he certainly didn't like it though! I wonder how the popular gaming sites will review it. I'm pretty curious at this point.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
Hawkian said:
The Idle Thumbs guy kinda had a bit of trouble expressing himself on this... he certainly didn't like it though! I wonder how the popular gaming sites will review it. I'm pretty curious at this point.
I would say he (Nick) didn't have much good to say about it. That podcast pushed this game to pending status.

"Do you recommend this game?"

"Umm....well....Chris Faylor likes it and he never played Diablo so the loot mechanic feels new."

The AI issues sound to be the biggest problem. Enemies and bosses standing still while you shoot them does not sound fun.


DenogginizerOS said:
The AI issues sound to be the biggest problem. Enemies and bosses standing still while you shoot them does not sound fun.

Yea I noticed that from the videos. That's a big problem if true.


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
What I hope Borderlands achieves is a game where I and three other buddies get truly challenged by what is presented to us, not Mystery Science Theatre 3000 where we are laughing at the glitches in the game.


The Cryptarch's Bane
In the gameplay videos I've watched I haven't really had any complaints about the AI. They seem relentless and quick if not altogether tactical. Honestly it did remind me of enemy AI in Diablo. I am really interested to hear Chris' review over at shacknews..


Listening to the thumbs podcast, this sounds almost too diablo lite for my tastes. Too much shooter, and not enough diablo style looting and character building.

BenjaminBirdie said:
All I've seen are those weird WompRats ripping the shit out of you. They stand still about as much as like Reverse Flash.

Well his main complaint is the AI is inconsistent. His was shooting a main boss character up close for almost a minute straight with a rocket launcher, killing it without the AI boss never reacting. At the same time he said he would go around a corner and a bunch of guys in the distance that shouldn't be able to see him would come flying at him guns blazing.


AI complaints always seem so strange. They are about as consistent as NFL officiating. I'm playing Batman right now and the AI is bad, but I never read about that. However in other instances, the AI becomes this massive issue.

It seems like the thing reviewers point to when they can't really explain why they don't enjoy a game.

Clearly I have no idea if it's an issue or not since I haven't played the game but I'm guessing in the end it won't bother me. If the atrocious AI in Darkest of Days didn't annoy me I can't imagine anything in Borderlands will.
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