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Boy hits puberty at age 1

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I wonder if that would affect his ability to learn language? Older people seem to have a much harder time learning languages, i always assumed it was cause they lacked the structure of an infant's brain.

I bet it would in fact affect his ability to learn. Could also be the reason, as stated earlier, infants who suffer this affliction act out in anger, I'm guessing due to pure frustration.


Yeah, his mind is that of a functional adult, but unable to comprehend himself, his surroundings, he hasn't had the time that an infant needs to conceptualize and understand while his brain develops, his brain has hyper developed in terms of it's processing ability, but he lacks... basically everything that would make him functional.

It must be absolutely terrifying.
Am I crazy or does this sound exactly like Autism?
I bet it would in fact affect his ability to learn. Could also be the reason, as stated earlier, infants who suffer this affliction act out in anger, I'm guessing due to pure frustration.

Without bogging the thread down, from personal experience. Infants and toddlers need time to develop and conceptualize life. Reality. The rules and surroundings of where they find themselves.

He basically bypassed all of that without warning, it's probably a mixture of frustration and sheer, unending terror because he legitimately has no idea what is going on or who he even is.
Do people with that condition live as long as people generally do? I remember there being some somewhat similar disease that makes one age a lot faster than what one would normally do. I dunno though, maybe I'm remembering it wrong and it's very different.

Either way, terrible for the kid and fuck that insurance company.



I am DYING. Lmao.
I don't know, but I would think his brain would be 'running' at the same speed, but without the faculty of language. I would imagine without having learned a language yet, that the quality of the thoughts he's having wouldn't be comparable to a 12 year old who has been speaking language for years. Very interesting, and again, very sad.

I just thought about something

is the hormone therapy supposed to "roll back" the brain development as well?

Meaning that they are purposely retarding him just to make sure he has a chance later?

This is terrifying


I wonder if that would affect his ability to learn language? Older people seem to have a much harder time learning languages, i always assumed it was cause they lacked the structure of an infant's brain.

It would.

A baby is born with more neurons than an adult. However, those neurons are not yet connected to accomplish any meaningful processing tasks. Which is why it takes years for a child to do anything other than express primitive reflexes such as the suckling reflex, why those reflexes are lost as the baby grows, and why those reflexes reappear in adults when parts of the brain are damaged.

So all these neurons fire when stimulated, not completely chaotically because the brain is primed to respond to certain stimuli like smiles, just as a baby bird is primed to respond to certain bird stimuli. The brain then determines which neurons are most needed, which are most effective, and which are not. Neurons that are not useful die off.

The purpose is to create an interconnected web of neurons that are very efficient (fast) at processing stimuli. Language is developed during that very critical period.

It might also affect the child's ability to see and hear normally, as those areas of the brain develop similar to language development.

For instance, if a baby is born with damage to one eye, it will learn to see the world in a certain way, as in it will have trouble processing patterns we take for granted. Similarly, a child raised in complete deprivation from language stimuli may be able to learn crude language as an adult, but never as fluently as a person raised as a normal child.

Obviously we can still learn as we grow older. However some of the fundamental systems we rely on, such as language and visual processing, have foundations in the brain maturation processes that take place during infancy.


May I have a cookie?
This is horrifying stuff. This child's experience is so remote from what we all take for granted I dearly hope he can be helped develop into a semi functional person.
Stifling the laughter in my office right now. Haven't seen this in 20 years.

This sounds kind of like progeria. There's no way this baby could live a normal life expectancy when he's hit puberty right out of the womb. Sounds completely fucked.
Manish Boy was the first thing to come to mind.

Didn't read the whole post, but hopefully he can lead a normal life.

I'd like to be hopeful but reading that his family's insurance won't cover the costs of, what, a decade+ worth of hormone therapy is worrying on that front. Who can a family in Mumbai even turn to if they can't afford it for that long?


This is scary. Made me think of that Bradbury story, "The Small Assassin".

That would be messed up to start seeing those rapid changes in your baby.

"Why don't you pick up that knife and stab yourself a few times? I'd do it myself, but my heart's so puny it can't pump enough juice to get my limbs to workin'."


May contain jokes =>
Holy shit at overpowering his parents that young.

That has to be an exaggeration right?

Have you ever tried to fully restrain a young child*? They're way stronger than you think. Obviously we're not talking about the kid standing up and knocking the parents down, but if a baby had the muscle strength of a child even just a few years older it could be a real challenge to even change a diaper if the kid was fighting.

* (I work in the ER and we often have to restrain kids so I can do stitches and some other procedures, only giving context so people don't think I'm some sort of maniac)


"his brain development was like a 12-year-old teenager"

"he also started getting facial hair"

"His muscle strength increased to a level that even his parents couldn’t control him"

It's like a Marvel supervillian was born.

The reality is much more heartbreaking though. If the development was like that of a 12 year old does that mean they missed the opportunity to formulate those early connections? As in does this guarantee crippling developmental dissorders?
For those curious about the first bolded sentence, a lakh is 100,000

So a 1/100,000 chance.

That seems like bullshit to me. That would mean there would have been around 70k cases of this by now. Seems way too high. Even if only boys get it, it still sounds like it should be much rarer than that.
How come all these strange medical cases always seem to occur in India?

Even if this statement seems really anecdotal (same way I imagine people see Florida incidents), might be the higher population

It's like a Marvel supervillian was born.

The reality is much more heartbreaking though. If the development was like that of a 12 year old does that mean they missed the opportunity to formulate those early connections? As in does this guarantee crippling developmental dissorders?

At least there seems to be a treatment for it. I imagine even this period of his life, or maybe him having to keep it secret, would still effect his life and experiences though
Arsh's doctor said it was lucky his parents brought him to the hospital when they did, as if he had not been treated before the age of five his condition may have stunted his growth at around 3ft tall

Damn. So I see they put him on hormonal treatment.
Arsh has shown a speedy recovery over the last six months and his genitals have now shrunk in size.
Dr Rustagi added that his erection issues have also been resolved but the doctors have suggested his treatment continue until he reaches at least 11 years old.
'He is still on hormone therapy. We can only control his testosterone and the moment we stop the problem will return,' added Dr Rustagi.
'So ideally we need to continue with his treatment until he reaches the real age of puberty.'


That seems like bullshit to me. That would mean there would have been around 70k cases of this by now. Seems way too high. Even if only boys get it, it still sounds like it should be much rarer than that.
Precocious puberty is defined as before 9 years old for boys iirc. It just means earlier than usual puberty. Most cases aren't like this one.


The closest I've seen this before was when I dated someone with an 8 year old girl and a just-turned-1 year old girl.

The 8 year old was already almost five feet tall, and the 1 year old was too big for the toddler swings and I had to put her in the regular swings. She appeared as big as the 4 or 5 year olds also using the swings. Their mom was also pretty tall and was six foot by the time she turned 14.

I still had to hold her hands onto the swing chain since even though she was that big, she couldn't be taught to hold on and couldn't be taught the concept of pumping her legs to swing yet. People were telling me to let her figure it out, they couldn't believe she just turned 1.

That seems like bullshit to me. That would mean there would have been around 70k cases of this by now. Seems way too high. Even if only boys get it, it still sounds like it should be much rarer than that.

There's a lot of cases of this, just not this early.
It's like a Marvel supervillian was born.

The reality is much more heartbreaking though. If the development was like that of a 12 year old does that mean they missed the opportunity to formulate those early connections? As in does this guarantee crippling developmental dissorders?

World's shittiest superpower

How come all these strange medical cases always seem to occur in India?

Over 1.2 billion people live in India
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