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Brad Pitt's World War Z 2 still Alive, Producer keen on signing 'David Fincher'

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The sequel World War Z 2 went from intriguing possibility to must-see very quickly last summer when word surfaced that star Brad Pitt was courting his friend and frequent collaborator David Fincher to take the helm. The 2013 zombie actioner had its ups and downs throughout production, going through some significant and highly publicized reshoots to re-conceive the third act, but when all was said and done the film was actually quite good, and audiences responded to the tune of $540 million worldwide. Director Marc Forster was not really in the mix to return for the follow-up, and while Pitt and Co. initially signed The Impossible helmer J.A. Bayona to take the helm, he ended up departing over concerns about chasing a release date, choosing instead to develop and direct Jurassic World 2.

It was unclear what would become of World War Z 2, but the news that Pitt was courting Fincher was A. A sign that Paramount and the film’s producers were still keen on making this sequel and B. Proof that Pitt and Co. weren’t messing around. Just last month we learned that Fincher is still very much in the mix to direct, so when Collider’s Steve Weintraub spoke with producer and Skydance Media CEO David Ellison at SXSW for the premiere of the sci-fi thriller Life, he asked about the status of the film and whether Fincher would direct:

“There’s a script that we’re incredibly happy with, and it’s just getting a couple of key deals closed… We hope [Fincher] makes the movie.”


Would be up for this. I quite liked some parts of the first film.

If he could bring something better to the table, excellent.


Is there any director working today with a bigger gap between talent and taste?

Fincher is such a good director, and yet seems to have an eye for some of the dumbest ideas. Which he often gets good shit out of, but still.


Has Fincher ever done a sequel? I doubt he would be on board for one that wasn't even his.


A sequel to this movie is as needless as a sequel to I Am Legend. They would have to come up with a really dumb "oh no they didn't find a cure dammit" twist.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
The book still should have been adapted into an HBO show a la Band of Brothers, with it showing the interviews then going back in time to show what they are talking about.

Fuck...I want that so bad.


I just don't see this ever seeing the light of day.

Especially since Paramount don't even have a new head of the studio yet.

We'll see.


It's not the World War Z that I wanted, but I'll take more of what they gave us instead of the bore-fest known as The Walking Dead.
Oh cool. Never seen it, should check that out. I actually haven't seen any of the Alien movies.

Then don't watch Alien 3. Or at least make sure to watch the extended Cut instead of the theatrical one. I like it for what it is, but Alien and Aliens are leagues better.
Alien3 is the poster child for what happens when studio execs interfere with an inexperienced director.

But seriously, go watch Alien 1-3. The first two are milestones of cinema. The first for the horror genre, the second for Action Blockbusters.


Why is David Fincher in quotes? Is it the fake David Fincher, Davyd Fynchur? Is it an actor playing David Fincher? Was David Fincher never David Fincher to begin with?


I couldn't agree more. The book is just RIPE for adaptation into a miniseries or series.

Honestly I don't think any filmed adaption is ever going to top the audiobook. The raw amount of talent they pulled in for it is absolutely fucking bonkers, and the production is just overall as top notch as they come. I don't even really like audio books all that much and I sat up at night for hours on end listening to it just because it was so wonderfully done.

I honestly didn't even mind that the movie was such a turd because we already had the audiobook, which I think is probably the most perfect adaption of the source material you could do. A reporter sitting with a tape recorder talking to all these people after the fact just jells so well with the tone of the narrative.
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