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Bradshaw worst WWFE champ since ...

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Hmm ... I guess you could say Vince McMahon - since he did actually win it, then relinquish it. Obviously nothing beats former WCW champion David Arquette. But I'll take Bob Backland back in the 'towel' match wih Bret Hart, who held the title for like 2 days losing to Kevin Nash in about 10 seconds on a house show of all things.




Hmm? Backlund held the title for a VERY long time in the 70's. Plus, He fucking rules!

Big Show gets my vote as worse champ.
DMczaf said:
With a Lex Luger run in! bwahahah!

Nah, the most unintentionally funniest thing I've ever seen on WWF was the Big Boss Man vs Big Show Feud.

You have Boss man comin in Big Show's dad's funeral... with a really old Blues Brothers cop car and a huge ass bullhorn. All of sudden, he raps a chain over the coffin, takes it out for a ridin with the cop car, while Big show on top of the coffin, trying to get it back.

If I find the rhymes Boss man came up for the eulogy, man it's just funny as hell... damn that was crap... WRESTLECRAP.


No, the most embarrasing thing I ever saw was when I saw in the last year of WCW, when Bam Bam Bigalo was walking through the crowd, up the stairs with some wrestler hitting him in the back. Suddenly a fan goes out to pat Bam Bam's back, he thinks it's the wrestler, and he sells it like he got hit by a wreaking ball. Strong arm that 8 year old.


LakeEarth said:
No, the most embarrasing thing I ever saw was when I saw in the last year of WCW, when Bam Bam Bigalo was walking through the crowd, up the stairs with some wrestler hitting him in the back. Suddenly a fan goes out to pat Bam Bam's back, he thinks it's the wrestler, and he sells it like he got hit by a wreaking ball. Strong arm that 8 year old.



LoL - Yeah that Bossman thing was the funniest thing i've ever seen. That man has been in the worst angles in wrestling history - remember 'kennel in a cage' match? Big Show sucks - but I mean - comeon - its Bradshaw. At least with Big Show you could at least believed he was a WWE champion.


keep your strippers out of my American football
Seems like now that Vince is sick and is bed-ridden, both shows have gone into the shitter. WWE is going to suck big time when he retires/dies.
YES, I got the rhymes from Big Boss Man's eulegy:

With deepest regrets and tears that are soaked,
I'm sorry to hear your dad finally croaked.
He lived a full life on his own terms,
Soon he'll be buried and eaten by worms.
But if I could have a son as stupid as you,
I'd have wished for cancer so I would die too.
So be brave, and be strong, get your life back on track,
'Cause the old bastard's dead and he ain't never comin' back!


Banstick Emeritus
The Bookerman said:
You have Boss man comin in Big Show's dad's funeral... with a really old Blues Brothers cop car and a huge ass bullhorn. All of sudden, he raps a chain over the coffin, takes it out for a ridin with the cop car, while Big show on top of the coffin, trying to get it back.
Oh Lord I remember that clip. I had never cried with laughter during a wrestling show before that day - Big Show riding the coffin, screaming "DAAAAAAADDDD! NOOOOO!" And then his fat ass fell off the coffin while Boss Man drove off into the distance.

I'm laughing just thinking about it. Awesome.


Guzim said:
It was, but not as hilarious as Al Snow eating Pepe.

Pepe was insane Chavo Guerroro's pet horse on a stick in WCW. Al Snow's dogs name was Pepper.

"Is the food good? I hope I put enough pepper!! THAT'S RIGHT AL!!!!" (nightstick to the head as Snow vomits)


Junior Ace
Do you guys not remember The Dog from the late WCW days? He thought he was a dog...


keep your strippers out of my American football
Guzim said:
Great, before I had totally forgotten about the Big Show/Bossman feud, now I remember it :(

It was funny as hell, but I remember reading that it was some kind of sick punishment for the Big Show since his dad really is dead. I still refuse to believe that even Vince is that twisted.


I wish wrestlecrap would make like a compilation DVD of the worst crap in wrestling history. That would be pretty fucking cool. I read on there once that Robocop was actually in a fucking wrestling match in WCW. What the hell????
Brian Fellows said:
Saturn was the man! He was being Punished.

Horrible. He was punished because he never lived up to the hype he generated at ECW. WWE only took him in because they wanted Benoit and Guerrero, and they would not go unless Saturn and Malenko were part of the deal.
shoplifter said:
I think you meant "God"

Haha, well, I'm sure you read the old story about Malenko's run in with Barry Bonds that I shared way way back in #ga. If you could run into any of those 3 guys, see Malenko. The guy has plenty of great and HILARIOUS, I met him and Torrie Wilson at a signing a buddy of mine organized, and I happened to manage the line that day. So when the two hours were up, we went inside, took pictures with Torrie, but we chatted with more Malenko.

OMG, we were laughing so hard. He told us a story about the time he and Chris were driving into Alabama when they were with WCW, and they did whatever it took to get to the hotel as fast as possible. (i.e. they hated the place)

Back to the subject, if you get to meet one of the best ever Light Heavyweight Champs of all time, make sure you get him to tell a story about the fan who Chris Benoit embarassed accidentally when doing a thumbs-up in a picture, hehe.
WasabiKing said:
Haha, well, I'm sure you read the old story about Malenko's run in with Barry Bonds that I shared way way back in #ga. If you could run into any of those 3 guys, see Malenko. The guy has plenty of great and HILARIOUS, I met him and Torrie Wilson at a signing a buddy of mine organized, and I happened to manage the line that day. So when the two hours were up, we went inside, took pictures with Torrie, but we chatted with more Malenko.

OMG, we were laughing so hard. He told us a story about the time he and Chris were driving into Alabama when they were with WCW, and they did whatever it took to get to the hotel as fast as possible. (i.e. they hated the place)

Back to the subject, if you get to meet one of the best ever Light Heavyweight Champs of all time, make sure you get him to tell a story about the fan who Chris Benoit embarassed accidentally when doing a thumbs-up in a picture, hehe.

Chances are that none of us will ever meet him ever....so you might as well tell us the story plz.


I was truly honored to have been at his last match. No one knew he was going to announce his retirement that night, and I was quite sad to see him go.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
WasabiKing said:
Horrible. He was punished because he never lived up to the hype he generated at ECW. WWE only took him in because they wanted Benoit and Guerrero, and they would not go unless Saturn and Malenko were part of the deal.

All I know is that he put on some killer matches in WCW many I have on tape. Dont know what he did when he first got the WWF though cuz by then the WWF sucked balls and I had quit watching completely.
Hopefully I am not derailing your thread, but when I think worst WWF/E title holders, my number one pick has to go to Billy Gunn. I really don't understand the hype and pagentry over someone who spends most of his time ripping signature moves off someone, except for his stupid finisher. I'm putting him on the level of Buff Bagwell when it comes to wrestling "talent" and his finisher is just as horrible. Billy Gunn attempted to discredit the jackhammer move by making it a setup move for him, STOLE the Flair Flop, and promptly stopped it after Flair joined WWE, and is the worst King of the Ring this side of Mabel. Even Edge said in a promo that he was the King of the Ring, and he wasn't going to Billy Gunn it!

Brian Fellows: Saturn did nothing significant in the last 2 years of his tenure at WCW. He was given decent storylines, and he could carry it. He had one good match which involved him going into tables against someone, but that was it. He could not adjust his style from ECW and tanked horribly in WCW. And let's not forget his injuries.

UFC: never really watched a lot of ECW, and I've seen maybe two tapes, so I didn't catch that match. The last few days, I've been downloading all sorts of movies, especially some great Bret matches... If you see it around, let me know, I'd really like to see that match.
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