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Brady Bunch's Susan Olsen (Cindy Brady) fired as radio host after homophobic rant

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The context of denigrating a gay man by literally invoking a dick/pussy size axis where he is the biggest pussy and her dick is bigger than his? Okay, sure.

Or it could've been she called him a pussy because she felt he was too scared to confront her about his grievances towards her and instead aired it on Facebook, y'know the context in which she used it. And even if you're correct, then the term would be used as a homophobic slur; and not some intrinsic hatred towards women she may have.
I'm confused as to what it is you're trying to get at here.

but remember folks, it's just economic anxiety.

The unnecessity to extrapolate more than what's already there. She already buried herself with what she actually said. There's no need to read more into it. Misogyny is one of those terms that get thrown around all the time regardless of context.


May I have a cookie?
And people say we are too "politically correct".

Ladies and gents, this is the alternative.

I think it's crucial to settle once and for all, with hard data, the question of whether or not most people who voted for Trump are indeed like this or not.
Problem is I have no idea how one would reliably collect such data.


The unnecessity to extrapolate more than what's already there. She already buried herself with what she actually said. There's no need to read more into it. Misogyny is one of those terms that get thrown around all the time regardless of context.

But it's entirely appropriate here. This is obviously explicit, surface level stuff where she is establishing herself as better and him as lesser on an axis of gender.
But it's entirely appropriate here. This is obviously explicit, surface level stuff where she is establishing herself as better and him as lesser on an axis of gender.

I wouldn't necessarily say better, but she is indeed challenging his manhood hence the reference to her dick being bigger than his, but it's based upon what she perceived he did instead of his sexual orientation. She's implying that she would have the balls to confront him in person if the roles were reversed and she had issues with him, instead of being a pussy and airing it on Facebook to get her in trouble. She also used gay slurs against a gay man which goes without saying.

My question in this scenario is where's the misogyny?


I wouldn't necessarily say better, but she is indeed challenging his manhood hence the reference to her dick being bigger than his, but it's based upon what she perceived he did instead of his sexual orientation. She's implying that she would have the balls to confront him in person if the roles were reversed and she had issues with him, instead of being a pussy and airing it on Facebook to get her in trouble. She also used gay slurs against a gay man which goes without saying.

My question in this scenario is where's the misogyny?

The misogyny is in the method of communicating about courage vs cowardice by framing it in an axis where the admirable attribute is masculine and the shameful attribute is feminine.
The misogyny is in the method of communicating about courage vs cowardice by framing it in an axis where the admirable attribute is masculine and the shameful attribute is feminine.

Ok now we're getting somewhere.

But is that based on a hatred towards women which misogyny is or the roles men and women have played historically within a Patriarchal society, and the physical differences between the two that render men stronger as well as the one's that penetrate during sex?

Or is it both?

Damn, now you got me questioning myself. LOL
The misogyny is in the method of communicating about courage vs cowardice by framing it in an axis where the admirable attribute is masculine and the shameful attribute is feminine.

It's a god damned shame you have to actually spell it out for people. Should be obvious.


Holy shit, I didn't even know she was a right wing nut job. Not that I would have sought that information out for someone like her.


Has she come out and said "I was hacked" yet? That's usually the next step in one of these stories.

Cindy Brady was always the beloved pigtailed blonde kid on TV growing up whereas Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie was vilified.

But guess who the better human being is...


That's right. It's Alison Arngrim (AIDS activist).

Good on her, because Nellie was a complete jerk on that show 100%. Possibly 1000%.


I wouldn't necessarily say better, but she is indeed challenging his manhood hence the reference to her dick being bigger than his, but it's based upon what she perceived he did instead of his sexual orientation. She's implying that she would have the balls to confront him in person if the roles were reversed and she had issues with him, instead of being a pussy and airing it on Facebook to get her in trouble. She also used gay slurs against a gay man which goes without saying.

My question in this scenario is where's the misogyny?
But is that based on a hatred towards women which misogyny is or the roles men and women have played historically within a Patriarchal society, and the physical differences between the two that render men stronger as well as the one's that penetrate during sex?
Set aside whether male attributes are good or female attributes are bad for a moment, and set aside the actual actions anyone takes during sex because it has nothing to do with any of that.

The reason she levied the insults against him (the fact he complained about her to her boss) doesn't change the content of the insults she used. They were still misogynistic insults.

By calling him a pussy she was insulting him.
She was comparing him to a woman/feminine anatomy, and by doing that in a negative way it implies that being a woman is bad.
The insult is linked to misogyny by existing - it doesn't have to be aimed at a woman for that to take effect, and the fact the insult is coming from a woman doesn't actually make the comment any less misogynistic.

It's the same as the old "That's so gay" set of insults, where people would say that if they failed, or if something bad happened, or just because they were pissed off.
By linking gayness to negativity they were intrinsically saying being gay is bad and normalising that line of thought, even if they weren't directing it at a gay person and even if they didn't realise that was the implication they were making.
People now realise this was a shitty homophobic thing to say and do and that it shouldn't be accepted.

This is another version of that.

By calling a man a pussy you're comparing him to a woman in a similarly negative way and normalising a similarly toxic line of thought.
Bearing that in mind are you really unable to see that using that insult to assert that someone else is "lesser" is intrinsically misogynistic in the same way?


Why are you guys arguing about the word pussy? It's making me feel pusillanimous.

Why am I not surprised in the least that Cindy grew up to be a total asshole? I was never a big fan of the reruns, and she was my least favorite character, but it's still sad.


Welcome to just the tip of the iceberg of the next 4÷ years.

This will be the norm, as disgusting as it is.

Have you even listened to am radio lately?
We need to fight this garbage tooth and nail, but where do we begin?

I would join any group that will oppose bullshit right wing hate spewing media in a second. All I wish is that progressives ( not necessarily Democrats) can come together and fight this shit.

Get all the people that voted Bernie on board. We have to change this shit from the ground up., its the only way.

We cant let hate speech dominate the radio like it has, its the #1 poison polluting this country

She lost her job and didn't get away with anything. If the next four years is just people outing themselves as shitbags and getting repercussions for it then bring it on, let some other non shitbag b lister host a radio show instead.

People acting like this is going to be the new tolerable normal outside of anonymous jackasses on the internet seem pretty off base to me. Embolden these people all they want. They aren't getting away with anything. I would rather know who is a shitbag rather than people hiding it for fear. That doesn't make them any less of a shitbag, only an unknown shitbag.


The one upside of a Donald Trump presidency is that all these fuckwits are coming out of the shadows thinking their hateful bullshit is now widely accepted. Well guess what, the majority of the country didn't vote for Trump, which means the majority don't tolerate this bullshit and will respond accordingly.


Waiting for her to be appointed to Trump's Cabinet.

Ok now we're getting somewhere.

But is that based on a hatred towards women which misogyny is or the roles men and women have played historically within a Patriarchal society, and the physical differences between the two that render men stronger as well as the one's that penetrate during sex?

Or is it both?

Damn, now you got me questioning myself. LOL
Physical strength does not equal bravery.


Ok now we're getting somewhere.

But is that based on a hatred towards women which misogyny is or the roles men and women have played historically within a Patriarchal society, and the physical differences between the two that render men stronger as well as the one's that penetrate during sex?

Or is it both?

Damn, now you got me questioning myself. LOL

The homophobia and misogyny are both explicit. Now, I don't know her innermost thoughts so I can't be 100% confident that they are linked--perhaps the misogyny arises only from the context of how she feels about his actions and not how she feels about gay men in general. Maybe she'd use similar language against a straight man. But then again, maybe she'd call a straight man a faggot--and we're back to square one.

If you'll permit me to revisit the metaphor I started with, this isn't the first time I've seen misogyny riding in homophobia's car. I don't expect it to be the last. Homophobia is pretty hateful and shitty. We shouldn't think it surprising to find that it has poor taste in associates.


Glad she got fired. Society has to rebel against this shit.!

Too everyone saying that she sounds immature, fun fact:
now being old and in my 30s, grown adults are as immature as anyone. They are only more experienced in their immaturity
Why is it that bigots don't ever have proper syntax or grammar? I get that most bigots are idiots, but they had to at least pass a third grade English class.

It might have to do with the fact that they're so fucking mad at gay people because they're gay that they can't get the hate out fast enough. Plus uneducated.


Cindy Brady was always the beloved pigtailed blonde kid on TV growing up whereas Nellie Oleson from Little House on the Prairie was vilified.

But guess who the better human being is...


That's right. It's Alison Arngrim (AIDS activist).

Nellie is satan incarnate.

Wkipedia on Alison: "In addition to performing, Arngrim also devotes her time to charitable organizations. One of her inspirations for her charity work is the memory of her friend and fellow actor Steve Tracy, who played the role of Nellie Oleson's husband, Percival Dalton, on Little House on the Prairie. Tracy died from complications from AIDS in 1986, after which Arngrim set her sights on becoming an activist for AIDS awareness. She also focuses on other issues, such as child abuse, speaking frequently for and lobbying with the group PROTECT. In 2004, Arngrim revealed on Larry King Live that she herself was an incest survivor."

Gosh darnit, now I can't hate Nellie anymore.


Ok now we're getting somewhere.

But is that based on a hatred towards women which misogyny is or the roles men and women have played historically within a Patriarchal society, and the physical differences between the two that render men stronger as well as the one's that penetrate during sex?

Or is it both?

Damn, now you got me questioning myself. LOL
You're looking for explicit "hate" when misogyny can be more nuanced.

"dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women."

The bolded segment is most applicable to this conversation.
Set aside whether male attributes are good or female attributes are bad for a moment, and set aside the actual actions anyone takes during sex because it has nothing to do with any of that.

The reason she levied the insults against him (the fact he complained about her to her boss) doesn't change the content of the insults she used. They were still misogynistic insults.

By calling him a pussy she was insulting him.
Agreed she used that term to insult, but we use other various body parts to insult people such as dick, ass, asshole, boob, tit, etc... So that doesn't necessarily mean anything in and of itself.

She was comparing him to a woman/feminine anatomy, and by doing that in a negative way it implies that being a woman is bad.
The insult is linked to misogyny by existing - it doesn't have to be aimed at a woman for that to take effect, and the fact the insult is coming from a woman doesn't actually make the comment any less misogynistic.
OK, so i get that logic, so by the same token is calling somebody a dick misandrist? You're comparing them to man/masculine anatomy and by doing that in a negative way it implies that being a man is bad. If not, why?

Is this insult linked to misandry by existing?

It's the same as the old "That's so gay" set of insults, where people would say that if they failed, or if something bad happened, or just because they were pissed off.
By linking gayness to negativity they were intrinsically saying being gay is bad and normalising that line of thought, even if they weren't directing it at a gay person and even if they didn't realise that was the implication they were making.
People now realise this was a shitty homophobic thing to say and do and that it shouldn't be accepted.

This is another version of that.

By calling a man a pussy you're comparing him to a woman in a similarly negative way and normalising a similarly toxic line of thought.
Bearing that in mind are you really unable to see that using that insult to assert that someone else is "lesser" is intrinsically misogynistic in the same way?

I wouldn't say "lesser" but it's certainly attributing traits to anatomy in order to insult. In this case, female anatomy. OK, so what traits is she associating with pussy? She implies he's soft, scared, fearful of confrontation, outright calls him a coward. Then she uses male terms in contrast in a positive manner usually in the form of dominance. My question, is this more a reflection of our historical societal expectations of gender in society? Where men are expected to be brave, hard, aggressive, confrontational, warriors, soldiers, fight wars, leaders, protectors, providers, in control, head of households, etc... and women are to be protected, provided for, passive, ladylike, delicate, soft, non confrontational, supporters, ok to be scared, etc...

Here's an example of this societal expectation IRL, in a heterosexual household a criminal invades their home while they're there? If necessary, who's expected to confront him and why? What would a "Real Man" do?

Also I think there's a biological component and sexual connotation to these gendered anatomy insults. Whereby within sex, men by nature of having dicks are the penetrator, and women having pussies get penetrated. There's an inherent dominance within that activity of who's "doing the fucking" and who's "getting fucked" that I believe is also being used when people call somebody pussy. More or less being a bottom within a homosexual context. Being a "punk". And why we also use the insult dick and attribute it to traits such as being a jerk, prick, asshole, or even arrogant.

Plus I think there's the fact that just like we use assholes as an insult, due to the fact it's a hole that we excrete feces from; we use pussy because it bleeds once a month. Hence why it's also used synonymously with punk, coward, scaredy cats, people who don't perpetuate violence, but are victims of it. People who bleed, instead of standing up and making other people bleed.

My point is I think there's more going on with gendered anatomy insults than outright hatred of that gender.

Wait didnt she used to be an LGBTQ advocate?

She wrote a letter in full support of their rights and defending her(on screen dad) Robert reed.


2016 remains to be insane.

This doesn't' mean anything. I'm sure there were people who were for civil rights for Blacks, but still thought they were niggers.

You're looking for explicit "hate" when misogyny can be more nuanced.

"dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women."

The bolded segment is most applicable to this conversation.

Ok the bolded is definitely better.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Nellie is satan incarnate.

Wkipedia on Alison: "In addition to performing, Arngrim also devotes her time to charitable organizations. One of her inspirations for her charity work is the memory of her friend and fellow actor Steve Tracy, who played the role of Nellie Oleson's husband, Percival Dalton, on Little House on the Prairie. Tracy died from complications from AIDS in 1986, after which Arngrim set her sights on becoming an activist for AIDS awareness. She also focuses on other issues, such as child abuse, speaking frequently for and lobbying with the group PROTECT. In 2004, Arngrim revealed on Larry King Live that she herself was an incest survivor."

Gosh darnit, now I can't hate Nellie anymore.

She was the best acted character in the show. Ironically, Perceval was what changed her into a pretty nice girl on the show. He continually reminded her to be nice and showed her how cruel she had been to everything from sacks of flower to humans.

Not that I watched this religiously as a child or anything.


She was the best acted character in the show. Ironically, Perceval was what changed her into a pretty nice girl on the show. He continually reminded her to be nice and showed her how cruel she had been to everything from sacks of flower to humans.

Not that I watched this religiously as a child or anything.

Look, man, if there's anything you and I actually have in common, it's recognizing Nellie Oleson as great once-villian character. She was so sinister and shitty yet eventually we could all understand why, based on her mother and position in life. Eventually, you come to feel for her and her struggle to be a better person.

Please feel free to insert this characterization into future Halo games.

Edit: Also, genuinely, how long ago did you move to North America to actually watch this show, or for some crazy reason did they ever air it in the UK?

Double edit: Susan Olsen:


Edit: Also, genuinely, how long ago did you move to North America to actually watch this show, or for some crazy reason did they ever air it in the UK?
Would it be crazy if it aired in the UK? I'm from germany and I watched the show all the time as a kid.


Would it be crazy if it aired in the UK? I'm from germany and I watched the show all the time as a kid.

Yeah, that actually surprises me. I'm canadian and the show aired all the time in here, but we're America Jr. It was my (now seemingly wrong) assumption that things set in pre-20th century America weren't aired outside of North America.

Good to know, though.
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