What's the best place to start with his works?
I keep hearing this author's name, and really want some new Fantasy books to read once I complete Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. Question for everyone! While I like A Song of Fire and Ice, and the Book of Malazan or whatever was well-written...I don't like the amount of characters. How is Sanderson with the amount of characters in his books? Will I go batty trying to remember them all, or is it a manageable amount? Actually, my biggest critique of those two books I mentioned isn't JUST because they have so many characters...it is that they have so many characters that the POV shifts between. It makes it unbearable when I have to spend a lot of time with characters I don't care about. I enjoy books where I mostly hang with the same crew.
What's the best place to start with his works?
Original Mistborn trilogy imo.
Elantris is rough enough to turn some people off.
The ideal order imo.
Mistborn 1-3
Stormlight Archive
(followed by misc)
2. I hadn't read any Sanderson at all, knowing full well he finished off Jordan's WoT but never bothering.
3. I accidentally read the available Stormlight Archive books because someone said one of them was the only fantasy book recommended by Goodreads. And since I already love fantasy, I gave it a shot. AMAZING.
4. I didn't know it was part of a larger universe.
5. So I'm reaching back and starting Mistborn. I'm halfway through the first book and I haven't loved a beginning this much since I read Robin Hobb's Assassin series. This thing checks all my boxes.
6. I'M NOT ASKING AND DO NOT WANT SPOILERS ... but I am excited to figure out how the Stormlight books connects with this series. So far there seems to be no connection at all. Please don't tell me and only enjoy my ignorance. I can't WAIT to find out how these things tie together, even tangentially.
7. Sanderson really is a fantastic writer.
omg you guys! Brandon is posting annotations for TWOK! FINALLY!!!
Wax and Wayne are pretty meh compared to how well he writes Stormlight.
I keep hearing this author's name, and really want some new Fantasy books to read once I complete Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. Question for everyone! While I like A Song of Fire and Ice, and the Book of Malazan or whatever was well-written...I don't like the amount of characters. How is Sanderson with the amount of characters in his books? Will I go batty trying to remember them all, or is it a manageable amount? Actually, my biggest critique of those two books I mentioned isn't JUST because they have so many characters...it is that they have so many characters that the POV shifts between. It makes it unbearable when I have to spend a lot of time with characters I don't care about. I enjoy books where I mostly hang with the same crew.
actually in the editor's note it says that these were written years ago but never posted before. they're being posted now one at a time to lead up to Oathbringer. but it seems that they only will go up to chapter 12 or so unfortunately. better than nothing!Is he just going to post each chapter as he does them? It only goes to Chap 2.
Alloy of Law was my favorite of the Wax and Wayne books.
Just finished Well of Ascension last night. Really enjoyed the ending where. Looking forward to how things plays out in Hero of AgesVin fucks up royally. It almost casts the Lord Ruler in a slightly more sympathetic light -almost
No almost about it. Definitely does.
Reading through everything again after you learn that (and finish the whole trilogy, really) is definitely a fun rollercoaster. Those books are crafted so well.
Can anyone let me know if the revised ending to WoR has been included in the current Kindle edition of the book?
Can anyone let me know if the revised ending to WoR has been included in the current Kindle edition of the book?
It is. In fact if anyone has the old Kindle version, they can easily update it to the new revision (which is what I did).
The kindle version is the revised one, yes. Typically Kindle versions of books get updated with any revisions so long as the author desires it.
Same. I put this in my favorites for when I pick up some books of his, then was sad to see the thread go poof. Thanks to whomever revived this.Glad to see the thread back up! Working my way through WoK again in anticipation of Oathbringer
No idea how active this still is, but I'm currently making my way through Words of Radiance, and my god I just finished an incredibly tense section. Spoilers for the second half of WoR:
I just finished Adolin's duel, you know the one. This might be the first time a book has me on the edge of my seat so to speak. That moment of realization when everyone realizes they screwed up. Should be finished with this book in about a week or so, I'm not going too fast but it's already a step up from WoK, even though it has yet to deliver moments as grand. I'm really growing on Adolin. His interactions with Shallan and his reluctant developing friendship with Kaladin is great. Kaladin however is growing a bit too broody for me, and from the way the last chapter ended I only see it getting worse. Hoping for a bit more focus on Dalinar in part four.
One thing that's really done well in my opinion is the difference of perspective between Kaladin and Shallan. Kaladin talks about Shallan's interactions with Adolin in such a cynical matter, like she's just going through the motions, while from Shallan's chapters we gleam that it does come from a genuine space, and she does easily fall into such "giddy" behavior even though she tries her best to play the good wife. Just this stark difference in the way they view the world that Sanderson has managed to portray in a great way.
It gets better 😏
Yes it is. I'm in Canada but I order all of Sanderson's books from the UK for these cover styles.
I was very disappointed by Shadows of Self.
Still very much here for the Stormlight Archive Though.