I'm waiting for a full book.
Anyhow, I just finished my re-reading of WoK. How should I proceed with WoR re-read, I seem to remember that Sanderson recently changed some events at the end of it...
Wow, I recently reread WoR and had no idea about the changes in the new editions. Thanks for the links.
One change is weird. Did Nale use Surgebinding to heal Szeth or was it a Regrowth fabrial?
Yeah, like i mentioned up thread, I usually am too and personal circumstances ATM led me to give it a try. But the overall experience may be just reinforcing my SOP on things like this.
As far as WOR, read whatever copy you have imo. If you have a kindle copy you can update it. If not, just google th change he made.basically he made it so Kaladin doesn't kill Szeth, he is killed by the storm, because he didn't want Kaladin to be about vengeance.
wrong tags? you may want to edit your post and change to. haven't read WoR yet :/
Oh man, I've been under the delusion that The Lost Metal was a fall 2018 release, but apparently it's planned for fall 2019? Noooooo...
2018 is gonna be a lean year indeed
The Lost Metal, Wax and Wayne Four, will be my next non-YA novel project. I still intend to write it so that it can come out in 2018. You should see a progress bar for it pop up sometime in the fall of 2017.
2) - Sterris is awesome. The books need more of her. Really pulling for her to be a Mistborn (one has to show up eventually I think)
Yes! She's so good!
what bugged me the most about Alloy of Law was how much it glossed over character development. Luckily for me I read all three Era 2 books consecutively so it was more like a minor irritant, but I can see how a lot of readers might have gotten turned off otherwise. Steris was definitely a victim of the first book.
There were some promotions at indigo so I decided to pre-order Oathbringer finally
...oddly, I noticed the signed edition actually costs less than the normal edition. Sure, why not.
edit: okay I just checked the price of the regular edition on amazon and it's way less. indigo must have effed up.
Heh I ended up placing an order for each version.... I'm sure that they will eventually make the price more competitive with amazon as they usually do. it's a major release so they have to I think. I'll get 'em to adjust it later. Signed copy order is just insurance.Yeah, Chapters/Indigo have been a little wonky with their discounts lately. Some are 10-11%, and then there's others at 40%. I miss the olden days when it was a guaranteed 40%!
Is there a good place to get a summary of the first two Mistborn books? It's been a few years since I read them and I mostly forget what happened. I don't really feel like rereading so summaries would work before I read book 3 at some point this year.
Any youtube / read-up recommendations to catch up to the first two books in a fun way? I read them both when Book of Radiance came out, but I've forgotten a lot and really don't want to re-read 2000+ pages.
I'm not sure how fun it would be, but there's https://www.tor.com/2017/08/15/stormlight-archive-refresher/
Outside of that. The audiobooks are good quality and available from most library's Overdrive selection.
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"Oathbringer advance reader copies just arrived. (Very limited supply, probably all spoken for already.) The book comes out November 14th."
omg you guys! Brandon is posting annotations for TWOK! FINALLY!!!
These Oathbringer chapters have been so good. I'm glad to see Branderson's writing has not declined. Wax and Wayne are pretty meh compared to how well he writes Stormlight.
Hell it's pretty meh compared to the original Misborn too. I still enjoy reading them but they're not as captivating. TheKelsier reveal was pretty hype though.
These Oathbringer chapters have been so good. I'm glad to see Branderson's writing has not declined. Wax and Wayne are pretty meh compared to how well he writes Stormlight.
People dont like the alloy of law characters? Y'all are nuts. They are across the board great.
I keep hearing this author's name, and really want some new Fantasy books to read once I complete Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. Question for everyone! While I like A Song of Fire and Ice, and the Book of Malazan or whatever was well-written...I don't like the amount of characters. How is Sanderson with the amount of characters in his books? Will I go batty trying to remember them all, or is it a manageable amount? Actually, my biggest critique of those two books I mentioned isn't JUST because they have so many characters...it is that they have so many characters that the POV shifts between. It makes it unbearable when I have to spend a lot of time with characters I don't care about. I enjoy books where I mostly hang with the same crew.
I keep hearing this author's name, and really want some new Fantasy books to read once I complete Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrel. Question for everyone! While I like A Song of Fire and Ice, and the Book of Malazan or whatever was well-written...I don't like the amount of characters. How is Sanderson with the amount of characters in his books? Will I go batty trying to remember them all, or is it a manageable amount? Actually, my biggest critique of those two books I mentioned isn't JUST because they have so many characters...it is that they have so many characters that the POV shifts between. It makes it unbearable when I have to spend a lot of time with characters I don't care about. I enjoy books where I mostly hang with the same crew.
From the sound of it, I think you will definitely enjoy the Mistborn series.
Stormlight Archives is a bit more expansive, but the story mostly provides the viewpoints of a small handful of characters, with each book focusing on one in particular, so you may find that to your liking. There certainly are dozens of supporting characters, though.
Awesome. Thank you both. While a friend recommended me Malazan, I couldn't get past book 1 because of the sheer amount of characters that I did not like. Made it really bad when we hit their POV. And as for the writing style, I remember thinking it was well-written...but not my cup of tea. If you're going to have floral or poetic writing then it better have some wit and snazz mixed like I'm currently getting with Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. There were actually a few times in Malazan where I had to go back and re-read a paragraph because I wasn't getting a proper visual picture of what the heck was going on (maybe I just suck at reading). Sanderson's "bad prose" might be right up my alley.Sanderson typically has a much smaller cast comparatively to your examples. The only exception is probably Stormlight Archives books but that's more of an expectation over time as more books are made.
Though I will also mention that a lot of people who enjoy books such as your examples have trouble with Sanderson's writing style. "Bad prose" gets said a lot. I personally don't find it bad, but it is far from floral or poetic.
Awesome. Thank you both. While a friend recommended me Malazan, I couldn't get past book 1 because of the sheer amount of characters that I did not like. Made it really bad when we hit their POV. And as for the writing style, I remember thinking it was well-written...but not my cup of tea. If you're going to have floral or poetic writing then it better have some wit and snazz mixed like I'm currently getting with Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell. There were actually a few times in Malazan where I had to go back and re-read a paragraph because I wasn't getting a proper visual picture of what the heck was going on (maybe I just suck at reading). Sanderson's "bad prose" might be right up my alley.
2. I hadn't read any Sanderson at all, knowing full well he finished off Jordan's WoT but never bothering.
3. I accidentally read the available Stormlight Archive books because someone said one of them was the only fantasy book recommended by Goodreads. And since I already love fantasy, I gave it a shot. AMAZING.
4. I didn't know it was part of a larger universe.
5. So I'm reaching back and starting Mistborn. I'm halfway through the first book and I haven't loved a beginning this much since I read Robin Hobb's Assassin series. This thing checks all my boxes.
6. I'M NOT ASKING AND DO NOT WANT SPOILERS ... but I am excited to figure out how the Stormlight books connects with this series. So far there seems to be no connection at all. Please don't tell me and only enjoy my ignorance. I can't WAIT to find out how these things tie together, even tangentially.
7. Sanderson really is a fantastic writer.