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Breaking Nintendo news! (thread title only slightly misleading)


(more a nerd than a geek)
Maybe we'll actually be told that the DS -does- come with full internet capabilities, harkening back to that cryptic Reggie comment at e3.


DavidDayton said:
Maybe we'll actually be told that the DS -does- come with full internet capabilities, harkening back to that cryptic Reggie comment at e3.

Or, maybe the cold, cruel reality that Nintendo will never offer you, your children, or the following generations onward an online plan will dawn upon you.


DavidDayton said:
Maybe we'll actually be told that the DS -does- come with full internet capabilities, harkening back to that cryptic Reggie comment at e3.

Oh god. A portable Advance Wars online will destroy whatever hope I have of getting a degree.


a portable Military Madness / Nectaris with online capabilities would destroy a similar Advance Wars game...

and in turn, a portable Herzog game with online capabilities would destroy such a Military Madness / Nectaris game



works for Gamestop (lol)
Didn't Nintendo do a conference at the Four Seasons last year and it turned out to be disappointing?

I wouldn't get my hopes up
Yeah, I got it too. To put this in perspective for those non-media forum-goers out there...this doesn't happen. I mean it. These conferences are always set out a week in advance. The subject of the conference is "Late Breaking News". It's not going to be some lame update on existing games already announced. It'll be info. that we'll all be glad to hear. Should be a great day! :)


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I can't really get excited...I'll save that until after it happens.


It was probably "planned" by way of them saying "We won't do this until we're sure of when Sony's going to release PSP info, and then we'll take some wind out of their sails."

(Conjecture, of course.)


I can't see it really being anything but the NDS. I think all the announced dates for info for the NDS and the PSP (save for the big ones like TGS and Touch World) have all been extremely tentative and highly depending on when the next man would show his hand. Like I said in another thread today, it's like the Playstation and Saturn japanese price announcements. Sega and Sony were playing this game for months before Sega finally showed their hand (and Sony countered right after with a lower price and more demos)
It's the industry's version of a game of cloak and dagger. It's really exciting to watch, actually. You get the feeling that the people pulling the strings really love this kind of stuff :)


works for Gamestop (lol)
Well shit, tomrorow is turning out to be a real big day. All these games and now two announcements

Kon Tiki

skip said:
the conference is at 7:30/10:30 in the morning, not at night.
First post says ET. If someone can post the offical email...

I wish people whould stop using the word 'tomorrow'.


the part about reggie, george harrison, and perrin kaplan should have been an indicator that it was NOA.


It just seems weird for Nintendo to use NOA to counter a SCEJ announcement. Wouldn't the Japanese side of the company usually release information on big games and products such as the DS first?


for all we know, NCL could announce something at the same time. or a little earlier. or a little later.


Arcticfox said:
It just seems weird for Nintendo to use NOA to counter a SCEJ announcement. Wouldn't the Japanese side of the company usually release information on big games and products such as the DS first?

It's also weird for Nintendo to launch a system in the US before Japan, but it's happening with the NDS by all accounts.

It was weird, i'm sure, for Nintendo to show the GBASP for the first time at a US press conference, but they sure did it (and in record time, too)

Weird things happen.


And with the Japanese NDS announcement set for the next 45 minutes, the identity of tomorrow's US show is confirmed.

It is an NDS announcement, suckers :)


Don't forget about the NOA NDS teleconference tomorrow. I'm probably just going to stay up until 10:30 AM for the news. Hell, it's already 5:00 AM.


Just a reminder that the USA NDS teleconference is about 30 minutes away. Keep your ears to the ground (or just the phones will do)
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