Maybe I’m not hanging out at the right places, but I’ve never witnessed this out in public. Not against it, though.
It's normal.
The problem is those pervs that think they need to stare at it while hissing a fit.
You probably have. 99.999999999999999% of all women cover themselves pretty discretely while doing it and you aren't going to get any tittay glimpses.
If you care about women doing this you're a loser.
Also, if you get excited about women doing this, you're a massive loser.
I used to breastfeed everywhere, I didn't gaf. I was lucky that my command at the time had a feeding room though.
But bottle feeding is too messy, what's a grown ass man to do?Babies yes, grown ass men no.
No. When you get pregnant they send you on a "pregnancy tour", which is a form of what we call "shore duty". Essentially you go to a support unit, not an active combatant command. Usually like a training command, personnel support detachment, something like that. I was at an Intermediate Maintenance Activity. So I just basically worked in a hangar that was converted into offices.I assume this wasn't during a deployment?
Nahh. Fucking gross. The people who do it in crowded public areas and restaurants want sterilising. There are plenty of places they could do it in privacy
I saw this on my facebook feed today reminded me of this topic
I watched this Megan Rain video where she suckled this other chick's titty milk last week
It was awesome. I think I have a lactation fetish emerging
If you can't do it in private, don't bring your child in to the publicWhen a 3 month old starts screaming and wailing because they're hungry you think the wants to spend 5 -10 minutes walking around trying to find somewhere private all because some sensitive like you might be offended if he doesn't mind his own business and looks at her?
In Cuba women just pull out their boobs and feed their kids in plain sight. No one gives a damn. It's obvious a different culture though.
So all mothers should be locked up at home for a year and never allowed go out. You're obviously just trolling now.If you can't do it in private, don't bring your child in to the public
I saw this on my facebook feed today reminded me of this topic
If you can't do it in private, don't bring your child in to the public
So all mothers should be locked up at home for a year and never allowed go out. You're obviously just trolling now.
what world do you live in? It’s a baby sucking on a boob. Most women cover up with a blanket or something but even if they don’t, who cares? It’s not like they’re taking a shit on the ground in front of you.
Not just mothers, Fathers as well. It's the arrogance and pretentiousness of new parents that pisses me off. "we haven't had a meal in a nice restaurant for 18 months since young cecil was born, let's take him out with us and piss off all the other paying customers"
"We haven't had a holiday for 12 months since firing Jonathon from the womb room, let's take him on a 4 hour flight, during the day, when the flight is full of businessmen because we deserve a holiday!" - no you fucking don't. Having kids comes with a responsibility, and the major responsibility is to have the decency not to thrust your little shit on to the lives of other people. If i'm flying to a meeting or to see international clients, I don't need a screaming little shit next to be because the parents are too entitled to wait another year or two to go on holiday abroad.
It's the attitude of it. "You must deal with our child because we're entitled to shit"
I live in a world where mothers aren't pornstars and twitch thots with cracking norks. No, I live in a world where mothers are fat, haggard, sloppy-titted, scraggly trollops who whip their pancake tits out in front of everyone trying to eat. I don't go to a restaurant to see that shit. Go to Liverpool and try and have a nice meal, it's like feeding time at the pig farm with the tracksuit clad Sow's squealing while flopping their tits about. Go in the back room, go in the workers canteen or use one of the facilities that are everywhere. Doing it in public, so brazenly, is attention seeking, nothing more (in this country anyway).
This is just my opinion. I'm not, or not trying to be, the authority on breast feeding. Just IMO from my experience.
The only women I've seen breastfeeding were doing it right out in the open, while making a scene about it "what you looking at, it's only natural" they shouted to onlookers. Maybe, the reason I've only seen these bloaters do it in public is because the decent, self-respecting breast feeders are covering up and doing it discreetly.I’m just guessing here, but I assume most women are doing it out of necessity and not attention seeking, hence all the ways invented to cover up while breastfeeding. Also from my experience traveling with an infant/toddler, it’s a constant battle to be considerate of other people and keep them from screaming or kicking seats or otherwise making travel even more unpleasant for other people.