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Brett Ratner to direct Xman 3

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According to aintitcool.com

At least, not until late tonight, when I got the two names confirmed from inside the Pico lot, from a spy I’ll call “Putch Harker,” who tells me that we’ll have an announcement very soon. So either we’ll have X3 directed by John Moore, who did solid, sturdy jobs with both BEHIND ENEMY LINES and FLIGHT OF THE PHOENIX, or...
... brace yourselves...
... Brett Ratner.
Now go back and read those clues that everyone gave me at the start of the piece. Makes sense, doesn’t it? What just fell apart? RUSH HOUR 3. Ratner’s definitely considered an A-list filmmaker. And he’s certainly one of ”those” names. Right now, I’d bet he’s the guy who’s going to end up in the chair by the start of the week.
Which raises the question... which X-MEN 3 is he going to make? The one that Matthew Vaughn left behind, that famous “six day script,” which is still evidently being revised by Kinberg and Penn as we speak? Or something else? With only nine weeks left to go until the film starts shooting, it would seem like they’re pretty much locked into what they’re going to be doing. It’d be nice to know what the general plot is... which characters are definitely in it, and what they’re doing... wouldn’t it?
Well, stay tuned, because as soon as Marvel confirms their choice of director, we’ll be back with a brand-new spy and your first look at the plot of X3. And Avi Arad wasn’t kidding when he called the film “controversial,” either. Three major characters that absolutely should not die, die. Really dead, too. Not Spock Dead. And one mutant who should not lose her powers, loses her powers permanently. Not SUPERMAN II loses them. And the sex scene... when you see who does what to who... oh, boy. The entire X-MEN universe may face some incredible overhauls, and it's going to be fascinating to see what fandom does when faced with this stuff. But all that's for next week. Until then...



This is the guy who was hyped about J. J. Abram's Superman script were Lex Luthor was a Kryptonian and he and Supes fought in the sky like Neo and Smith and Ma Kent is raped in front of little Kal-El...and couldn't wait to direct it.

On no.

This is BAD.
he did a great job with rush hour, i know its a totaly diffrent kind of film but non the less this guy has talant.

i think its a good choice and besides no matter who they choose as the director, people will complain over and over again that the new director will fuck up the film, just as people did when avid choose Brian singer to direct Xman.

wait until you guys have seen the film then you can start complaining if you didnt like it.

but i think haters will be going like this after they have seen the film.

"yeah man Brett is the man, nobody else could have directed this film better than he did, Avid choose the right director for this film!"


To me this is good news.... I'm a big fan of his movies (one of my favourite directors), and think he's a fantastic storyteller. Ideas for a story, though? Not so good. He's awesome at telling other people's stories, and if his commentaries are anything to judge by, he needs an entourage of people with good ideas to really help him shine.


Will Rogue finally do it with Wolverine? :lol

Has Halle signed on yet? I hope they're not killing Storm:(


robertsan21 said:
he did a great job with rush hour, i know its a totaly diffrent kind of film but non the less this guy has talant.

i think its a good choice and besides no matter who they choose as the director, people will complain over and over again that the new director will fuck up the film, just as people did when avid choose Brian singer to direct Xman.

wait until you guys have seen the film then you can start complaining if you didnt like it.

but i think haters will be going like this after they have seen the film.

"yeah man Brett is the man, nobody else could have directed this film better than he did, Avid choose the right director for this film!"

Avid? Since when does the editing equipment select the director?

No one really had a big problem with Singer. Everyone knew he was a good director from Usual Suspects, and he was very open in saying that he never read the X-Men comics but understood the story behind the mythos and that Donner's Superman was one of the reasons he wanted to do a superhero movie (and is why he's doing Superman Returns right now). Everyone was looking forward seeing if he could do a good comic movie because before then it was over twenty years since Donner's Superman. People were pleasently surprised that X-Men didn't suck as much as it could've.

On the other hand, Ratner is a vanity director. He was only doing the dogshit J J Abrams Superman script to make a name for himself because he didn't know jack shit about the material, and X3 is obviously the same thing. He wants to be behind a big-name movie and snag a decent paycheck out of it to get himself better work outside of cookie-cutter New Line fare like After the Sunset. He tried it with Red Dragon, but failed and he's hoping X3 will.

Expect to see a BS interview from him in the future where he'll claim to have a copy of X-Men #1 framed on his wall; just like he said back when he was attached to Superman.
ManaByte said:
Avid? Since when does the editing equipment select the director?

No one really had a big problem with Singer. Everyone knew he was a good director from Usual Suspects, and he was very open in saying that he never read the X-Men comics but understood the story behind the mythos and that Donner's Superman was one of the reasons he wanted to do a superhero movie (and is why he's doing Superman Returns right now). Everyone was looking forward seeing if he could do a good comic movie because before then it was over twenty years since Donner's Superman. People were pleasently surprised that X-Men didn't suck as much as it could've.

On the other hand, Ratner is a vanity director. He was only doing the dogshit J J Abrams Superman script to make a name for himself because he didn't know jack shit about the material, and X3 is obviously the same thing. He wants to be behind a big-name movie and snag a decent paycheck out of it to get himself better work outside of cookie-cutter New Line fare like After the Sunset. He tried it with Red Dragon, but failed and he's hoping X3 will.

Expect to see a BS interview from him in the future where he'll claim to have a copy of X-Men #1 framed on his wall; just like he said back when he was attached to Superman.

i thought avid had a big part in picking out the directors for the marvel films?

but i guess i was wrong....
who wouldnt want to do big-name movies?
Its hollywood, every director wants to do big-name movies.

anyway personally i like what i am hearing, i am sure Brett will do fine as director of Xman 3.


Still Tagged Accordingly
robertsan21 said:
i thought avid had a big part in picking out the directors for the marvel films?
ok... you've clearly got your wires crossed somewhere along the way...




AICN's story hints have me curious -- three major characters die? I can only fathom they're referring to something like Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman; which would be so laughable that I almost wish they'd do it. Although I don't buy the whole "die die" thing. Any astute reader of comics, Marvel in particular, should know that no one really dies.


Honorary Canadian.
Rogue sleeps with Iceman, and after getting the deep 9 from him, she saps all his life force out via his wang. After rolling his dead body off of her, Wolverine sees what she did and stabs her AGAIN. You KNOW Storm is gonna die, cuz Halle doesn't need to be in the movies anymore. Nor does she want to be in them (Thats the funny thing about 'stars'... they like to 'star' in films... not 'co-star').

Who else will die? Its iffy. Magneto? Prof X? That girl who runs through walls? TEH SUSPENS!!1E

OR-- they kill storm, cyclops, and rogue... paving the way for WOLVERINE, THE MOVIE!
Ugh.. I like the Rush Hour movies, but I'm not too keen on him directing the X-Men. I haven't seen Red Dragon, though, but seem to remember that it got mixed reviews. Anyone here like it?
heavy liquid said:
Ugh.. I like the Rush Hour movies, but I'm not too keen on him directing the X-Men. I haven't seen Red Dragon, though, but seem to remember that it got mixed reviews. Anyone here like it?

Red dragon was ok, i just wish that they had made the guy who was the killer a bit more creepy!

but othewise i liked the first viewing of the film the second viewing made me feel abit bored.


robertsan21 said:
i thought avid had a big part in picking out the directors for the marvel films?

You're thinking of Avi Arad methinks. Avid is an editing suite.

Back on topic, I don't like this news one bit. Ratner's fine for the big action, no brains Rush Hour films, but when you're tackling something like X-Men, which has a huge fan base and a huge backstory, you're going to have to know your shit if you wanna tackle these films properly.

I don't think Bret Ratner knows his shit unfortunately :(


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
WOOHOO!!! Marvel's failure is now complete. at least they are still putting out some kick ass comics (plug for Ultimate Iron Man and Young Avengers which both just kick my ass).


Hollywood Square

I'd find it hysterical if Ratner directs X-Men 3, as he was originally going to direct Superman while Bryan Singer was going to direct X-Men 3. OH HOW THE TABLES HAVE TURNED.
Ratner is fine. I don't understand why people don't like him.

Is it only because he just suddenly appeared one day and made 200 mil off Rush Hour?


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
First of all you assholes, the X-men movies rock

Now then.. Regarding Brett Ratner.. His movies are fun to watch but he's NOT a good director. BAD CHOICE i say.


Hollywood Square
Warm Machine said:
I don't understand why people don't like him.

... because he's not very good?

Is it only because he just suddenly appeared one day and made 200 mil off Rush Hour?

You could've plugged any generic director in that movie and it would've still made $200 million. That really isn't a movie you look at and go, "Wow, what a great directorial job!"

EDIT: Meant director, not actor. My bad, homes.
I don't agree that he is not very good. Even though the script for After the Sunset was flawed it was still pretty watchable and enjoyable. Family Man was pretty good and quite different from what I was expecting it to be like. Red Dragon was well made as well.

I did think Rush Hour was a poor mans Jackie Chan movie but I don't know if I can pin that on Ratner as the studio were piss scared of Jackie doing anything himself.

There isn't anything in his style that stands out or makes him unique but it isn't like he is consitently bad or delivers on an amateur level.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise

Ratner's a competent director in my mind. He doesn't really have a style or do anything risky, but I wouldn't say he's bad by any means. He doesn't strike me as a guy who would elevate a script, but neither would he reduce it to crap. Give him a good script and hopefully we'll get a good movie.

I kinda doubt it'll beat X2, but I think only Singer could have done that, at least with where the plots were going. He had some personal investment there and really elevated the material.


Hollywood Square
Warm Machine said:
I don't agree that he is not very good. Even though the script for After the Sunset was flawed it was still pretty watchable and enjoyable. Family Man was pretty good and quite different from what I was expecting it to be like. Red Dragon was well made as well.

I did think Rush Hour was a poor mans Jackie Chan movie but I don't know if I can pin that on Ratner as the studio were piss scared of Jackie doing anything himself.

There isn't anything in his style that stands out or makes him unique but it isn't like he is consitently bad or delivers on an amateur level.

You just described someone who is not very good.

J2 Cool

Yeah, Singer did a good job of surprising me with how good his moments were. The trailer just had a string of "holy shit" moments and it was awesome to see them play out, especially the first time in a packed theater. Though his Cyclops was a piece of shit though. Still, he did X-men fans justice and a little more. Hopefully Ratner's flick has some moments too.
Willco said:
You just described someone who is not very good.

No I didn't. I described someone who is good just not great.

Super Hero films hardly ever attract A level director talent anyway. Donner was a nobody in film when Superman got greenlit, Raimi was on a downward slide when he was attached to Spiderman, Burton sucks no matter which way you look at it and he got Batman, Singer had a mild success and a failure before X-Men.

Following this Ratner should fit right in. He can tell a story beginning to end in a competent way. He knows how to stage action, play humor, work with actors, and he is comfortable with bigger budgets. He also is good with lensing shots and working with cinematographers. As long as the script is good and he doesn't have to think too much to cover any flaws in the material he'll do just fine.

Sure it would be nice to get Cameron, Scott, Spielberg, Fincher, or any other top talent but they are too busy chasing ideas of their own to waste their time on something like a comic book movie where they aren't invested in the stories or characters.
Last time we had directors who were super passionate about the material and tried forever to get the films off the ground we were served up two special treats...

first was Dare Devil which was average and second was Dungeons and Dragons which was incredibly awful.


Warm Machine said:
Last time we had directors who were super passionate about the material and tried forever to get the films off the ground we were served up two special treats...

first was Dare Devil which was average and second was Dungeons and Dragons which was incredibly awful.

We also got The Lord of the Rings.
if rogue loses her powers, then she can ride iceman. theres two down. as for the deaths, I bet one is a new character(beast,shadowcat,angel) one is storm, and I suppose a villian(juggernaut,magneto,pyro or mystique) my 2 cents.
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