[Brexit] chief who created £350m NHS lie on bus admits leaving EU could be 'an error'

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via INDEPENDENT: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/u...u-error-nhs-350-million-lie-bus-a7822386.html

One of the masterminds behind the Brexit vote has performed an astonishing U-turn by admitting that leaving the EU may be “an error”.

Dominic Cummings, the Vote Leave campaign director, described the referendum as a “dumb idea” before other ideas had been tried to win back powers from Brussels. He has also warned that Brexit is shaping up to be a “guaranteed debacle”, without big changes in Whitehall to deliver a successful negotiation.


Last month, Mr Cummings tweeted that MPs who backed Leave must force change on Downing Street and the Department for Exiting the European Union, led by David Davis. “If Leave MPs don't assert themselves to force MANAGEMENT changes on No10/DEXU, Brexit talks = guaranteed debacle as I’ve said for a year,” he wrote.


The Brexit Secretary’s former chief of staff than criticised the Prime Minister for tying his hands by insisting all influence held by the European Court of Justice must come to an end.

Mr Farron added: “The government, led by the nose by Boris and Gove are a shambles. These Brexiteers have forced us to play a massive stakes game of Russian roulette with millions of jobs at risk.”



Some people should be prosecuted for such lies, seriously.
I mean, they were literally on the news within hours of winning saying that £350m was bullshit and Leavers just don't care.

Now they've moved onto claiming there are other reasons for leaving the EU, but none of those reasons stand up to much scrutiny.
Sorry, Brits. You voters have no right to complain about the negatives.

Let's be fair, 48% of the voting public didn't ask for this.

Thanks for then running all the way with it and making sure that you bring the country down with you. What a massive bellend.

They didn't want to win. The more prominent members of the Leave campaign were hoping to make their careers from just narrowly losing the referendum. They knew it was going to be a shitshow, but careers needed to be made or progressed.


Brexit fucks the UK for the next 50 years. Trump fucks the US for the next 4-8

I hear your point, but the people Trump is installing in agencies and positions across the board are implementing policy changes that will have implications for the next decade even if reversed at the end of his term (which will prove incredibly hard)
That £350mill a week was a lie everyone knew, but it was a smokescreen that people could hide behind so they dont talk about the real reason they voted to leave..Immigration
Brexit fucks the UK for the next 50 years. Trump fucks the US for the next 4-8

It will take far, far langer to wash away the shit Trump has done, rebuild trust with USA's closest allies and Trump could be able to stack the supreme court for an entire generation (look at how there are still Reagen-era Supreme Court Justices on the job).

Brexit is even more catastrophic and destructive but Trump will be felt for decades.
Can't the UK do a revote or something?

Get like 60% pro-EU, kick out May and tell the EU it was all a big mistake.

We could, the EU says they will accept us back if we wanted to remain members in good faith, our politicians are just too cowardly to say what needs to be said. Of note is the fact that the most accurate pollster (Survation) for the election of 2017 shows a clear Remain win now if there was another vote.


Brexit fucks the UK for the next 50 years. Trump fucks the US for the next 4-8
You are crazy to think the US will simply roll back Trumps damage after he leaves the office. The world is in a critical phase, shifting to renewable and with newly forming alliances and unions. The US will feel the hurt for decades to come.


That £350mill a week was a lie everyone knew, but it was a smokescreen that people could hide behind so they dont talk about the real reason they voted to leave..Immigration

This would be true for many, but some genuinely don't concern themselves with macroeconomics and may have taken the campaign at face value.

Which is why the binary choice and referendum was a bad idea and Cummings deserves to be fucking shat on for knowingly peddling such garbage
Hmm, did 3% of those that did vote for reasons that were untrue? I mean, that's a possibility, right?

Oh come on.

When you pick a side in politics there's always uncertainty.

Everything is based on promises alone.

And for those on the "let's vote again camp": even if it would be the best thing to do, it would undermine voting as a democratic process. People already couldn't care less, go figure what they might think if such things were voted more than once back-to-back. That's insanity.


The NHS claim was a lie, and somehow the electoral commission, and the media (as per usual) let them get away with it. And the very morning after the vote, the chief Leave politicians were on breakfast TV saying that immigration might well not drop at all, despite making it the no.1 referendum campaign issue, and "leavers'" primary reason for voting that way.

The whole thing was a fucking disgrace. The electorate was knowingly and deliberately misinformed and lied to, and somehow the result stood. This is why I feel the need to break something every time I hear the phrase "the will of the people" trotted out as the answer to the supreme clusterfuck we are now facing.


Oh come on.

When you pick a side in politics there's always uncertainty.

Everything is based on promises alone.

I know more than a handful single issue voters who all believed the outright bullshit about it.

My point is, I highly doubt a second vote would go the same way.


The NHS claim was a lie, and somehow the electoral commission, and the media (as per usual) let them get away with it. And the very morning after the vote, the chief Leave politicians were on breakfast TV saying that immigration might well not drop at all, despite making it the no.1 referendum campaign issue, and "leavers'" primary reason for voting that way.

The whole thing was a fucking disgrace. The electorate was knowingly and deliberately misinformed and lied to, and somehow the result stood. This is why I feel the need to break something every time I hear the phrase "the will of the people" trotted out as the answer to the supreme clusterfuck we are now facing.

Like with Trump

No one expected the result, so they all had fun with it.

With Trump, they didn't learn from the mistake we made.


Constitutional changes need the bar raising above a simple majority - be it in referendums or in the house.

When it's proven no attempt is made whatsoever to reallocate £350m to the NHS, the people responsible for that bus should be dragged before an inquiry or somehow prosecuted. And it should be the single image we use time and again to remind ourselves what empty promises look like. Especially when criminally idiotic Tory buffoons like Boris and Gove are behind them.


Can't the UK do a revote or something?

Get like 60% pro-EU, kick out May and tell the EU it was all a big mistake.

The Labour and Tories don't back one, and the Lib Dems are in the hole and didn't stand a hope in holy hell of getting in so no one bothered to back them.

Survey polls continue to trend upwards towards people either wanting one, wanting to keep EU citizenship and kinda implying the shift would change to Remain but such polls have no real influence
We could, the EU says they will accept us back if we wanted to remain members in good faith, our politicians are just too cowardly to say what needs to be said. Of note is the fact that the most accurate pollster (Survation) for the election of 2017 shows a clear Remain win now if there was another vote.

Well now there's the best time. Say stuff like "Well, our calculations were wrong" or whatever.


I'm alright will all who voted leave suffering. Its depressing and fucked up that remain have to suffer as well for their fellow citizens idiocy.
I know more than a handful single issue voters who all believed the outright bullshit about it.

My point is, I highly doubt a second vote would go the same way.

I know, but see my other point above. I mean, who should educate the population to good democratic principles (and behaviours); voting because you are scared (one way or another) is not a healthy way to lead a country.

"omg the EU is shit, let's bail!!!" vs "omg brexit is shit, let's bail!!" to me is the same.


When will we wake up to this fraud and just cancel this whole thing?

I think the only chance is using the 2 year negotiation time as, look how completely shit this is going be, companies start turning the screw, the public see how bad it's going etc. and people at the top, whoever they are stick their neck out and say, no, we aren't going be insane and leave. I still have my doubts but that's what I'm holding onto right now. It doesn't help when Labour are anti EU as well. We are so doomed.


Yeah, you're right. I should rephrase, voters that wanted out have no right to complain like this asshole who pushed his own agenda.

I pity those who lacked the mental capacity to read ANY of the reasons why all the claims were bullshit.

I'd rather let them all complain so we might slide out way out of this shitshow.


The Labour and Tories don't back one, and the Lib Dems are in the hole and didn't stand a hope in holy hell of getting in so no one bothered to back them.

Survey polls continue to trend upwards towards people either wanting one, wanting to keep EU citizenship and kinda implying the shift would change to Remain but such polls have no real influence
Plus, most importantly, politicians (at least in the UK) will do anything to avoid saying something they think might lose them power (or stop them gaining it). I would have a lot more respect for Remain politicians if they kept up the fight, rather than caved in like blancmanges for fear of "the will of the people", despite almost half the country wanting to remain.


Well, one way or another, you can't take it back. If you go through with it, the you would be handicapping yourselves in global affairs. If you try to reverse Article 50, you'd have a hell of a time convincing every other capital to accept it. And I somehow doubt they'd allow the UK to keep all those rebates, exceptions, and asterisks. "In" will mean the European court, the euro, and all the treaties; you can't stand halfway out the door like you have since entering the European project. You don't know what you got till it's gone.


Plus, most importantly, politicians (at least in the UK) will do anything to avoid saying something they think might lose then power. I would have a lot more respect for Remain politicians if they kept up the fight, rather than caved in like blancmanges for fear of "the will of the people", despite almost half the country wanting to remain.

Yeah, that's shameful. They are the get on with it crowd and fuck them. Do what's right. Will of the people is such shite. They would vote for less tax but you wouldn't be stupid enough to give it to them.


Well, one way or another, you can't take it back. If you go through with it, the you would be handicapping yourselves in global affairs. If you try to reverse Article 50, you'd have a hell of a time convincing every other capital to accept it. And I somehow doubt they'd allow the UK to keep all those rebates, exceptions, and asterisks. You don't know what you got till it's gone.
If the UK said "no, we've changed our mind" (soon, not after we leave), the EU would throw us a welcome back party. I have no doubt.


Yeah, that's shameful. They are the get on with it crowd and fuck them. Do what's right. Will of the people is such shite. They would vote for less tax but you wouldn't be stupid enough to give it to them.
Exactly. The general public simply isn't sufficiently well informed to decide whether we should leave the EU. I include myself in that. I don't know all the facts and figures. That's why the referendum leave campaigning was based on lies and base notions of nationalism and, at worst, latent racism.



You can blame Cameron for that

anyone got a picture of that "why we should stay in the EU" book that the government printed?
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