
So, the UK is putting it's continuing EU membership to the vote in a public referendum on the 23rd of June. This is the official thread for anything Brexit related, including news, polls and associated commentary up to and including the big day itself.
So what's a "Brexit"?
"Brexit" is simply a portmanteau of "Britain" and "exit", the two words being smushed together in that fairly obnoxious way that the media likes to do.
Other -exits include Grexit, Nexit and Czexit (all excellent words for scrabble).
Who can vote?
Basically the same rules as for a UK general election. British citizens, Irish and Commonwealth citizens resident in the UK can vote, plus expats that have been abroad less than 15 years.
If you are an expat overseas, you should be able to vote by post. But I would register for that sooner rather than later!
Citizens of other EU countries resident in the UK don't get a vote unless they're Irish, or from Cyprus / Malta (by virtue of their Commonwealth membership).
Here's a BBC page that explains it: linky.
Where can I get the impartial facts about this?
Erm...that's a bit tricky. A lot of media outlets (and particularly newspapers) have already backed a 'side', and so impartiality can be hard to come by. I'm not going to give any recommended media sites in this OP other than the BBC, which I think most people will agree at least try to be impartial.
I hope everyone feels free to post articles from any source (with the obvious exception of banned sites) in order to foster debate.
What are the official campaign groups for each side?
Excellent question! Britain Stronger in Europe and Labour in for Britain for REMAIN, and Leave.EU, Vote Leave, Grassroots Out and Labour Leave for LEAVE. (credit to Uzzy)
Alright whatever, I don't really care about that anyway. What do people who I recognise from the telly think?
Well, in the REMAIN corner we have:
- current Prime Minister (alleged tax cheat and pig fornicator) David Cameron
- Communist, Queen-hater, and purchaser of suits from Primark, leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn
In the LEAVE corner we have:
- "legend", national oaf, and Dave's rich chum from uni Boris Johnson
- sentient pint glass attached to a human "host" body Nigel Farage.
If you're unable to make up your own mind, any of the above will be happy to tell you how you should vote.
Cheers! Wait, when was the vote again?
Pay attention you cretin, I told you about 2 minutes ago - it's on 23 June 2016. You should receive your polling card soon telling you where to vote (you won't need to the card to actually vote though, just turn up).
I hereby declare the Brexit OT open! Let me know of any extra stuff that should be added to the OP.
Dambrosi - 70% REMAIN, 30% LEAVE
Cobalt Izuna - 65% REMAIN, 35% LEAVE
phisheep - 60% REMAIN, 40% LEAVE
Broken Joystick - 57% REMAIN, 43% LEAVE
FliXFantatier - 57% REMAIN, 43% LEAVE
uncleniccius - 57% REMAIN, 43% LEAVE
milanbaros - 56% REMAIN, 44% LEAVE
T-Rex. - 56% REMAIN, 44% LEAVE
Dan27 - 55% REMAIN, 45% LEAVE
Tak3n - 55% REMAIN, 45% LEAVE
Bo-locks - 54% REMAIN, 46% LEAVE
ferrasvansen - 54% REMAIN, 46% LEAVE
Exterminieren - 53% REMAIN, 47% LEAVE
JonathanEx - 53% REMAIN, 47% LEAVE
Lego Boss - 52% REMAIN, 48% LEAVE
Beefy - 51% REMAIN, 49% LEAVE
Crab - 51% REMAIN, 49% LEAVE
liquidtmd - 50% REMAIN, 50% LEAVE
PVJ3 - 50% REMAIN, 50% LEAVE
QuicheFontaine - 49% REMAIN, 51% LEAVE
Psychotext - 48% REMAIN, 52% LEAVE
Rourkey - 48% REMAIN, 52% LEAVE
Roberto Larcos - 47% REMAIN, 53% LEAVE
cyberheater - 46% REMAIN, 54% LEAVE
danowat - 46% REMAIN, 54% LEAVE
Chinner - 40% REMAIN, 60% LEAVE
Shout out to JonathanEx for compiling all of the predictions!