Graphics Horse
Half the fun is going for nul points.
No prob we cool I got this.
Eurovision is a mug's game. If you win, you have to pay for the next one. That's why we send shit act after shit act every single year.
No it's not, but I want to feel better. Why doesn't anyone love us? ;_;
We even have to host it loads of times when we lose, because the BBC is rich enough to take over when smaller countries can't manage it.
Bloody Europeans #out
IMF: Brexit could cause severe regional and global damage
I think the important part is "could", lot's of things "could" happen.
Credit ratings agency Moody's recently said the the impact of the UK leaving the EU would be "small" and was unlikely to lead to big job losses.
I think the important part is "could", lot's of things "could" happen.
The puzzling thing about the whole thing is that: not a single side is able to tell us what are the positives and the negatives of their sides and what are their opinion of the other side in a more objective view.
This whole mess is just based on emotions with no serious consideration on what it means to us, the population at large, and how it will affect our Economy, living standard, taxation, NHS, etc...
The puzzling thing about the whole thing is that: not a single side is able to tell us what are the positives and the negatives of their sides and what are their opinion of the other side in a more objective view.
This whole mess is just based on emotions with no serious consideration on what it means to us, the population at large, and how it will affect our Economy, living standard, taxation, NHS, etc...
I don't really follow politics that closely, but having this as a referendum seems a little odd considering the complexity, importance and ultimately unknown consequences of the decision. Does anybody know why it was part of the manifesto considering they are against it as a party?
I think the public in general won't know enough and those who do, will just be guessing at consequences anyway... which will probably lead to a default decision for most of 'stay the same'. It's all a little strange, I just don't think it's a decision that we the public should be making.
Conservatives were leaking votes to UKIP. That's basically the only reason.
Basically, yeah. I don't think Dave ever thought he'd have to make good on his promise - he specified "if we get a majority". He probably thought it would be the first thing he'd quietly trade away in a coalition negotiation.
As for whether or not the public should decide this, it's ultimately a question of "who do you want to be governed by"? I don't think there's anyone better than "the governed" to put that question to tbh.
Has the UK media talked in any great detail about how much the value of the £ has collapsed due to the referendum? The pound fell almost immediately after the referendum was called and is continuing to haemorrhage in value. I've essentially been given a £50-100 pay cut because of it.
It would almost guarantee a Scotland exit from the UK if they bring it to another referendum.
Bullshit, they ain't got the balls, 70% of Scottish trade is within the UK.
Once they realise what the financial implications and terms of entry to the EU would be, they'll soon wake up to the fact that they won't have any choice but to stay.
It's about time we called their bluff once and for all on this matter anyway.
Conservatives were leaking votes to UKIP. That's basically the only reason.
Has the UK media talked in any great detail about how much the value of the £ has collapsed due to the referendum? The pound fell almost immediately after the referendum was called and is continuing to haemorrhage in value. I've essentially been given a £50-100 pay cut because of it.
Shows democracy works I suppose.
The Chinese have been devaluing their currency for a long time as it brings competitive benefits when exporting.
Can be a pain in the ass when importing, granted.
It should normalise once the uncertainty is gone in June.
I am quoting what I read from the radio the other day.
For those saying that Corbyn was staying essentially neutral on the issue:
Though I do wonder who's going to a speech at 10 o'clock in the morning on a weekday at such short notice.
The Chinese have been devaluing their currency for a long time as it brings competitive benefits when exporting.
Can be a pain in the ass when importing, granted.
It should normalise once the uncertainty is gone in June.
It depends on which way the vote goes. If the UK stays it will go back to 74p to a euro but if the UK leaves it could hit 90p to parity with the Euro.
I am quoting what I heard from the radio the other day.
There's a slight difference between one country enforcing a low currency value and another country's currency getting devalued because of lack of confidence.
And by normalise you mean "go through the fucking floor if we vote to leave" then yes.
I don't believe a netural source exists anywhere.
But that's partly because nobody knows exactly what would happen if we left.
My gut tells me this is some kind of faux pas but I came across this petition yesterday which may be of interest to those voting to exit:
Should help with the massive trade deficit we have with the EU then!
There's pluses and minuses in having either a strong or weak currency, depending on your situation either could impact you positively or negatively.
My company whom I work for has two main suppliers who provide very similar products to us. One of them is UK based the other French. The UK supplier has been struggling to maintain competitive pricing purely down to the strength of the pound recently before the drop.
In these types of cases of which I'm sure there's plenty, the drop will be welcomed
Just received an email - the petition was successful! Parliament will debate STOP CAMERON spending British taxpayers money on Pro-EU Referendum leaflets on 9 May 2016.
I mean, the horse has rather bolted in this instance, hasn't it?
It's the reason that the ECB have been unsuccessfully trying their hand at quantitative easing for the last two years. Devaluing the currency could bring in more investment and sales from non-Euro countries, particularly the United States and parts of Asia, all for the goal of inflation. I'm not sure if it helped exporters, but from a business that imports a lot of goods from the UK, it was a lethal time for us. Those suppliers were definitely feeling the pinch, as eventually many began charging us in Euro with very generous pricing compared to the market exchange rate. Of course, it's currently flipped the other way, but this referendum will have a big impact on the future. Neither situation is ideal, frankly. If Remain wins, the pound will strengthen and I'll lose out again. If Leave wins, the benefits of whatever devaluation of the pound that follows might, after the following two years of negotiations are up, be damaged by the introduction of an import tax.
Still, overall, I'd rather the UK Remain. For everybody's sake. Sovereignty's idealistic value is incorporeal, unlike so much that is threatened by this.
I just got the Government's "Remain" leaflet.
I am tempted to wait until the "Leave" leaflet arrives so I can read them both at the same time.
I will save them both until I am low on toilet roll I think.
Just received an email - the petition was successful! Parliament will debate “STOP CAMERON spending British taxpayers’ money on Pro-EU Referendum leaflets” on 9 May 2016.
It's glossy ;_;
Not really it has the same net effect. If we leave, we want it to go through the floor to some extent for the short term. Should boost export demand in a time when we'll have to move pretty quickly to a free trade economy.
Foreign holidays will be more expensive but in the short term there'll be bigger fish to fry. There's no doubt, leaving will cause pain for some but benefit others, but same could be said for staying.
I'm not talking about effect, I'm talking about cause.
The world essentially giving us a vote of no confidence for even considering leaving the world's largest free trade block is a lot more telling than if the UK government was actually to intervene with currency values.
But you're right. I'll be talking with my employers soon regarding my contract, and getting my salary off its current fixed rate and onto a variable rate is on the agenda. Then I'll start secretly hoping that we vote to leave so I'll get progressively richer every month.
I'm not talking about effect, I'm talking about cause.
The world essentially giving us a vote of no confidence for even considering leaving the world's largest free trade block is a lot more telling than if the UK government was actually to intervene with currency values.
But you're right. I'll be talking with my employers soon regarding my contract, and getting my salary off its current fixed rate and onto a variable rate is on the agenda. Then I'll start secretly hoping that we vote to leave so I'll get progressively richer every month.
"I have always wanted all on the Leave side to come together and have done my best to try and make this happen. I'll continue to do so in the run up to the referendum to ensure the Leave side wins."
Ok, so now that Vote Leave has been awarded as the official Leave campaign, apparently Leave.EU is going to apply for judicial review of the Electoral Commission's decision?
Apparently this could delay the referendum until 23 October?? Am I hearing this right? What sort of shitshow is this where they leave it so late to allocate official campaigns that an appeal can push back the actual date of the referendum? It's bonkers!
I don't know why there were so many competing Leave campaigns in the first place. It's been a really poor showing from that side, with lots of in-fighting when they really should be presenting a united front. Astonishingly, Farage appears to be the most reasonable of the bunch in all this:
Was that so hard?
Postponing the referendum further would be quite the disaster and probably unwanted by most sides. It would be fun to watch the circus continue though...
As if this entire business isn't bad enough already...