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Brit Hume: True Asshole

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Brit Hume said:
"My first thought when I heard - just on a personal basis, when I heard there had been this attack and I saw the futures this morning, which were really in the tank, I thought, 'Hmmm, time to buy.'"
- Fox News's Brit Hume, 7/7/05

There's some more wonderful quotes from your conserva-pals at FOX News about the amazing providence of these attacks in that post. (note: extreme sarcasm.)


America has become a fat, blind cow willing to be leashed and led along any old path at all by a two-bit pseudocowboy and his Daddy's old exploitin' buddies.

What isn't to hate? :)


With the year half over I think Brit has a lock on 2005's "Most Morally Vacant Yet Unintentionally Honest Comment of the Year- Press Division" award.

I just wonder if he realized that saying "on a personal basis" didn't explain the context for or justify his comment but rather made it sound even worse.

And Fox News really was on a roll huh.

Fox News contributing correspondent Simon Marks :
It [Edgeware Road] is an area that has a very large Arab population. Surrounding that station, a large number of Middle Eastern restaurants. So, it's a further indication, if in fact these attacks were carried out by Al Qaeda-affiliated cells, that these people are, if necessary, prepared to spill Arab blood in addition to the blood of regular -- of non-Arab people living in London.


Sorry but douchebags like the person who put up that article are no better than Brit Hume (who I don't like, granted).

Media Matters points out that Fox News' top anchorman, Brit Hume, gave us a glimpse into just how cynical, greedy and disgusting the right-wing's outlook on the world is:[/qupte]

Yes, because that is only something that would be a right-wing outlook! No one on the left-wing would think that!

Have you seen John Gibson's remarks the last few days? Utterly amazing and disgusting. And did anyone else catch the Bill O Reilly meltdown during his "TALKING POINTS MEMO" yesterday?

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol
Some more goodies:

And that was the first time since 9-11 when they should know, and they do know now, that terrorism should be Number 1. But it's important for them all to be together. I think that works to our advantage, in the Western world's advantage, for people to experience something like this together, just 500 miles from where the attacks have happened.

They've been dealing with terrorism far, far before Dubya even understood the word. Idiot.

John Gibson, day before attacks:

So it would have been a treat, actually, to watch the French dealing with the problem of their own homegrown Islamist terrorists living in France already.

Day of attacks:

The bombings in London: This is why I thought the Brits should let the French have the Olympics -- let somebody else be worried about guys with backpack bombs for a while.

:lol :lol :lol


Zeo said:
Sorry but douchebags like the person who put up that article are no better than Brit Hume (who I don't like, granted).

Yes, because that is only something that would be a right-wing outlook! No one on the left-wing would think that!

Nice use of mark-up code there, genius. Oh by the way, you're an idiot.
Zeo, the ziggurat of your stupidity gains a new tier with every post you make.

Please point me to even ONE -major- "liberal" commentator gloating about personal or political gain from the London tragedy. ONE.

The folks who feed your monumentally dysfunctional mind its slough of talking points are petty, venal bastards.


Yamauchi said:
Nice use of mark-up code there, genius. Oh by the way, you're an idiot.

(Yeah, except I fixed it.)

And no, I'm incredibly smart. But I guess you never made a mistake and typed something else other than what you wanted online. Jackass.

And Drinky, yes, because there's no high profile left-wing person on TV who said what he thought, that means none of them did!

No, they did, and it's stupid to not think they did. Brit Hume was just stupid enough to tell people that he thought it.

fuh fuh duh i'm zeo and i pull unfalsifiable shit out of my ass hurf durf pooping my pants and falling down stairs i'm just that dumb

fuck, I even gave you liberal in QUOTES just so you could dredge up some former liberal-turned-neocon personality and claim victory. I DO THIS FOR YOU.


Drinky Crow said:
fuh fuh duh i'm zeo and i pull unfalsifiable shit out of my ass hurf durf pooping my pants and falling down stairs i'm just that dumb

fuck, I even gave you liberal in QUOTES just so you could dredge up some former liberal-turned-neocon personality and claim victory. I DO THIS FOR YOU.

Do you enjoy ALWAYS being wrong?

The point is, this isn't a right-wing or left-wing thing.

It's an asshole thing.

And for anyone to turn it into LOL RIGHT-WING SUCKS LOOK AT THIS GUY is completely stupid. (EDIT: And don't think I agree with the guy, I just think it's lame for people to take crap like this and then go "This what all of you are like!")
How is it NOT emblematic of your right-wing FOX masters, skippy?

Shit, just like you did for your fictitious EVUL LEFTIEZ, I'm going to construct an unfalsifiable narrative for you: you masturbate to clown porn. It's true! How do I know? I JUST DO! Even though you've never publically expressed a preference for spurting your thin watery jamba juice all over the rump of some sad vaudeville act, I figure you're JUST THAT SORT.

Zeo, Clown Fetishist. Gross!

Zeo said:
I just think it's lame for people to take crap like this and then go "This what all of you are like!")

Where'd I say that, eh? EH? Holy shit, I DIDN'T! Fuck, my original post had barely a thimble's worth of commentary, and you couldn't even shunt the most petty of synaptic flares long enough to process it. Would it be easier to read if I dressed up as Norman Podhoretz, first?


Zeo said:
Do you enjoy ALWAYS being wrong?

The point is, this isn't a right-wing or left-wing thing.

It's an asshole thing.

And for anyone to turn it into LOL RIGHT-WING SUCKS LOOK AT THIS GUY is completely stupid. (EDIT: And don't think I agree with the guy, I just think it's lame for people to take crap like this and then go "This what all of you are like!")

<re-reads the thread>
DrinkyCow: Fox News stinks
next couple posts: Fox News stinks
next couple posts: Fox News stinks
Yes, because that is only something that would be a right-wing outlook! No one on the left-wing would think that!

And for anyone to turn it into LOL RIGHT-WING SUCKS LOOK AT THIS GUY is completely stupid.
Double Hmmm....


Drinky Crow said:
How is it NOT emblematic of your right-wing FOX masters, skippy?

Shit, just like you did for your fictitious EVUL LEFTIEZ, I'm going to construct an unfalsifiable narrative for you: you masturbate to clown porn. It's true! How do I know? I JUST DO! Even though you've never publically expressed a preference for spurting your thin watery jamba juice all over the rump of some sad vaudeville act, I figure you're JUST THAT SORT.

Zeo, Clown Fetishist. Gross!

Where'd I say that, eh? EH? Holy shit, I DIDN'T! Fuck, my original post had barely a thimble's worth of commentary, and you couldn't even shunt the most petty of synaptic flares long enough to process it. Would it be easier to read if I dressed up as Norman Podhoretz, first?

I wasn't talking about you, oh smart one. But try again.


Uhm, maybe I just read the thread differently but I see Zeo's initial point and pretty much agree. For the guy who put up that article (note: it's not Drinky but that David Sirota dude at the link) to directly link the comments of a well known heartless jackass like Hume to anyone who would be considered right-wing ("...gave us a glimpse into just how cynical, greedy and disgusting the right-wing's outlook on the world is") is disingenious at best.

After that first post tho', Zeo is totally on his own.


Zeo said:
And no, I'm incredibly smart. But I guess you never made a mistake and typed something else other than what you wanted online. Jackass.
:lol I'm dying here! Stop it, you're killing me!!! :lol :lol

ps, that isn't what zeo said in his first post, calder. you're projecting your own sanity onto him.


calder said:
Uhm, maybe I just read the thread differently but I see Zeo's initial point and pretty much agree. For the guy who put up that article (note: it's not Drinky but that David Sirota dude at the link) to broadly link the comments of a well known heartlesss jackass like Hume to the *entire* right-wing ("...gave us a glimpse into just how cynical, greedy and disgusting the right-wing's outlook on the world is") is disingenious at best.

That's all I was saying. Pretty easy to understand I think.


calder said:
Uhm, maybe I just read the thread differently but I see Zeo's initial point and pretty much agree. For the guy who put up that article (note: it's not Drinky but that David Sirota dude at the link) to directly link the comments of a well known heartless jackass like Hume to anyone who would be considered right-wing ("...gave us a glimpse into just how cynical, greedy and disgusting the right-wing's outlook on the world is") is disingenious at best.

After that first post tho', Zeo is totally on his own.

Oh well that certainly explains about Zeo's first post....oops...yeah that Sirota needs to wisen up. Hehe..no hard feelings...
Ninja Scooter said:
Brit Hume: True Asshole

how awesome would it be if he actually got a show on Fox News that was called that?

That would go great with the Daily Show's suggestion: "Your Loud Continuous Drumbeat of Misinformation with Neil Cavuto"


Ugh. Microscopically-focused "gotcha" sites like MediaMatters, MRC, etc., and the endless regurgitation of talking-points they instigate, are really What's Wrong With America, rather than the media they purport to police.
zeo said:
Yes, because that is only something that would be a right-wing outlook! No one on the left-wing would think that!
It wouldn't hurt to actually provide some evidence.

APF said:
Ugh. Microscopically-focused "gotcha" sites like MediaMatters, MRC, etc., and the endless regurgitation of talking-points they instigate, are really What's Wrong With America, rather than the media they purport to police.
What's wrong with documenting inconsistencies, errors, and offensive statements?


Hammy said:
What's wrong with documenting inconsistencies, errors, and offensive statements?
So you believe the media storm surrounding Dick Durbin was a Good Thing.
no matter how bad you think Brit Hume is, O'Reily is 100x worse. I hate that cunt.

<----- voted for Bush in 2000, Dole in 1996, and my family voted for Bush 41 in 1992, 1988 and Reagan in 1984, 1980


Hammy said:
It's still not a point. In the way that you phrased it, you tried to put words in my mouth.
Don't pout. They're only words. If you don't want to meet me half-way, that's ok. Just don't reply to my posts.
Ugh. Microscopically-focused "gotcha" sites like MediaMatters, MRC, etc., and the endless regurgitation of talking-points they instigate, are really What's Wrong With America, rather than the media they purport to police.

So Fox News, with it's slanted news and broad audience isn't the real problem. It's websites that few people read that bitch about slanted news that's the real problem. Good to know.


cubicle47b said:
So Fox News, with it's slanted news and broad audience isn't the real problem. It's websites that few people read that bitch about slanted news that's the real problem. Good to know.
No, the static is the problem. You don't have to watch Fox News and hear about Brit Hume's market fantasies.
The static is already there. Have you watched cable news? These sites just add a little to it.

They're not making anything better, but they aren't the problem.


Im curious as to why exactly the liberal members on the board are spending so much time actually watching Fox News. If it pisses you off, do not watch it. If you want it to fail, do not watch it.

However, I think most liberals watch it for the same reason normal people watch Jerry Springer...... some kinda weird justification of their life style through pity. I.e. "Haha. At least I am not as greedy as those right wingers like Brit Hume. Amanda get me my tea while I read pointless liberal blogs and ponder the socioeconomic impact of the greenhouse gas emissions currently escaping my vegan body."


Umpteen said:
America has become a fat, blind cow willing to be leashed and led along any old path at all by a two-bit pseudocowboy and his Daddy's old exploitin' buddies.

What isn't to hate? :)

Nah, just the conservative neo-con republic part of America :)
I watch Fox News whenever I go see my parents because that's all my dad watches. I watch with a mix of amazement and horror (that they have the nerve to call it news and that my dad trusts and agrees with these people).


cubicle47b said:
The static is already there. Have you watched cable news? These sites just add a little to it.

They're not making anything better, but they aren't the problem.
The problem with that thesis is that it's this stuff that's posted here multiple times and throughout the net, not reflections on an analysis by Shields and Brooks from the PBS Newshour. It's stuff like the Dick Durbin flap that's covered with endless recriminations and forced, crocodile-teared apologies, rather than the real debate about how far we should go in our interrogation policy. It's some dickhead with a Tivo watching whatever evil cable network or network news broadcast, hitting pause at every sentence just in case he has to fly onto MovableType and prove, once again, that everything he thought about his political enemies is Absolutely True.

I can't believe people defend that shit.
The problem with that thesis is that it's this stuff that's posted here multiple times and throughout the net, not reflections on an analysis by Shields and Brooks from the PBS Newshour. It's stuff like the Dick Durbin flap that's covered with endless recriminations and forced, crocodile-teared apologies, rather than the real debate about how far we should go in our interrogation policy. It's some dickhead with a Tivo watching whatever evil cable network or network news broadcast, hitting pause at every sentence just in case he has to fly onto MovableType and prove, once again, that everything he thought about his political enemies is Absolutely True.

I can't believe people defend that shit.

I'm not defending it, just saying it's insignificant. The amount of people who read these sites (and post on message boards that post links to these sites) is small. Compared to cable news (who are the source of most of the static) at least.

If you change your stance to being against people who introduce static into the debate I'll agree with you. It would be a nice change.


cubicle47b said:
If you change your stance to being against people who introduce static into the debate I'll agree with you. It would be a nice change.
That too, although I can't tell if it's supposed to be a dig.
It's not a dig. I meant it would be a nice to see a solid, rational debate over issues (that would be the nice change).
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