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Britney on the rocks

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Troubled Britney Spears sinks to a new low — swigging whisky and Red Bull and scoffing junk food in the street with her love-rat fiancé.



Mr Gump

Mike Works said:
Scoffing junk food? My god, it is our duty as the public to ostracize her for this!!
Yes because the USA is known for being healthy eaters. She is bringing down america.

Or not.
Must be all that food and that jerk dumped his 6months old pregnant wife to date Britney. He'll live to regret it, at least i hope so


keep your strippers out of my American football
norinrad21 said:
Must be all that food and that jerk dumped his 6months old pregnant wife to date Britney. He'll live to regret it, at least i hope so

Regardless if it is Britney or not, that kind of shit is pathetic.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
norinrad21 said:
Must be all that food and that jerk dumped his 6months old pregnant wife to date Britney. He'll live to regret it, at least i hope so

Actually I don't even think they were married. He's a member of the old "impregnate 'em and leave 'em" club. How Britney thinks a guy who so obviously bails on his responsibility is going to be any kind of loyal lover is beyond me, but then again, I'm not entirely sure this isn't all just a publicity stunt...

Doth Togo

He must be somewhat intelligent if he can convince a girl with over $100 million to not have a pre-nup. If he divorces her in a few years, he could arguably get 1/2 of the estate.

Now that's a smooth operator.
Doth Togo said:
He must be somewhat intelligent if he can convince a girl with over $100 million to not have a pre-nup. If he divorces her in a few years, he could arguably get 1/2 of the estate.

Now that's a smooth operator.

From what's been said it's Britney that doesn't want one. She supposedly wants to prove to people that she's serious about this marriage so she doesn't need to get one of those.

Doth Togo

OmniGamer said:
Question...why would Britney's dancer-boy get half but J-Lo's dancer-boy(chris judd), "only" got $10M?

Quick and easy, no pain, no hassle settlement. She wanted rid of him, she bought his cooperation in the divorce for $10M.


psycho_snake said:
so mean but true:p. I really cant believe shes turned this bad

Yeah! Damn Britney for going to thrift stores, drinking, and eating unhealthy food like 99% of all Americans!
Man she's just not hot anymore. At all. Somebody post that pic of her smoking a cigarette and looking like an Alabama trailer slut.


You now belong to FMT.
Honestly, I would sopp her up with syrup and *uck the shit out of that pancake.... I dont care.. I really dont... If I was a dancer, she would be mine...
buy Britney a miniature of Glenlivet whisky

At least she's got decent taste in BOOZE. I just hope she wasn't mixing the Glenlivet and Red Bull.

She's a time bomb. Will be in some form or rehab soon. Tick...tick...tick.
norinrad21 said:
Must be all that food and that jerk dumped his 6months old pregnant wife to date Britney. He'll live to regret it, at least i hope so

With her not signing a pre-nup I doubt it. He did the best thing ever for his child.
Portion of French fries

Main course
A Subway roll, packets of cheese and onion Wheatos and salt and vinegar Lays crisps with a bottle of orangeade

Miniature bottle of Glenlivet whisky with a Red Bull energy drink chaser

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