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BuddyC Answers Your Questions; Rips Off MAF

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Ghost said:
Should i drop out of university when i get my shitty results back in two weeks and become a travelling hobo, full of interesting stories and smells?
yes!!!! oh god yes, you could get nourishment from apple cores and vitamins from the fluids at the bottom of trash cans!!!!!!!!


buck naked - yes: The Simpsons is great, and paying $14.99 for the third season is the best deal ever. Class dismissed.

Ghost - It worked for Jack Kerouac, that is, until he died.

Diablos - Tazznum1

Wellington - Time, realizing you're better off without her, etc. It took a long while for me to get over my ex, and I still think about her from time to time, but in the end, it just wasn't meant to be. Finding out she hadn't changed at all a few weeks ago helped a lot, but really you just gotta do stuff that makes YOU happy. Eventually you'll meet someone else and begin pining for them to sign online so you can ask about visiting this weekend, like I am now.

Agent Dormer - the hologram one, because that's the only show i really followed for more than one episode.


Ecro - If I wasn't gay, I'd let him do me, just to be different.

Agent Dormer - After a quick glance over my Pokemon chart, I've decided Tentacruel looks pretty neat.

themadcowtipper - some have girlfriends, and they are all attractive to boot. surprising i know, but we had a huge thread about it on old GAF. perhaps i'll do it again soon.


little - go to a doctor, where you'll most likely have an intimate experience with


Bob - Only if conditions 1-4 are fulfilled.

On that note, I'm off for a few hours. I'll be back though, and there better be questions for me to answer.


Chili Con Carnage!
Ok ill be a hobo in a month, what are the top 5 ways to travel as a hobo?, bear in mind freight trains ain't that plentiful in the UK...

and secondly what is the best natural (ie free) alternative to toothpaste?


Ghost - Hitchhiking. And you don't need toothpaste, just brush with water. Or you can go old-school and use urine.

IJoel - He turned to me and he said, "Brodie, how the hell else am I supposed to get the gerbil out?"

If God was one of us, he'd actually exist.

Little - Your question isn't detailed enough. Do you mean little, as in petite, or little, as in 12 years old?

MrPing - Most definately.

themadcowtipper - Tuesday is no different than any day in the week, for Konex will weep regardless.


Cubs - Depends on the girl and what you want in the relationship. If you're looking for a deep, meaningful, and lifelong relationship, I'd recommend 70% nice guy with 15% cocky and 15% funny. If you're just looking for a sexathon with a shallow girl, go 45% cocky, 45% funny, and 10% nice (like getting her a towel after you spray it on her face.)



HalfPast - If you wanted to attack me for an "oh look at me" thread, why not pollute the "post pictures of yourself" or "i think i met someone" threads I started, which fit the bill much more than this.
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