Tommie Hu$tle
Will congestion get to the point in our lifetime where the US will start to look at them as viable?
dog$ said:The US population will not consider alternate forms of transportation in any form until all oil is burned from the planet.
The idea of having centralized, downtown areas has fallen since the 1900's and suburbia continues to expand nationwide as if everyone will have cars to use for their hour transits to work until the end of time.
MetatronM said:Between oil lobbies, problems of population density and development, and good old American hubris, it will never happen.
Deku said:Japan's bullet train system works because of its geography, high population density and the size of the country.
Phoenix said:Yep, and that's one of the things that's hurting Amtrak. The US is huge and the rail lines are huge. Its barely economical to run the trains as they are now because it takes forever to get most places on them. Heaven forbid you need to go cast to coast - that a difference of DAYS in travel.
Phoenix said:Yep, and that's one of the things that's hurting Amtrak. The US is huge and the rail lines are huge. Its barely economical to run the trains as they are now because it takes forever to get most places on them. Heaven forbid you need to go cast to coast - that a difference of DAYS in travel.
Tommie Hu$tle said:Bullet trains - will the US ever see them
DarienA said:Not only are the US rail lines huge but they are in a shitty state... if we can't even keep the Acela up(bad brakes? wtf?) and running how the hell are we going to have bullet trains?
Deku said:Train system is already working fine in one part of the USA, it's just not applicable out west in places like Montana where there's hardly anyone or in car happy California.
SteveMeister said:Well, the Amtrak Acela is SORT of like a bullet train. When it's running, anyway. 150MPH between Washington, New York City and Boston. I think it's supposed to start up again this Summer.
Tommie Hu$tle said:The reason I was asking is because I was in Atlanta for vacation before I came back to Iraq and on the news on Sunday they had a SUNDAY traffic report. Isn't that nuts to where you need traffic reports 24/7?
Actually you have quite a few bullet trains over Europe. Even in a "small" country like Spain we have some AVE trains that work quite awesome, specially when compared against the shitty average machines. The newest AVE 102 "Pato" (duck) tops 350km/h - 217mph and most Talgo lines are quite fast too. Real speeds are slower because of rail conditions, obviously.Deku said:Japan's bullet train system works because of its geography, high population density and the size of the country.
Flynn said:I think Americans would rather walk over the tops of gridlocked cars than ride public transporation. Somehow we've gotten it into our heads that only nobodies ride the bus or the subway (cities such as NYC, DC and Chicago not included).
Lil' Dice said:Probably not until it's too late, because the US is a dumb fucking country....
Lil' Dice said:Probably not until it's too late, because the US is a dumb fucking country....
Mashing said:If Metro's implemenation of light rail is any indication here in Houston, then I'd fear for our children if they attempted to build a bullet train system. Besides, no one uses public transportation here in Texas atleast.
Mashing said:Yeah, it's a Catch 22, I'm just not confident in anyones ability to do it right. Public transportation in Texas is horrible.
Lil' Dice said:Probably not until it's too late, because the US is a dumb fucking country....
Mashing said:If Metro's implemenation of light rail is any indication here in Houston, then I'd fear for our children if they attempted to build a bullet train system. Besides, no one uses public transportation here in Texas atleast.
Funky Papa said:I'll be @ E3 next year with some workmates so I'd like to know how's LA's public transportation. How is it?
Cooper said:We have public transportation in LA?
The LA Times has done a series in the past, where two Times employees try to get to the same destination, one using public transportation, the other using a car. The car has won almost every time, often by a large margin. The only time the car was slower was going from LA to San Francisco.
nfreakct said:The LA public transportation system is fine as long as you're willing to wait forever to get anywhere.
Moose said:Do we even need it that much? I wasn't aware it was hard to get around in this country.
callous said:I would much, much, MUCH rather be on that train than on a crashing plane.
Moose said:I know people have a fear of flying, but all i have to say to them is
Lil' Dice said:Are there any current plans to construct "bullet trains" in the near future in the US?
You idiots directing your anger at me should invenst your time writing your governors to ask them why in 2005 we're still stuck in traffic for 10 hours a day breathing methanol.