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Burnout 3 Live problems


I'm sorry if this issue has been discussed before, I bought myself Burnout 3 this friday.. played some events offline and went online...
Damn I've never saw such sucky servers before. o_O I'm getting booted all the time with some kind of message: since no input has founded... I guess the servers are overloaded?
I was wondering if people from this board also has this problem.. I'm speaking about Xbox Live.
If I'm not the only one.. did EA say they are going to upgrade their servers with patches, ... or didn't they say anything?


Yes. It's a pretty bloody fubar Live implementation.

And they already have patched/upgraded the servers. You are playing post-patch. :D


Hang out with Steve.
As I was telling a friend of mine the other night during a few rounds of Double Impact, if the game weren't so much damned fun, the connection problems would be unacceptable.
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