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Bus Fight: Old White Guy V.S. Young Black Guy in an Arguement Over Racism

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daw840 said:
There was very obviously something said before this video started, or the person with the camera would not have got her camera out to start recording. If we don't know what was said before the start of the video, we can't proclaim who is/isn't racist in this video. Well, except for the crazy woman screaming "say it again PINKY!" or "kick that white boys ASS!"

I am guessing the white dude was in the back trolling for a fight, black dude probably accidently stepped on his shoe or something which prompted old crazy guy to request a "shoe-shine" which is completely stupid.


daw840 said:
There was very obviously something said before this video started, or the person with the camera would not have got her camera out to start recording. If we don't know what was said before the start of the video, we can't proclaim who is/isn't racist in this video. Well, except for the crazy woman screaming "say it again PINKY!" or "kick that white boys ASS!"
...who cares what was said before hand at this point. Like I said before, the contents of the video shows all of the necessary points of escalation, aggression, and aftermath now.

Old man is acting like MANY people would put in that situation and is guilty of not being able to cool himself off after being worked up.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
...who cares what was said before hand at this point. Like I said before, the contents of the video shows all of the necessary points of escalation, aggression, and aftermath now. Old man is guilty of acting like many other men do in that situation.

Five bucks says that crazy racist old motherfucker rides the public transportation system picking fights with people. He is not wearing a D.A.R.E shirt that's for sure.
joelseph said:
Five bucks says that crazy racist old motherfucker rides the public transportation system picking fights with people. He is not wearing a D.A.R.E shirt that's for sure.

Or he's just like every other miserable poor fuck who can't afford the luxury of an automobile and has to put up with assholes starting shit because they think he's an easy mark.

I know very few persons who take public transportation because they genuinely enjoy it.

Bottom line, don't be an asshole and you won't get dealt with.


joelseph said:
Five bucks says that crazy racist old motherfucker rides the public transportation system picking fights with people. He is not wearing a D.A.R.E shirt that's for sure.
Ten bucks says you didn't watch the video then or have a very slanted perspective on the events. He was trying to get away from the situation but still had enough dignity to not take shit from a punk playing the "i don't care about anything dawg but get off my bus and I'm going to fight you" persona.
Jacobi said:
What? Not at all. Anyone who defends the black guy is kinda wrong:

- An old man hears something about shining shoes as he passes by
- Asks if that guy could shine his shoes -> a misunderstanding
- Guy throws a tantrum
- Old man moves away
- Guy gets even more crazy, hits him and gets hit in return
- Old man gets out of the bus, some guys from the bus chase him, so he screams and tries to threaten them

Wheres the racist? And that chinaman comment actually makes him less racist

Even so, what person - if he did genuinely mishear - would ask a black person about a spit shoe shine - then ask how much it costs after he's already been told that he heard wrong.

The guy was definitely egging him on(being racist). There is no reason to say something like that to a complete stranger.
Bowflex said:
This video makes me miss LA and riding the buses to and from work to Santa Monica because so much absurd shit like this would happen all the time.
exactly, I miss nyc for stuff like this, cant wait to move back, I miss my city.


ShinAmano said:

I love people who talk a big game then learn the hard way. :lol

Also at the girl who said they can press charges when dude clearly instigated and hit first...lol.

yep :lol


Rather than deciding what was said before the video rolled, why not explain why the old man moved away. Hardly the actions of a man looking for a fight.

If anything in that video needs addressing it's the mob-mentality of the passengers.


BastardTrees said:

holy shit that's funny :lol

GAF delivers!


Unconfirmed Member
After watching the video again and looking at all this racial analysis, the whole situation is about one 80's style boombox blasting "Fight the Power" away from Do the Right Thing II.
Always good to see racist assholes taken down a peg.

Now if only the girl behind the camera could get hers for egging the other guy on.


joelseph said:
Five bucks says that crazy racist old motherfucker rides the public transportation system picking fights with people. He is not wearing a D.A.R.E shirt that's for sure.

Hmm, if he were "trolling for a fight" I really don't think he would have walked up to the front of the bus to remove himself from the situation. He did talk a little shit as he did it, but he certainly wasn't walking as far away from this man as possible to start a fight.


Why cant we agree its just 2 idiots having a go at each other?
Of course theyre gonna bring characteristics up to insult each other. If I fought a midget and got pissed Id probably make fun of his height..does that make me...midgist? Or if I fought a fat dude and made fun of his weight..what would that make me? An asshole yes...just like if I fought an asian guy and made fun of his eyes...would I suddenly be a racist then?

Sorry but to me thats just normal human behaviour and just because you happen to fight a minority and make fun of his appearance, well thats no worse than anything else.


joelseph said:
I am guessing the white dude was in the back trolling for a fight, black dude probably accidently stepped on his shoe or something which prompted old crazy guy to request a "shoe-shine" which is completely stupid.

Considering what happened later on in the vid... yeah, that's probably what happened.



Bumblebeetuna said:
Always good to see racist assholes taken down a peg.

Now if only the girl behind the camera could get hers for egging the other guy on.

No need to worry, 4chan is taking care of it.
a 65 year who is still built is someone who has been physically active either through manual labour or working out...

these guys you don't mess with period.

yeah he may be rascist but that is not an excuse to fight on a bus.

I understand the black guy's anger... but blind anger usually leads to an avoidable confrontation.

you have an MP3 player on your head... he moves seats... let go and listen to your music

people should learn to LET GO

his anger got the best of him and result in said result


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Ten bucks says you didn't watch the video then or have a very slanted perspective on the events. He was trying to get away from the situation but still had enough dignity to not take shit from a punk playing the "i don't care about anything dawg but get off my bus and I'm going to fight you" persona.

Getting away from the situation means not fighting. Some drunk Vet tried to get into it with me on the bus last night because I wouldn't give my seat up to a woman. Guess what? I ignored him.


joelseph said:
Getting away from the situation means not fighting. Some drunk Vet tried to get into it with me on the bus last night because I wouldn't give my seat up to a woman. Guess what? I ignored him.

Wow, you should be proud. That's classy.


joelseph said:
Getting away from the situation means not fighting. Some drunk Vet tried to get into it with me on the bus last night because I wouldn't give my seat up to a woman. Guess what? I ignored him.

Hmm, watch that video again for me. He got hit first, threw 4-5 punches which incapacitated his attacker, and then got off the bus. Sure, he could have handled the situation differently, but he is allowed to say whatever the hell he wants in this country. Other people, however, are not allowed to throw a punch because of what he said.


daw840 said:
Hmm, watch that video again for me. He got hit first, threw 4-5 punches which incapacitated his attacker, and then got off the bus. Sure, he could have handled the situation differently, but he is allowed to say whatever the hell he wants in this country. Other people, however, are not allowed to throw a punch because of what he said.

My point is both men were looking for a fight. Neither are completely innocent and the white guy surely wasn't acting out of self defense.


joelseph said:
Getting away from the situation means not fighting. Some drunk Vet tried to get into it with me on the bus last night because I wouldn't give my seat up to a woman. Guess what? I ignored him.

WTF :lol


That poor girl is the unwitting target of the internet's new obsession.

You're all laughing now, while choking back that silent horrendous thought that one amongst us will turn into a maniacal stalker that finds and harrasses and eventually kills this girl.

Well too bad. I just voiced it.

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
Zaptruder said:
That poor girl is the unwitting target of the internet's new obsession.

You're all laughing now, while choking back that silent horrendous thought that one amongst us will turn into a maniacal stalker that finds and harrasses and eventually kills this girl.

Well too bad. I just voiced it.
I didn't see what is so attractive about her. I like her clothing but the face is pretty meh. Nothing to obsess about, but this is the internet.


joelseph said:
My point is both men were looking for a fight. Neither are completely innocent and the white guy surely wasn't acting out of self defense.
Of course not, that's why he started swinging first.

Oh, hang on...


Kills Photobucket
joelseph said:
My point is both men were looking for a fight. Neither are completely innocent and the white guy surely wasn't acting out of self defense.

Yeah but the video has him going away and the other guy coming up and initiating contact. That legally does qualify for self defense I think.

Worked for Buzz Aldrin. Guy just touched him, Aldrin punched him. Judge threw out case.



I like how they tried to paint the white dude as a racist but the black girls were screaming "Beat up whitey!" as the 'thug' moved to the front.


So much stupid in this video :lol

From stirring up conversations about racism with strangers on a bus, to old people asking for shoeshines and calling people "pinky", to throwing a punch a ta huge man, and finally the people telling the kid he could press charges, when he started the fight :lol


joelseph said:
Getting away from the situation means not fighting. Some drunk Vet tried to get into it with me on the bus last night because I wouldn't give my seat up to a woman. Guess what? I ignored him.

You sir, are a gentleman!


joelseph said:
Getting away from the situation means not fighting. Some drunk Vet tried to get into it with me on the bus last night because I wouldn't give my seat up to a woman. Guess what? I ignored him.
I would have beat the fuck out of you right then and there.


Neo Member
KHarvey16 said:
I'm doing you a favor by only quoting the beginning. Take the hint.
Wasn't intended to provoke. Was towards the comments on youtube.
I have a dark skin color and just could see people being annoyed by 2 dumb women who call out stupid things. So please do bitch about my comment.
Sho_Nuff82 said:
I think the word you're looking for is discrimination. Racism is the thought, discrimination is the act.

Descrimination requires power, be it physical, numerical, social, or financial.

not exacty. to subjugate is to have power and control over someone and this is the basis of racism. racial descrimination, prejudice, stereotypes do fall under the hat of racism but they aren't the defining of racism. i'll give you an example of how real racism works. racism would work like this, china taking over russia and oppressing the ppl of russia for a considerable amount of time. the chinese would have to put the russians in a unrealistic situation were russian ppl are denied education, they're put in an enviroments where oppression is evident and negative enegry is recycled to the point were they alienate one another. the chinese would also have to make the russians accept their religion and gods to further put the chinese closer to the higher being in the russian's mind. as generations past the chinese still being in control would have to oppress the russians through other means, tv, music, and news to continue the capture of the russian's mind so they dont think to do a up rising or some sort. I could go on for days but i doubt gaf has enough bandwidth :lol like i said racism is not calling someone a n word or pinky, that's more or less being prejudice, racism is on a deeper level.


Jebuss said:
Wasn't intended to provoke. Was towards the comments on youtube.
I have a dark skin color and just could see people being annoyed by 2 dumb women who call out stupid things. So please do bitch about my comment.

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